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Posts posted by Lewbowski

  1. I don't like either one of you Much.


    But I hope you get your items back.


    And Delete the guy who stole them.


    Mercy... I hope NOW you understand how much stealing Items Suck.


    GL getting them back.

  2. No, He's saying " *censored* You" to my 7 year old son.


    and even if it wasn't my son playing, this is the kind of crap that 90% of this guild put out there on a daily basis.


    This is another reason why Damnation is Killing Blood of elvine on site.


    DJ-Black sould be held accountable for the actions of his guild.

  3. Saviours, never raid, they only sit in elvine, they have massive amount of players, but never do anything but sit in town and chase a ares, then talk shit, saying "Run".


    Whenever somebody asks them to pvp, they accept then 5 minutes later, they call for backup and their whole guild appears in a flash, paraing you and being sore losers. :(



    If I am On I will almost ALways go to "Watch" a pvp so that noone interferes. B)

  4. I think Spud's ek was the best(worst?)


    Even tho he didn't SS the EK... it was clearly the Largest(17) amount of ares kicking my *censored*.


    Wsper me in Game Spud for your shiny New Zem.


    and TY for all who posted!


    Feel free to keep posting

  5. Was this about Fre-party Stealoing someone's m-Stone?


    If it is... That's pretty funny because Free-Pary stole someone's Zem that I dropped and it wasn't his EK.


    Apparently this guy Just cannot understand the concept of fair play.

  6. Lol Rast you need to learn if ya ain't got nothing good to say dun say anything at all.



    and u stay quiet.. i can talk whit my portugues.. so what u go do??


    hahahah .. im talk whit Joker . no one need know what i say ..


    lalala oii esse cara di acme so gosta de agita AUHUAHua =PP piralho..




    then PM him fool, and post all these ek's of mine you claim to have.


    Otherwise stay off my post