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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. what theheck i died cuz this mage used :The Cancellation" spell on me then a war use paralize :(






    In he first place how the heck did that mage get "Cancellation?" really wierd its not easy to get the manuel :mellow:




    so if u can find out who it is then it would b great and helpful


    "Who it is" is Bro.


    The only time I've seen him use it, is during a crusade, when no one can (normally) see his name.


    But I've checked, and yes, it is Bro who has cancellation.

  2. So we had one HC summoned in town today, amongst other monsters like Barlogs, Nizies, and the like, and here's what happened.


    After a while of chasing, we manage to box it.


    IPB Image


    We kill it, and I jump on the drop so I can food it.


    IPB Image


    This happens.


    IPB Image


    Violador goes to jail, DeMoNz jumps the drop, and jacks it.


    Now he claims it was an m.shield, but he picked it up before anyone got to see, so no one really knows what it was. He refuses to food it.


    I come here to make a request, of no more HC's or TW's or any monster above in town any more.


    Why? Because Elvine can't get along right now, and they can go elsewhere for their rares, and I know Hunter has promised before to stop summoning them, if this kept happening. (It was NEWBIT@H summoning today)

  3. First of all, I'm going to address how to fix the strip rate.



    Have you ever sat and thought about why both BBH's and DK Armors have 30k endurance, yet nothing else does? Have you ever thought about that maybe, just maybe, if endurance on your armor affects how often it gets stripped, that maybe endurance on the weapon affects the strip rate also?


    Think about it, lower the endurance on BBH's and DK Armors, and you'll have a lower strip rate on BBH's, and DK Armors will be able to be stripped by normal BH's and (after a LOT of hits) normal Hammers.


    Just lower the endurance on BBH's to a little above Normal BH's, and it should work out.




    Next up, paralize.



    Now sit here and think a minute, if you raise the time on para, this is going to affect EVERYONE, not just the level 180s with their DK Armor. You know those 30 vit PL Raiders? They're going to complain, and complain a lot when their precious little mages die to one war who got a lucky para.


    That, and if you know how to aim paralize, you don't NEED a longer time on it. :sleep:




    DK Armors.



    I like Khelben's idea of having them questable, as it really will make the game a bit more interesting, and give people something better to do than sit AFK in WH. It will also be something different for this server, and things like that will probably attract more players.


    Also, getting rid of the PA is very nais. :lol:




    AMP and M. Shields.



    King!!, if you haven't realized, any GOOD mage can keep another mage PFA'd very easily, and keep themselves AMP'd at the same time. It just takes practice. If we take out AMP, more people will complain about that than if we take out M. shields or raise the paralize time. I think that once the DK's sets have been nerfed a bit, M. Shields won't make warriors quite as invincible, and possibly get rid of the need for an INT requirement.






    Just my two cents. :ph34r:

  4. One thing I request though, can we PLEASE get rid of the snow? I'm dropping 30-40 FPS every time I run out of wh. :o


    I know its possible to switch the rain with snow, so if you and farjat know how, Sexy, could you do it please? ^_^


    Thats one hell of an idea i should have thought of that i look at the code now and see how easy it is to do.


    Thank you





    No Sexy, thank YOU. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :wub:

  5. I can see you all have your head up his *censored* pretty far.


    You also seem to think I care if you like me.


    If Hunter wouldnt mistreat me, abuse his powers on me, I wouldnt be in the situation I am right now. He started this, not me. Hes the one who thinks its OK to pick on me and only me all the time. Well *censored* that, I stand up for myself.


    I come back to the server, first thing that happens? Hunter mutes me for an hour for saying *censored*. Yeah Im sure he mutes everyone who says *censored* for an hour, right? NO.


    And just now during his event, he wouldnt TP me, I whispered for 3-4 minutes asking for TP, and he just ignores me.


    If things were fair, I wouldnt act like this anymore. Hunter wont drop it, so it continues, im not leaving unless Lorraine wants me too.


    Oh so YOU'RE Masquerade, that explains a lot. :sleep:


    Back to the point, I SERIOUSLY doubt that Hunter started the problem, seeing how you're acting now.


    Doing all this isn't helping, either.

  6. You dont know me, and you seem to be on a disconnect from whats happening here, so please be quiet.


    You think what Hunter is doing now is right? This isnt HB Hunter. How a dare a GM tell the Owner she cant do something or that she is wrong for doing something on HER server SHE pays for.


    People dont like Hunter, im one of the few who will speak up. Everyone knows what happens if you badmouth Hunter. I get hour mutes for saying "*censored*". Hunter leaves me out of events he needs to TP me too. Sounds like he needs help running a fair event too.


    "People" don't like Hunter lucanesti, YOU don't like Hunter.



    And when not just one, but BOTH Admins all but disappeared for 5+ months, Hunter was pretty much the only one running the server on the front side. When Sexy comes ingame to do something that was against one of her own rules, I can see why Hunter wouldn't be very happy with it.

  7. Frost, it CAN'T be the same Xelima Rapier.



    First of all, look here and notice the time:



    IPB Image



    Secondly, look at the time in this pic:


    IPB Image




    Eight hours later.


    Another thing, Teteu loaned that Xelima Rapier to Shag to use, and no one else. As far as I know, Teteu doesn't even know Mrs-Skillz ingame, and I know Shag wouldn't lend it to anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Shag said in the pic, "how you get that xer omg."



    My point being, that is NOT the same Xelima Rapier, and there is (or possibly was, if it's been deleted by now) another Xelima Rapier running amock.

  8. ' date='Dec 13 2007, 11:00 PM' post='197143']

    I Heard One Elvine Say he could See Aresden's Name dureing Sade.


    And Civillians in ML AND enemy town dureing sade. Apparently you COULD kill them, But As for EK I'm not sure.


    And for some reason my Summoncreature command doesn't work. B)


    Other than that all has seemes good from what I've heard.


    Peace B)


    Civilians have always been able to do that, as far as I know. They've been doing it all of Nemesis 2, and yes, you can get EKs off of them. ;)


    For example, one Ares civilian was actually training in our town scorps after a crusade one saturday night. It was rather annoying, because we couldnt detect him when he invised to hide from our summons. :lol:

  9. Are the endurances on DK sets the same, or have you lowered them?


    Because I think if you lower the endurance on the BBH, that will lower the strip rate of it. Seeing as how the endurance on your armor affects the strip rate, maybe it's the same with Hammers. Lower end of BBH and DK set, and people will be happier since 180s won't be insane to kill if you're not 180 yourself.