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Everything posted by wutafreek

  1. wutafreek


    You're forgetting the Elvine mage who traded for a Cancel manual that was dropped by a Cyclops, about a month or two into HB Nem2. He hasn't played in a while, though.
  2. wutafreek


    So if Bro ISN'T Tyrone, then who the hell is he? :glare:
  3. wutafreek


    "Who it is" is Bro. The only time I've seen him use it, is during a crusade, when no one can (normally) see his name. But I've checked, and yes, it is Bro who has cancellation.
  4. wutafreek


    Who? Bro How? Legit drop. ._.
  5. wutafreek

    Request To The Gms

    Actually, they are STD Strip to Die guild now. Still the same retards though. :glare:
  6. wutafreek

    Feliz Navidad/merry Christmas!!

    Merry Christmas and Feliz Navidad to all! :D
  7. wutafreek

    Ss Evento De Navidad

    No, mira aqui: Rules We really need an update and a translation on those... :blink:
  8. wutafreek


    Please tell me this is a joke post. PLEASE! :blink:
  9. wutafreek

    Crusade, Heldenian

    Crusades are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 14:30 (2:30) pm server time (3:30 pm EST) and I don't think Hunter has set a schedule for Heldenians yet. Topic for crusade times: Crusade Times
  10. wutafreek

    Dk Or No Dk?

    Wtf? Since when are normal HAMMERS not supposed to be stripping? :lol:
  11. wutafreek

    Dk Or No Dk?

    First of all, I'm going to address how to fix the strip rate. Have you ever sat and thought about why both BBH's and DK Armors have 30k endurance, yet nothing else does? Have you ever thought about that maybe, just maybe, if endurance on your armor affects how often it gets stripped, that maybe endurance on the weapon affects the strip rate also? Think about it, lower the endurance on BBH's and DK Armors, and you'll have a lower strip rate on BBH's, and DK Armors will be able to be stripped by normal BH's and (after a LOT of hits) normal Hammers. Just lower the endurance on BBH's to a little above Normal BH's, and it should work out. Next up, paralize. Now sit here and think a minute, if you raise the time on para, this is going to affect EVERYONE, not just the level 180s with their DK Armor. You know those 30 vit PL Raiders? They're going to complain, and complain a lot when their precious little mages die to one war who got a lucky para. That, and if you know how to aim paralize, you don't NEED a longer time on it. :sleep: DK Armors. I like Khelben's idea of having them questable, as it really will make the game a bit more interesting, and give people something better to do than sit AFK in WH. It will also be something different for this server, and things like that will probably attract more players. Also, getting rid of the PA is very nais. :lol: AMP and M. Shields. King!!, if you haven't realized, any GOOD mage can keep another mage PFA'd very easily, and keep themselves AMP'd at the same time. It just takes practice. If we take out AMP, more people will complain about that than if we take out M. shields or raise the paralize time. I think that once the DK's sets have been nerfed a bit, M. Shields won't make warriors quite as invincible, and possibly get rid of the need for an INT requirement. Just my two cents. :ph34r:
  12. wutafreek

    Lights And Music

    Thats one hell of an idea i should have thought of that i look at the code now and see how easy it is to do. Thank you Sexy No Sexy, thank YOU. ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :wub:
  13. wutafreek

    Lights And Music

    One thing I request though, can we PLEASE get rid of the snow? I'm dropping 30-40 FPS every time I run out of wh. :o I know its possible to switch the rain with snow, so if you and farjat know how, Sexy, could you do it please? ^_^
  14. wutafreek

    Lights And Music

    Awesome Sexy, thanks! ^_^
  15. wutafreek

    Removing All Mutes

    Oh so YOU'RE Masquerade, that explains a lot. :sleep: Back to the point, I SERIOUSLY doubt that Hunter started the problem, seeing how you're acting now. Doing all this isn't helping, either.
  16. wutafreek

    Removing All Mutes

    "People" don't like Hunter lucanesti, YOU don't like Hunter. And when not just one, but BOTH Admins all but disappeared for 5+ months, Hunter was pretty much the only one running the server on the front side. When Sexy comes ingame to do something that was against one of her own rules, I can see why Hunter wouldn't be very happy with it.
  17. wutafreek

    Is The Update File Out Yet?

    I'd ask if you were retarded, but you ARE KoR..... Can you login to the game? Can you read the other topics on the forum? I didn't think so. :sleep:
  18. wutafreek

    What Is This???

    Frost, it CAN'T be the same Xelima Rapier. First of all, look here and notice the time: Secondly, look at the time in this pic: Eight hours later. Another thing, Teteu loaned that Xelima Rapier to Shag to use, and no one else. As far as I know, Teteu doesn't even know Mrs-Skillz ingame, and I know Shag wouldn't lend it to anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Shag said in the pic, "how you get that xer omg." My point being, that is NOT the same Xelima Rapier, and there is (or possibly was, if it's been deleted by now) another Xelima Rapier running amock.
  19. wutafreek

    What Is This???

    I was there for all the abby drops, and as far as I know, only ONE Xelima weapon was dropped, [TeTeU]'s Xelima Rapier, which has been deleted.
  20. wutafreek

    Laggy As Hell!!!!!!

    I personally haven't noticed any lag at all, except in the forum. But maybe that's just my computer. :wacko:
  21. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis 4.40!!!!

    Civilians have always been able to do that, as far as I know. They've been doing it all of Nemesis 2, and yes, you can get EKs off of them. ;) For example, one Ares civilian was actually training in our town scorps after a crusade one saturday night. It was rather annoying, because we couldnt detect him when he invised to hide from our summons. :lol:
  22. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis 4.40!!!!

    I don't know if this is a bug or not, but when you use a slate and change maps, the slate's effect goes away. :mellow:
  23. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis 4.40!!!!

    The second my mom is out of the house, I'm going to be screaming with joy. Until then, however, I guess I'll just have to hold it in. :D
  24. wutafreek

    Removing All Mutes

    Well I'm glad I haven't been muted! ^_^
  25. wutafreek

    Game Update

    Here's hoping! :o *crosses fingers*