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Everything posted by oceaneagle

  1. oceaneagle

    Helgame.exe Has Encounterd A Problem =(

    Maybe the virus removed Direct X?
  2. oceaneagle

    Something I Am Wanting To Say For A Long Time

    Seems the topic of this thread has completely flown over the top of some peoples heads. Again. D'you know I was thinking the self same thing. The actual people, the one's we are talking about, they haven't the remotest idea what this thread is about. They may well read it but as you said it's going over their heads. The thrust of the thread may have been written in Swahili for all the use it is to them.
  3. oceaneagle

    Something I Am Wanting To Say For A Long Time

    There used to be a player who made comments globally that were hilarious. Not for him the Bonehead shouts of "recall" and "Noob" they were waay below his dignity. His insults were worth reading though I doubt if the people he was aiming his taunts at had enough intelligence to realise they were being made fools of.
  4. oceaneagle

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    You are so right. The imbalance seems to regularly sway between towns. It is only a short while ago new players were forced to become Elvine. Now it has swung the other way. On a lighter note. Isn't it great that we are getting such an influx of new players. We have seen many Polish players joining us too, on the whole they seem a great bunch too. I am delighted with it. I think it would be cool if we set up some sort of international code. (The Koreans already call 1 (one) for amp). Perhaps this could be expanded.
  5. oceaneagle

    Lucky Prize Ticket

    The best items I have ever had (and I have spent millions) is a s3x pot and an ogre pot.
  6. oceaneagle

    Angels Affecting Fps

    Funny thing. I recently took delivery of my new PC which I had insisted be installed with XP. My FPS actually rockets up when someone with an Angel is on my screen. As a matter of interest I have my hardware acceleration turned right down to a fraction above zero.
  7. oceaneagle


    I quite fancy the spell, playing the devil's advocate though, would it make life too easy? I don't know I only throw that in the pot for others to comment on. Also the Mages' who have the spell will be constantly pestered by the others to give reports and nagged to go on hunts even when they don't feel like hunting.
  8. oceaneagle

    Lewbowski's Comment

    In Farjat's call for comments on the running of this Server and included in Lew's reply. Lew states that he is too old to be playing Video Games. NO! Lew you are not too old. You are a pioneer. What you must understand is that when you were a pipsqueak games such as this didn't exist. A computer capable of handling the software would need to be the size of a football stadium. Do you really think that the teenagers of today who take all this hardware and software for granted will suddenly at the age of 40 or 50 say "That's it, I am too old now, pass me my pipe and slippers" ? No Lew me old chum. They will be dominating the market having grown up with it, just as you have. You are just a Forerunner and a taste of things to come. It is a fact that the 'Silver Surfers' of the UK already out number the kids. Can you imagine the expertise the likes of Jaapy and Whitey will have acquired by the time they reach middle age. For sure they ain't going to roll over and die. When I first started playing on-line games siht talking hormone racing kids dominated the internet. Now these same kids are in their 20s & 30s and have matured into the backbone of gaming.
  9. oceaneagle

    Nemesis Teamspeak Server

    Brothers in Blood use Ventrilo because it doesn't seem to create any Lag.
  10. oceaneagle

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    If you saw Ares last night (my time) with what looked liked a hundred Elvines milling around outside Aresden Waehouse and Shop you would be back like a shot.
  11. oceaneagle


    Is it constant or just a random crash? I mean, we all crash from time to time. Personally I avoid running anything in the background. I find this helps even though I have 3GB of RAM. Close down your Browser, MSN, Etc.
  12. oceaneagle


    Have you downloaded 4.66? If not do so. Don't play with the updater best is longest, download the whole game again.
  13. oceaneagle

    Old Hb Flash Video

    Ha! Ha! Welcome Meganova to our happy Server. I know who you are on USA. Ares Bewares because when this dude gets going he is going to kick your posteriors all over the place.
  14. oceaneagle


    I have been able to bring back several old players to Nemesis recently, without exception all have had problems with the Updater. I therefore recommended they download the whole game again. This always works, it may be the long way but it is the sure way.
  15. oceaneagle

    Ban Oldies What They Still Doing In Server

    My two penneth. I didn't attend the hunt although I was invited. (The long run was just too much for my old legs ;) ) Also I have seen in the past there's always a bad apple who will steal the drops. My point however is this. It is my understanding that Oldies as a guild play another Server and only come on line with us at week-ends. Can some one confirm or deny this please.
  16. oceaneagle

    Lewbowski's Comment

    "Can you imagine the expertise the likes of Jaapy and Whitey will have acquired by the time they reach middle age. For sure they ain't going to roll over and die" Above is my only reference to your good self and White. I do NOT refer to either of you as a 'kid'. I do in an earlier paragraph state that in the UK Silver Surfers now out-weigh kids but that is not a reference to you. Incidentally if you did call me 'son' or 'kid' I would be quite amused considering I am old enough to be your Granddad. ;)
  17. oceaneagle

    Lewbowski's Comment

    Don't be so touchy and carefully read what I wrote again. No one said anything about you being middle aged now, I said that when you are you will not just roll over and die. Sheesh! Is my writing and grammar that bad?
  18. oceaneagle

    Vote For Nemesis

    On the Nemesis website there are several logos on the bottom right. Help Nemesis grow by clicking on these and voting. Do this regularly. It seems crazy to me that 'Mickey Mouse' HB Servers are rated higher than us.
  19. oceaneagle

    Bounty For Reporting Unattended Macro?

    WHOA! I am strictly against this. It is rather like the East German Stasi, Hitler's Gestapo, Stalin's NKVD. All relying on setting neighbour against neighbour in the hope of reward or currying favour. Jaapy too has a valid point but to me setting up a reward system for being a sneak just doesn't sit right.
  20. oceaneagle


    I think the game is run with a degree of professionalism that you would expect from a commercial enterprise. Of course from time to time things go wrong. So does a Rolls Royce. What amazes me is that if the game does fart, cough or burp then it is fixed rapidly and best of all players are kept informed as to progress in the Forum. My considered opinion is you guys are doing a grand job.
  21. oceaneagle

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    Excellent Whitey.
  22. oceaneagle

    I Just Have To Boast

    I have never been much good at EKs. I plod along and if I get 2 or 3 a week then I consider myself lucky. This weekend I managed 10. I can't believe my good luck. On one occasion two Elvines were bashing away at an Ares with their BBHs and I ran in to help box and hit him with my staff.... he died and I got the EK. I suppose it is selfish of me but I had to chuckle. Oh I died too. In fact died to Lii twice in about 15 minutes losing a Zem to him (her?) each time. I can't complain about that because both times Lii killed me fairly and squarely using his better skills. To the Elvines who helped me .... THANKS! To Lii ..... enjoy my Zems (I m siht talking under my breath ;) ) To anyone who thinks I was Laming this weekend. It wasn't me playing it was my 87 year old mother who got on my PC while I was drunk, out, in the bath, walking the dogs, pick any one that fits.
  23. oceaneagle

    I Just Have To Boast

    I can't go to Bingo, my wife is embarrassed at me leering at the old ladies, especially when they gather around my walking frame admiring the 'go faster' stripes. COR! those wrinkled baggy stockings they wear turn me on and that over whelming smell of Lavender Water coupled to a faint hint of urine is so sensual.
  24. oceaneagle

    I Just Have To Boast

    You probably consider yourself lucky considering how I blizzed you several times before it dawned on me you were on the same side (sorry about that). Incidentally if anyone finds a set of false teeth they are mine I dropped them when you hit me.
  25. oceaneagle

    I Just Have To Boast

    OLD? I am positively ancient. I creak when I walk, slobber when I eat, I mutter to myself and moan about everything.