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Everything posted by oceaneagle

  1. oceaneagle

    Account Creator

    I wondered why at least two USA players haven't arrived on Nemesis :(
  2. oceaneagle

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Santa would make me very happy if he gave me a ROAM He would make quite happy with a ROGM I would ecstatic if I got ESW (but I know this isn't realistic) Best wishes to all this festive season.
  3. oceaneagle

    Crusade Is Bugged

    Yes! Me too, I got 1 EK today, for me that is mass EKs. :rolleyes:
  4. oceaneagle

    Website Back Online

    Great! I have two friends fwho want to join and one of my son's pals who watched me play and wants to d/l it.
  5. oceaneagle

    Best Helbreath Drop You Ever Got

    Never had a drop worth mentioning but the best thing ever given to me is an MS20 +20 exp wand. My dream drops would be some good MP armour and ESW/BSW.
  6. oceaneagle

    Server Down

    Give the man a break, he has enough on his plate without worrying about Heldenians right now. He has explained that he will give full details later. I know its hard but be patient :)
  7. oceaneagle

    Whats With All The Talking?

    ROFL! Seconded ;)
  8. oceaneagle

    Nemesis 1 Players

    you retard nemesis was never taken off-line it was reset you make it sound like it dissappeared the fact of the matter is YOU LEFT nemesis to go play on HB Legion with brandon you douche bag then you made a topic making it sound like you were a great player on nem1 or that everyone should care that you play here again after you ditched nemesis to me all you were was a Legion kid who ran around like a free ek and then left with brandon oh yeah werent you a GM on hb legion when you ditched nemeis too? Aha! My little aggressive friend with his facts incorrect returns to vent his angst against me. However I will not bother correcting you as you obviously are of a witch hunting mind-set with a penchant for warping the facts to suit his arguments.
  9. oceaneagle

    Eks During Sade

    I regret that the ban on EKs in town during Sade isn't working. I can see why this was tried out but clearly it is having more bad effects than good. PLEASE put it back.
  10. oceaneagle

    Nemesis 1 Players

    When I returned to Nemesis in late November I posted on the Forum that I was a returning player who had played the original Nemesis (Nemesis 1) and had stopped when it was taken off line. To which an aggressive little snot called LOTUS made a reply stating .... "nemesis was never taken off-line what world do u live in?" Your posting is a vindication of what I said and this is Nemesis 2. Anyway, I was oceaneagle in the original Nemesis and I have the same name here on Nemesis 2 furthermore I am very happy that I am not alone on whatever planet I am on ;)
  11. oceaneagle

    Elvine Blocked

    I just got a friend to come to Nem. He reports he cannot get into Elvine as it is blocked. I thought it was Ares that was blocked.
  12. oceaneagle

    Update On Christmas Files

    I have had 2 drop for me so yes it is working
  13. oceaneagle

    Helbreath & Addiction?

    I don't think I am addicted but I do really enjoy playing. However I am generally listening to an Audio Book or watching TV at the same time. I suck at getting EKs and I have NEVER had a decent drop. My main thrill in the game, strange as it sounds, is helping out someone else. If I come across a Newbie I get a kick out of giving them something like a DF10 or LLF Flam. I am not one for siht talking and NEVER get involved in this. I would sooner just walk away. Having said that I delight in seeing others siht talking. Such people seem to have a great difficulty in expressing themselves and never come up with anything original, the word Noob being the extent of their vocabulary. It amuses me to wonder what the siht talkers are like in real life. I visualise little spotty wimps who are bullied at school and hide behind a keyboard to be brave. So am I addicted? Nope! would I rather be down the Pub swilling beer at ?3 a pint and not allowed to smoke? Nope! I would much rather be sitting here cigarette in one hand, coffee in the other and picking out letters with my nose. Other games I have tried don't seem to have the game-play of HB. This is the only game I ever play. My other use of the PC is in Forums providing help to people taking Nautical exams & who have Nautical problems, explaining international regulations and generally assisting people who wish to become Naval Officers. I also help in a Forum dedicated to teaching people English.
  14. oceaneagle

    Eks During Sade

    Valid point, very valid. This of course is an inherent problem with tickling a program. Mess with one thing generates a knock on effect elsewhere.
  15. oceaneagle

    Eks During Sade

    This point is very strong and it makes no sense anymore to limit the players to their towns during Crusade with the current fix. So I think we will remove the locking in town during Crusade to compensate. The other points don't say much. You must see that we did this change to make ppl go to ML for EK and participate in the Crusade. I can understand that locking in town is lame and once u get locked u stop participating the Crusade and stay afk in wh/shop... so we'll fix this. Sounds good? Certainly it is a step worth taking but I for one, being a lazy git, will not be running to ML not knowing where my town or the other town is building and wandering about looking for where the action is. PS. It is nice to see you are open to suggestion and don't take offense when your policy isn't agreed with.
  16. oceaneagle

    Eks During Sade

    OK Mate I will try. People who are unable to TP to ML or other town for one reason or another i.e. Not members of a Guild, have died twice and are restricted to town, Guildmaster isn't on to set a TP. All these good folks tend to just hang around doing nothing. They see no point in fighting and I don't blame them. Furthermore if they have successfully defended or attacked and have gained a kill then surely they deserve the credit for this. To see a lone player attack a swarm of the other town and make a kill before he/she dies themselves and then receive no 'reward' (EK) for their bravery seems unfair to me. Do not mis-understand me. I think it's great that you guys constantly seek to tickle the game and make improvements but I do feel sometimes that old adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it" applies. In today's Crusade the amount of moaning on both sides both in Town, Universal and Guild chat led me to make my comments. Today, Outside Elvine NWH there were a dozen or so players unable to participate in the game for one reason or another. Lazy? I mean to lazy to run where-ever, possibly...... but that is human nature.
  17. oceaneagle

    Server Files Changed.

    Please, I beg you, do not stop EKs in town, it really is doing more harm than good. I think it is great the you experiment but this is one that stops gameplay.
  18. oceaneagle


    I start this thread with this observation and would like to hear other players views. Mages using 'Safe' are penalised severely with a huge drain on Mana. Warriors can use 'Safe' and they are not penalised in any way shape or form. Do you think this is an unfair aspect of the game?
  19. oceaneagle

    Insulting Family Members? Can This Be Tolerate?

    I remember someone insulting my Mother once and saying that he was going to screw my Mum. I told me Mother and she said she would be most Grateful as she is 86 years old and cannot remember that last time someone fancied her. :lol:
  20. oceaneagle

    Ease The Leveling Curve On Mages?

    Unfortunately some contributors to this Forum are unable to make a posting without being aggressive and/or adding an insult or two. Possibly this is an indication of teenage angst which will subside when their hormones stop racing. Harry Enfield portrays this admirably in his 'Kevin' character. Having had my rant. I agree with the more responsible replies that observe that when a Mage is a 180 they enjoy benefits of dealing greater damage. So early leveling hardship is a price you have to pay.
  21. oceaneagle

    Facebook Users.

    Joined! Also HB Players might consider this. In the "what are you doing now" box of Facebook why not tell people that you are on Nemesis playing. It might generate new Players among your friends and family.
  22. oceaneagle

    Is Nemesis Down?

    If it's any help, I have just this minute logged out because of the Server Shut Down Warning. y time is 3.10 GMT
  23. oceaneagle


    Complain? Please re-read my original posting. I merely open the topic as one for discussion and asked for other people's views. You haven't given your view you have answered a question with a question.
  24. oceaneagle

    Server Cleanup

    WOW! I knew the odd person lamed but over a 100 people now that surprises me. Personally I can't see any satisfaction in laming an EK. I don't know about complete bans for these cheaters. I would think stripping them of all EKs and confiscating all rares then a demotion to level 40 would be far better. They can themselves either choose to re-start and play honorably or move on to Runescape.
  25. oceaneagle

    I Am Back.... Sort Of

    Hi there, if you remember me (I was also Bunkup) from the old old days. I am sort of playing again but finding it hard going as a Mage with no MP and starting from scratch. I do try to play an hour or so a day in the hope of getting a drop to trade for MP. So far not a sausage :( Anyways! hi to anyone that remembers me and Hi to those that don't.