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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. Mages make more eks than a war but Mage die more often too.


    I have a mage with 200 int 200 mag and a row... the damage is not great but i can deal with it.

    What it is annoying me is the Ms and MMM damage.

    With Ms, I can do a max of 60 damage with some luck to a war with 10 Mag.

    With MMM, a max of 50 damage.


    LS damage sux too...


    Blizzard damage is fine. :lol:


    I have to agree about the damage of the other spells though, it is really low. A mage with maxed skills should be hitting criticals with LS during a crusade on a war with low mag/MR, yet it does crap damage. Wassup with that? :blink:

  2. I'd love to see more PVP events, but I think the only real rules for items should be no activated weapons/armor, and no tower+m.shield.


    If you want a real tournament, find a GM who will be willing to take care of all of it, and see how it goes from there.

  3. Not too different, but what if we had a couple random boss monsters spawning in ML? Maye a random Wyvern or Fire Wyvern running rampant in ML, as a set spawn. Would make it a bit more interesting in there. :D



    Also, maybe some battlemage spells? Something that would take around 140-150ish int, and do decent damage, but not as strong as blizzard. Would make a few more viable options for Battlemages.

  4. I'd second the sleeping idea.


    I also like the idea of taming to a certain extent, maybe not much more than demons? I'm not sure...HC taming could prove..interesting. O.o


    I also like tailoring, but we could probably add more to it to make it worthwhile, instead of just robes/leather/hats/etc. Maybe a cloth armor for more str? Ooooh...lower level battlemages and mages with cloth armor! :lol:

  5. Maybe the game is treating the structures as normal monsters...so there may be a setting within the monster configurations that makes them "unmovable".


    I've never tried, but if I'm right - I think the structures in the heldenian map don't move from MMM. Not certain, but if that's the case - try cross examining between the crusade structures and the heldenian structures for inconsistencies.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but MMM doesn't seem to be flying PFMed people OR monsters in general, maybe the settings were mixed up somehow?

  6. IPB Image


    IPB Image


    IPB Image


    IPB Image


    nezz! was the first mage, couldnt find the name of the second mage.


    I don't care how it's done, I want this stopped, because this is an extremely lame tactic, and against the server rules.



    To those people who would say "It doesn't matter, you lost anyways" I say this. If we let it go on now, how are you going to make people realize it's illegal in the future?



    And to the other Elvine Guildmasters, LOG FOR THE CRUSADES. :glare:

  7. My thoughts?



    HC drops were/are bugged. How else could 5 of the extremely rare HC items drop so quickly?


    We KNOW the Cancellation Manual drop from Cyclops was bugged, yet nothing was done about that. Two, read it, TWO Cancellation Manuals have been dropped. That may not seem like much, but coming from something thats supposed to have less than .001% chance of drop? Even if you knew how to affect the drop rate, I doubt that would happen normally.



    Now there are 3+ IE Necks from HC's, 2 IE Swords from HC's, and 1 Merien Shield from HC's. How can you say this is not bugged?


    My suggestion? Fix the Drop Rate on HCs back to normal, and delete the "God" items that the HC's dropped.


    Make it so the players can't abuse a bug to get extremely rare drops.


    Because, as you all should know, abusing ANY bug in-game is illegal here.


    Why should this be any different?

  8. Also, i tested a new weapon i got in a trade, the BloodAxe.

    Ok, BloodAxe is a special item because it gives 20% less regens, but when i went to test, i used a bbh first. I crit with bbh twice, and then get the regens(56)

    Then, i crit with the bloodaxe, i get the same result, its like the regen dmg does not even work.

    Plz fix ty!!! :lol:


    That sounds confusing =X

    Did you crit someone with BBh and they regenned, then you crit that same person with blood axe and they regenned again? That would not be a bug since blood weapons give additional HitProb and have the detriment of capping the user's max hp to 80% of max hp as well as capping hp regens to 80% of vitality points. Blood weapons don't handicap the opponent's vitality =.=


    On the other hand, if you mean you regenned to full hp while using a blood axe then yes that is a bug.

    nono, im talking they regen to full hp after two crits 60+ . 110 vit, regen -20% does not make sense. it is bugged



    That answer your question baggy? :mellow:

  9. It is perfect IGs pit are not here anymore, not because they are bugged... just because now the drop rate do works... and with an IG pit you will have the server full of IE NEcks.



    If farjat sayed it will removed the 4th of january... cant you just wait FOUR days?



    Elvine has the Rudy pit near LML, even in a raid time of ONE minute ares can still get eks there.... and it is fine.


    And even though Aresden's rudy pit is on the other side of town, it's not hard to get there for -30 seconds if you know what you're doing. ;)