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Everything posted by wutafreek

  1. wutafreek

    Event Gms..

    Anyways, to add to my last post, I'd be willing to help set up hunts in Elvine, but only if I had 1 mage and/or 1 war who know what they're doing to help keep the newbies in line. They'd have to be people that are lvl 100 or 110+, and very patient with newbies, which cancels out several higher lvl Damnation members. (No offense guys :wub:) What I'm talking about is basically making hunts designed for the newbies to learn, for example, maybe with ettin hunts we could have one war tank with a waxe+tower, a mage to back him and heal him, and (maybe) another mage to zerk (I say maybe because if I have an experienced mage to fill that first position, I can use my battlemage for zerking/backup healing). Then with the rest of the warriors, I could teach them the X formation. I personally know it can be a pain to teach people the X formation right before an HC hunt, so here I'm attempting to teach them starting on smaller things, but still have fun doing it. The bright side of doing this with ettins is I can have as many people as can fit in a party (eight), and still have a use for everyone. If we have a lot of wars, they can use bows. (Longbows would work if they don't have a lot of cash, but no flame bows) If we have a lot of mages, then the "tank" can use a normal weapon, and just have several mages healing him. Some hunt ideas are Ogres, WWs, Ettins, Stalkers, Demons in the Dungeons, and possibly DV. Like my idea Hunter/Frost/Other GMs? ^_^ My only problem would be getting a time to do so, with my busy schedule. I'm thinking of wednesday nights after the sade or saturday nights before the sade. I'm usually on those times, but if any GM would be interested in helping me get some newbish Elvines and getting an Aresden to do this in their town also, I would appreciate the help. Just an idea. :sleep:
  2. wutafreek


    Not always so with warriors. With warriors, its mainly items and stats vs. items and stats. Unless I'm missing something...? Anyways, why not just get rid of DK armor altogether, and bring back Master armor? Or just put DK armor stats the same as Master armor. I'm not sure if it was used on USA/Int because I never played Int past p2p and never played USA, but on HBMog (Dead server, forum mods) they had it, and it was a bit more defense and endurance than knight, buyable in the BS. Why not just keep DK Weapons (lower the damage a little if needed), and lower DK armor down to Master armor? I'm not saying make it so a lvl 160 warrior can kill a lvl 180 with ease, I'm just saying lower the defense and endurance of it. It will still probably take several people to down a lvl 180, no matter what armor they use. Anyways, as long as strip rate is fixed, normal item drop rate is fixed, and I can get blizz on both my characters, I'll be happy. ;)
  3. wutafreek

    Event Gms..

    Maybe if it's not even daily events or GM's doing them, but getting some people to organize hunts with each town more often. Now it would have to be someone who's REALLY patient with the newbies, but also someone with a firm hand who won't tolerate bitching. I'm not talking about just Ettin or toh hunts, maybe small things like Ogres or WWs with a group of 5 or so people. Once the normal item drop rate is fixed (NOT rares), then it'll be more interesting to the people. The leader would just have to make it clear that he/she is taking all the armor/weapon/rare drops, and will food them at the end of the hunt. Just an idea. ^_^
  4. wutafreek

    The Way I Think About The Situation.

    The drop rate does not neccesarily need to be raised, only fixed to where monsters drop what they should. Exp COULD be a little higher, but not much at all IMO. :sleep:
  5. wutafreek

    Request Of Older Players

    Agreed. I need to get rid of stuff like that too. ^_^
  6. wutafreek

    Priest Class

    One thing I have to point out about the priest class is the full regeneration spell. How are you going to make it so priests can't spam that spell on people? Make it have a high MP requirement? Make it have a stat requirement of high mag and high chr? Make it have a time limit like special activations, but shorter? Make it a mixture of all those things? How did they do it on HBRed at least? Just a couple things to think about before giving the idea to the admins. ^_^ Also, I would personally LOVE any additions special to Bmages here. I've actually seen some battlemage knight armor on one (now dead) HB server, which I think was a bit more defense, with a str and int requirement.
  7. wutafreek

    *hot* Summer Event Friday Night 8pm Server Time

    Noobs stealing exp? Thats why you get everyone in a party or crim on them purposely. :D
  8. wutafreek

    *hot* Summer Event Friday Night 8pm Server Time

    I am TERRIBLY sorry I missed it, I would've been here but I got held up with what I was doing. :( :( :( Hope you guys had fun, sorry again I couldn't make it. :mellow:
  9. wutafreek

    Request Of Older Players

    Just for the record, I'm better at blizz mages than LS dex mages. :rolleyes: And I might know a bit more than the average HB player, but it's enough for me. :D Once I level up my battlemage, you'll really see my l337 sk1lls. :lol:
  10. wutafreek

    *hot* Summer Event Friday Night 8pm Server Time

    Well I just looked at the time of what I'm doing tonight, and if I'm going to be late it SHOULDN'T be more than 15-20 minutes, but don't hold me to that. :mellow:
  11. wutafreek

    Request Of Older Players

    That's really sad, and I'm someone who always tries to be helpful. I'm shocked at you guys. :sleep: The only way we're gonna get more players is if you guys are nice to the ones we have, and if you don't want to answer the same question over and over, then please, don't reply at all. No answer is better than a mean one. You can also just give them the address to hbportal, www.hbportal.net which can answer most any question about HB. In conclusion, please, just be nicer to the newbies. :sleep:
  12. wutafreek

    *hot* Summer Event Friday Night 8pm Server Time

    Where do I sign? :D On a side note, if you wanna choose another Elv mage I won't mind. I like my battlemage in hunts better anyways. ^_^ (That, and I may be late to tomorrow's event :() To everyone else: Look forward to seeing pictures of tonights event (and hopefully tomorrow's event) either tomorrow night or saturday in the SS forum! I'll try to get tons from tomorrow if I'm here for it. ^_^
  13. Khelben - Awesome idea, thanks for helping out. ^_^ Hunter - It took 10 hits because it's a +1, but it still sucks majorly. :mellow:
  14. wutafreek

    Change To Ares!

    Why do you wanna leave me? :unsure:
  15. wutafreek

    Meats And Baguettes

    All food helps HP and MP regen, but the ones I listed for MP help rec it faster (bigger recs) than others. :D
  16. wutafreek

    Meats And Baguettes

    Meat - HP. Baguettes, Orc Meat, Troll Meat - MP. I've tested this a lot on my characters, and I'm very sure about it. :sleep:
  17. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.30

    Majestics (used for changing stats in this server now) aren't working right now, and there are no angels as far as I know.
  18. wutafreek

    Dream Owns

    I wasn't there either, but I'm glad to hear Dream[GM] does a good job of handling the whiners. GO DREAM! ^_^
  19. wutafreek

    Full Hero Blizz Mage In Elv

    Not even Aiacos has Full Hero, and now Hermione has it? :glare: Can you say...LAMER?
  20. wutafreek

    Quite Nessesary

    High AND medium, Hunter. :unsure:
  21. wutafreek

    Full Hero Blizz Mage In Elv

    I haven't seen any hard proof (though I vaguely remember a topic showing her possibly laming a while back), but it seems extremely unlikely that Hermione has gotten full hero legitimately, because A. I almost NEVER see her in PL where she claims to have gotten all her eks except when she was lvling in CGs with a warrior about a month or so ago (unless she got FH during the 2 weeks I was gone), and B. From everything I've heard from other players, she can't aim blizz very well at all. You can blow off my first reason by saying she raided Aresden a ton, and I can't say anything to that, except that she claimed to have "killed mass noobs in PL." She could just be raiding at different times than me, but I'm not sure. The second reason you can blow off if you've actually seen her fighting well, and I can't say anything to that, because I've never seen her fighting in PL. I'm just going by what I've heard on the second reason. Anyways, one of the main points of this topic was to bring it to the Sexy and farjat's attentions, so they could check if she really has lamed or not, seeing as I have no real proof, just speculation.
  22. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.30

    I think can still full swing my staff with 34 str, though I may be wrong, I don't have any other chars to test with. If anyone could test with a low-str char, that would be nice. Other than that, the password changing isn't working, but I'm sure you've seen the other posts about that. :sleep:
  23. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.30

    Agreed, me and torana BOTH need PW changes ASAP. If either Sexy or farjat could do that for us, PLEASE let us know. :sleep:
  24. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.30

    I'm almost in ecstasy about the cast bug being fixed. :mellow: Happy to hear about the other stuff too, though. :P
  25. wutafreek

    Done: Run Autoupdate

    I think he has the point guys, so how about you only post if you DO get it to work? Makes it easier for farjat to read the posts. ;) (Didn't work for me)