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Everything posted by wutafreek

  1. wutafreek

    Server Without Disk Space.

    It doesn't matter how long it takes farjat, we will wait. ^_^ Thanks!
  2. wutafreek

    Is It

    Saying stuff like that will only send you on your way to getting an IP ban. ;)
  3. wutafreek


    I think hammer stripping was fixed? I raid for like 20 mins and my set start stripping And still i dont get why DK swords were not lowered in endurance Also i wana add I dont intend to be mean or rude im mexican and i dont speak english the best way =) This is the best priv server i have ever seen or heard off Hammer strip was fixed by having the endurance lowered on DK sets. I think the DK Sword and Wand endurance's werent changed because there's no obvious point to it. :mellow:
  4. wutafreek

    Je L'ai D?j? Vu

    Waitwaitwait, you finished figuring out secrets without telling me?! If you read this Khel, at least give me your MSN so we can still talk. I've missed talking to you in-game and I don't wanna have to try and track you down all over the internet! :lol: Though I will if need be. :ph34r:
  5. wutafreek

    Afk Training

    The problem with this is, if you don't reply to a GM within 60 seconds, they will ban your char. The rule of not training skills while AFK has been on Nemesis for a long time, and you'll have to wait for a GM to respond as to the reason why. I can't remember exactly. :mellow:
  6. wutafreek

    Afk Training

    It is true. It's also true that you are not allowed to use a macro to train skills while AFK. As long as you are at the computer and can respond to a GM while you're training a skill, you're fine. Just don't do it while AFK. :lol:
  7. wutafreek

    Polite Question

    How about post in english since is an english topic? ffs :glare: How about not to read what u cant understand since u dont know spanish :D thats just the point. we cant understand what people are saying and we are curious tho. they are talking on-topic i guess and i want to know what they have to say about the subject. please dont be a smart *censored* we've asked you to post in english many many many times WHEN the topic/thread is made in english language. I dont even click threads that are made in spanish language. so please. try to write in english, you write in english in game too so please use it on forums too. thank you. Maybe, just maybe, the native spanish speakers don't feel like translating every single post they make, since (probably) at least half the rest of the forum members can understand spanish. ^_^ On Topic: EVERY single EK lamer is taken care of, Tav, because we have about 6 GM's that constantly checking the logs for such things. Now if you're talking about level 180s raiding scorps and things like that, well, there isn't much we can do about that without pissing off all the scorp raiders. :lol:
  8. wutafreek

    Funnyest Video In Nemesis History

    Very nice job, the only things I would have done differently would be PFMed him instead of AMPed, actually TIMED the amp ( :P ) and aimed better. ;)
  9. wutafreek

    Summon Event

    Too bad for me, I'll be in class at that time. :lol: Oh well, thanks for doing an event Hunter. B)
  10. Does anyone else find it a little strange that Oldies have now found 7 rares? Ice Elemental Necklace from HC Hunt Ice Elemetal Sword Xelima Blade from TW Hunt MS30 from Liche Merien Necklace Giant Battle Hammer from Mountain Giant Merien Shield from HC Hunt I don't care if they hunt a lot, its still friggin odd how one guild has found so many good rares. :glare:
  11. wutafreek

    So Oldies Have Merien Shield Now

    We never see another elvs hunting. And when we hunt , we kill a lot. I never see you hunting either, but just because we don't see each other that doesn't mean we aren't hunting.
  12. wutafreek

    /dkset Not Working

    Farjat just mentioned ingame that it is fixed now, I even tested it myself. ^_^
  13. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.50

    Well why dont you just make it safe to get dm3 at the same time? -_- Even if USA has it, I still dont like it.
  14. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.50

    It's not bad, but it'll annoy me if I keep both the /showframe and /showtime on at the same time. :lol: Thanks for the update farjat, is very nais. :wub:
  15. wutafreek

    Yo No Soy :s

  16. wutafreek

    Server Down?!

    Will you stop bumping up old topics just to spam Xeld-? :glare:
  17. wutafreek

    Lower Crit Regen Time For Wars

    Zerked wars can do enough damage to mages as it is, don't give them faster crit regen. Pure wars shouldn't be PVPing alone anyways. :sleep:
  18. wutafreek

    Helbreath Nemesis Hacked.

    Farjat, look at his history. Look at what he's done to the other private servers by handing out rares. You may not be giving him a GM to create the items, but he's already proved to everyone that he can still create rares. There are people out there who can code, and who don't have such a bad history as Jaapy. Find one of those people, and leave Jaapy banned. :sleep:
  19. wutafreek

    Where Do These Drop?

    Why must you bump old topics just to spam? :glare:
  20. wutafreek

    Musslegirl Medusa

    Is that why the server is down atm? :huh:
  21. wutafreek

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    cuz i wasnt there maybe? DUH If cakez was there they'd all be dead. :(
  22. wutafreek

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    Anything else you'd like to say about the guild that had the top 3 Elvine wars and 3 of the top 6 Elvine mages? B)
  23. wutafreek

    200 Players Connected Summon Event

    Exactly what he said. :sleep:
  24. wutafreek

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    That WOULD be pretty cool, are there any GM's with the ability/desire to do this? ^_^
  25. wutafreek

    Where Do These Drop?

    Yes it does.