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Everything posted by JoKy

  1. JoKy

    Game Trivia

    i think is good idea! maybe with little better prizes, like hp/mp/21 armors, stones, gold, zems, m shieldds, emmy, etc... for help beginers.
  2. JoKy

    More Admins

    Well i was a bit drunk when i wrote that. Dun worry im not judging you guys at all ( i never would), like i said before i think gms do a great job. But im playing this server for over 2 years and facts are facts. When do you see the most poeple online? For heldian and for events ( when there is a nice event, population increase by 25% in couple of minutes lol ). When hunter came back and organised a lot of events there was more ppl online during the day ( not only afking in wh but also playing! ), because they were waiting for events :P. At that time i also didn t see beginners saying this server is "Boring" and "dead" what they do know. What i mean is that you guys want to attract new players ( and i aswell i need/give some eks :P ) But for those new players staying here need to be some1 helping/encourage them. That's why i think some new gm could help a lot ( make more event, so ppl have something to look forward on). So they see that poeple are playing this server and not only afking in wh/shop. If you guys haven't the time for organising events (what i understand, takes a lot of time ) why not take a "new" gm who is only bussy with that? Who is "job" would only consist of making events/give some dynamic ( not only backstage ) to the server. I say it again, i luv this server and the gms! I just trying to help a bit Indeed
  3. JoKy

    Play In Pl?

    +1 but increase all drops not only stones cuz few ppl make pl raider for stones. forget iw? in 1h u can pick up full bag of stones/ zems
  4. JoKy

    Event At Shop

    MR event plz
  5. JoKy

    Summon Spell Upgrade!

  6. im working :( long time ago not play any event
  7. JoKy

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    Monday plz, the rest of week im working 12h/day
  8. JoKy

    Ppl Insulting

    Spanish, english: (ill try to transslate it to english, but my english is bad... sry hope u understant) Este jugador, el cual estubo un rato peleando con el y luego de que corriera a rml decidi pedirle pvp... le dijo queres? y me dijo, "con tu madre" mi madre no esta en buen estado de salud y lo ultimo que tengo ganas es de que algun ........... de estos tenga que hacer referencia a ella. Y todo por que? por que no me puede matar? si es un noob que se retire pero que no isulte por que ya empiezo a estar un poco arto de esta gente, la cual yo banearia sin mas dilaciones... that player and me, was fighting at town. He can kill me and run to rml.... i ask him " wanna pvp"?? u want? and he answer " yeah, i want, with ur mother" ok... my mother is sick and im on this game for play and enjoy it, not for see ppl saying that. And, all for??? becase he cant kill me? if he is a n00b leave the game, but don't insult other player or family of others.... usually i never post that things, but im tired of that ppl... aqui se ve como dice lo de "tu madre" here u can see him saying " ur mother" aqui os dejo la conversacion.... here u can see te conversation... otro ejemplo de gente que insulta other example of ppl insulting... Im tired of this ppl! is hard speak without insult?? PS: sry for my bad english again... I hope the staff read it
  9. JoKy

    Ppl Insulting

    Yeah! im tired for take/post screens too, but he say something about my mother, and she is very sick.
  10. JoKy


    Realmente util! /raidtime +1
  11. JoKy

    A Better Armor Break

  12. JoKy

    Survey I Stop Playing Or Not?

    seras kakita!!! ayer cuando me dijiste que querias dejarlo ni te crei (lo siento) no me entraba en la cabeza...... de verdad lo dejas por eso??? ni se te ocurra, saco un billete para argentina y te pateo las bolas! jajaja ahora en serio, un dia malo see suele tener, uno muy malo.... pocas veces, pero estan, como buen player de HB que eres (un poco lammer, nah xD) ya lo sabes que siempre salen cosas mal! ahi es donde se demuestra QUIEN VALE! quien es capaz de levantar la cabeza de nuevo y seguir afrontando todos los problemas! se fuerte y olvida esa chorrada!! ANIMOS!
  13. JoKy

    Item Event Week 5-23-5-30

    -SPANISH- Este evento sem*spam* de item sera divertido y ofrece el doble de cantidad de items nos encontraremos en WareHouse a las 7 pm horas del servidor, o 8pm hora de NY asegurate de tener el volumen ALTO El nombre de este evento sem*spam* es NOMBRA ESTE MONSTRUO yo ire a wh transformado en un de los monstruos del juego. Estare invi con el GM y caminando alrededor tu no me veras, pero podras oir el sonido que hago. Nombra el monstruo que esta haciendo ese sonido y anotaras un punto. El jugador con mas puntos al final, gana Cada pueblo tendra aproximadamente unas 7 rondas. Si hay un empate, habra una ronda de desempate entre los jugadores de maxima puntiacion. Tienes que especificar el nombre dle monstruo en el chat GLOBAL. el chat blanco no cuenta tampoco el azul (chat aliado) El PRIMER jugador que diga el nombre del monstruo correcto anotara punto el GM dira el primero que a visto en pantalla. El GM tiene la decision final Por que jugamos?? Primer premio = MA9 Chain o plate, W o M Segundo premio= MA9 berk o leggings W o M El jugador ganador puede seleccionar Este evento es MUY divertido, espero poder hacerlo. Es mejor que no te muevas en WH para que el unico sonido sea el del monstuo que anda alrededor. Yo continuare caminando alrdedor hasta que la respuesta correcta sea dicha en el chat GLOBAL (rojo) DUDAS? preguntad aqui por favor, traducid esto en los principales idomas de los jugadoresy buscame para darte una uni pot por hacer esto por mi. Muchas gracias! nos vemos en el evento!
  14. JoKy

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    you are right, chances are isolated (not spam, just a correction)
  15. JoKy

    Nemesis: Design An Accessory Contest

    -MIRROR NECKLACE- -When it is equipped, u have a 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% (upgradeable with craffting) to reflect the damage and it ignores the target defense! Example: War Hit -100 on mage, and the neck takes effect... the war receives -100, regardless the DK set or df neck etc of the war! moreover if any war have 25% mirror... blizz hit x 4x25%= 100% of reflect one hit Just amazing!! xD OFC that neck is rare drop, but not very, very rare... maybe same rogm (need alot necks for make ur 25%)
  16. JoKy

    Happy Bday Baca!

    feliz cumplea?os baca! ^_^ PD: mi regalo es que te perdono por haber tradeado esas hoses mp k tanto queria :P
  17. JoKy

    Alchemy Summon Event

    nice!! This event is great for all that do alchemy -Thanks Hunter!
  18. JoKy

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    -Tornado Wand- -Can be activated same xr, ie! -1 min of double cast spell... 1 casting 2 spells EX: Casting only 1 blizz, shoot 2 blizzards with interval of 0.5 second -This would have many advantages! like GH x 2 (hunt) blizz x 2 (garden, etc), (killing) some elv :P ES (hunt drags, abby, etc) Paralize, cancellation, inibition, invi zerk moving, MIM........and much more!!! -Mages do no have weapons to activate (not worth the Xelima Rapier or ress wand, I say only for mages & attack,) -It could be added some effect on the character like a tornado!!! :P