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Everything posted by wutafreek

  1. wutafreek

    Crusade Tp Abuse !!!

    Hunter agrees, and so do I. http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.ph...52&hl=abuse :glare:
  2. wutafreek

    Bbh This Destroying To The Server

    Funny, wars can go for 200 str BH. BH Strips a heck of a lot less, and probably does roughly the same damage.
  3. wutafreek

    Ffs I Need A Gm Ingame Now

    Thank you so much for coming Hunter, I'm really sorry it messed up your time in the sade. :blush:
  4. wutafreek

    Bbh This Destroying To The Server

    After fighting with a BBH war just now, I agree wholeheartedly. BBH was meant for a lvl 180 server with DK sets. Blizz was made for 140(+) servers. For example: I recalled back to elvine after leveling up, went to BS, and repaired all my armor. I go outside, see some ares wars with a BBH war, and I start fighting. After getting hit a couple of times with the BBH, my chain starts getting stripped EVERY HIT. Few minutes later, I go back into BS to repair my chain, and it's at 537 endurance. Now tell me, why should mages need to repair every time they fight with a BBH war? If Sexy and farjat can't figure out how to lower strip%, just remove the freaking BBH. Wars will survive without it. :glare:
  5. wutafreek

    General Suggestion

    :blink: sorry if I provoked you.. or did you mean something else? :D He meant that it was a good post and it made him think. ^_^
  6. wutafreek

    Stronger Thathey Should Be

    130 str, 140 dex, 100 vit. Decent pl raider.
  7. wutafreek

    Second Crusade Added To Schedule

    Hunter already posted a topic concering this: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16355 And Wed. afternoon at 3pm (server time) is what was decided.
  8. wutafreek

    Party Sux...

    Yes it is the point. When 2 people of equal lvls are in party, they each get half of the normal exp from each monster they kill. Normally, they would kill it faster than one person alone could, giving them overall more exp in less time than they would get normally. If there's 3 peeople of equal lvls, then each person gets 1/3 of the exp from each monster. In a simpler way: 2 people=lower exp each monster 2 people=kill each monster faster 2 people=get more exp faster than 1 person 1 person=full exp each monster 1 person=kill each monster slow 1 person=get less exp It has been like that since HB Int, and it is staying that way. Hope that helps. :sleep:
  9. wutafreek

    Where Is Everyone?

    True Hunter. I think the main problem right now is that for a lot of people, it's the end of the school year, so they don't have as much time to mess around. Once summer comes and the most annoying bugs are fixed (I.E. cast bug, strip %, and (in my opinion) the magic damage :unsure: ) I think a lot of people will start drifting back to the server, including me. :lol:
  10. wutafreek

    What Is This?

    It's happening to me too, no idea what it is. :wacko:
  11. wutafreek

    General Suggestion

    It was a very nice post, and your english isn't bad. ^_^ 1. I agree with you on Lightning Strike damage, and the admins are (hopefully) working on raising it. I've seen Armor Break with stripping used on other servers, and it's really nice. It would give wars another reason to raid with mages, especially if the war isn't using a hammer. 2. Not too bad of an idea, but skills were made that way for a reason. If you do it that way, there will be a lot more mages/wars running around in manu armor using invis pots. ;) If the admins do decide to change it, I'd suggest just lowering it some, and not changing it to the -50% formula. 3. Not a bad idea, but I personally think farm should stay. It gives new players a place to train in peace, instead of crowding town scorps even more. ;) Plus, if we change it to go directly to pl, that just means even more PL blizz mages raiding town scorps. :ph34r: 4. Agreed. ^_^ 5. That's a really good idea I think, and it would be awesome if the GM's could incorporate it somehow. I think it should be 1-3 personally, and played by good EKers of each class (war, mage, bmage). ;) It would be a fun way to get each town to work together. ^_^
  12. wutafreek

    I'm Sorry To Flip Out Now !

    I agree with you completely Mirai, I mean, GM's have to take a lot of bull from players. I've been a GM on another server, and I've experienced this, though on a lesser scale. I know there's always some decent players, who do their best not to complain, but for every one of those there seems to be about 3 more that are like uiman. GM's have lives guys, and when they take a break from their life to do something NICE for you guys, and if all you do is COMPLAIN about it, they may just stop doing those nice things. Think about it for a second. If you were a GM who did a summon event for example, and you had 10 people complaining about what THEY think you did wrong, would you want to do any more events? No, not really. Hunter still does them, but you never know. He may decide to stop doing events altogether, and how fun would it be then? P.S. These are just my opinions. I'm not speaking for Hunter, or any other GM. I'm just trying to get you guys to think about it a bit more.
  13. wutafreek

    Where Is Everyone?

    I am currently procrastinating my homework, even though I have a crapload of it. :huh: I'm finishing up school until fall this friday, so I'll be on a lot more after that. ^_^
  14. wutafreek


    Usually if the mage asks the war, and you do it on the map that you're planning on partying in (and not in town/etc.) it works out. If you did do that, then we'll have to wait and see. :wacko:
  15. wutafreek

    Gm Take Action In This

    I'm really sorry to hear that people are such jerks, and I hope you won't have to deal with that in the future Mirai. I agree with Hunter on this one, Marcloc needs to be muted for a VERY long time. :glare:
  16. wutafreek

    Hunter's Awesome Event!

    Here's us after downing one of the HC's: Here's us lining up for the drops: Post what screenshots you took! Thanks so much Hunter! We all love you so much! :wub: :wub: :wub:
  17. wutafreek

    Merien Plate To Now !?

    I hope you aren't serious. Rares are a part of this game, and they make it more interesting. Some of them however, like the elemental necks and SB, were created for a 180 server, and I agree that those should be deleted and taken from drop list. BUT, that is Sexy and farjat's decision, and all we can do is be patient and wait. :sleep:
  18. wutafreek

    Merien Plate To Now !?

    This guy has the right idea. In nemesis 1, there was higher exp, which meant we didn't have to kill as many monsters to get to max. Here, however, a lot of people are going to be killing a lot of monsters, which means that there are gonna be a couple rares in-game not from HC's or TW's. It's just a fact of life on a low exp server. :sleep:
  19. wutafreek

    I Noticed...

    Actually, Merline's topic was posted early yesterday morning, and this one was posted even earlier this morning. :rolleyes: *pokes Nuts* You need to come back to Elvine. :ph34r:
  20. wutafreek

    Question To Gm's

    The only way anyone can check rep right now is either using a righteous weapon and calculating the damage, or having an admin check the files. As for the /who command, I know that (some) of the GMs can use it and Hunter will usually tell you if he's online and you ask him to check. I personally think that we don't need either of those commands for players to use. It's just more work for Sexy and farjat, and if this server ever got the /checkrep command, everyone would become rep whores. :wacko:
  21. wutafreek

    I Noticed...

    Apparently you missed this topic; http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16354 :ph34r:
  22. wutafreek

    Playing Again

    Those guilds may not be there, but ';..;' Rawr is up and running and looking for good/experienced and active players. :unsure: And there's an average of 100+ people online according to the last I hear from Hunter.
  23. wutafreek

    Max Level

    Not everyone is going to make a PL raider. Some people want to hit 140 so they can own all the noobs. :lol:
  24. wutafreek

    Second Crusade

    I'd personally go with Wed. evening or morning, or sometime on Sunday.
  25. Someone explain this to me please. :glare: