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Posts posted by wutafreek

  1. Oldies > elv + ares combined

    and you just established yourselves as the first to die, have fun with that :)


    I hope elv+ares team together just to prove you wrong!!


    Na no elv would want aresden to get the items. Besides, all the guilds suck

    zzang = free ek for ares

    rawr lets not even get into that guild


    survivors-lol 2 people online

    equilibrium- lol mass noobs free ek also


    If you want to say something, go right ahead and say it.

  2. Just to explain one rule that I know some people will be asking about...


    ' date='Feb 10 2008, 07:09 PM' post='202118']

    10- If you get Disconnected during the event, we cannot bring you back. U are Out.


    The reason (from my understanding) is that it's too dang hard to keep track of who might have DCed and who died, and if GM's are allowed to TP people back in who DCed, then it'll just get confusing as to who might be lying about the DCing or not.


    It's the rule, so even if you have a bad connection, you'll just have to deal with it. :sleep:



    Also, AWESOME event, I'll be there if at all possible! :D

  3. zzz Armor break doesnt work so how do you want to break someones armor? I have tested it and didnt lose 1 end on armor.

    Like i'm saying i dont have problem with the droprate but it seems like it has increased because i keep getting drops. Even though i want some good items i dont want them to lose value because its 2 easy to get armor drops.

    Well im off hunting some more armors XD


    I heard that AB only works on members of the opposite town - like MIM. :mellow:

  4. I agree that we don't need an Ettin pit, we ABSOLUTELY do not need an increase on Frost drop rates, and if you aresdens want to be scorp heros so badly, find a way to do it. :glare: Or just switch aresden's scorp and snake pit to make it even. :sleep:


    If we add a raid day during the week, I'd say 15 minutes on Wednesday is enough. We do still want new people to train in peace, but I think they can survive 3 days of peace. B)

  5. Jingle Bells Wuta Smellz

    Wuta layed an egg

    I think that

    wuta stinks

    and crowd say

    Happy Birthday! <----------- be quit so what i can make up a rhyme for the last line! :angry:






    Anyways my point is: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


    PS: Send me some cake! :lol:


    Cake? I want cake! My mother hasn't made me one yet. :(

  6. yes 45 seconds is good for mages now..


    str dun give more points to HP now

    war whit 130 vit got 760 hp wtf??

    and peoples are crying to change zerk to 60 seconsd????


    war is sux whit that ..

    bbh damage so LOW !!


    change zerk time to 60 seconds..

    will be good !



    Warriors do not need to have a longer berserk time. If you want to be able to zerk yourself more, GET MORE MAG OR FIND A MAGE.


    Not that hard. :glare: