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Posts posted by foefoe

  1. Actually these idea are not bad at all. I especially like the idea of raising prices in shop/bs by 10 fold. This would bring a lot more quest hunting into the picture. And in return would bring more items into the "market" Also giving new players a way to earn currency that can actualy buy some starter sets/weapons. GOOD thinking koffka

  2. I dont have any superset thats why im hunting abby, to get a chance to get a good rare I can use/trade and be at the lvl of some overpowered players. Thats how HB had always been... wait few month in poland, same gonna happen. There is always ppl that plays 24/7.


    PS: +1 with topic, please at least one rare per Abby!, we hunt all monday and all tuesday to kill a Mob that drops the same than a Wyvern that take us 1 min to down?...



  3. So make them a bit better? I'm not just complaining White, I'm trying to bring up issues that would help keep interest in the server. We got 50 ppl online and 40 ppl in abby map hunting. kinda hard to fg that gold and keep everyone interested in hunting apoc again.

  4. The topic is about recall. And how when ppl get the smallest hint of danger they hit the recall and instant safe. Recall is the best spell in the game when u think about it (should be a rare spell).It Saves more lives than mplate+mshield+amp+vis combined. And the worst part is u can be critting someone parad with 5-6 wars and ppl have delay that allows them to cast recall even thru all that. I dont think anyone has time to hunt down players who just cast 1 spell and instantly nuetralize your threat. Makes it a waste of time to hunt for an ek, especially when they are few and far between to start with.

  5. Staff always says make sure make suggestions of stuff that needs to be changed. So i'm gonna cram it down ppls eyes. Lets change recall to 10 w/o taking dmg, or at least 5 seconds... SOMETHING :D . Ppl recalling on the spot everytime an enemy gets in the screen is lame (hawrang) lol. population is too low and eks are too hard to get, to have cowards recalling every the second u find them. The new update sounds like it will be good and is coming soon i guess. So why not add 1 more great thing to it. LETS SEE SOME SUPPORT FOR THIS IDEA.


    MASS POST!!!

  6. good point. Would be better if it were just nerfed down. But if it doesnt help enuff for ppl to stop using it wont really matter. At least with str/mag requirements it takes it out of the hands of 30 str mages and 150+ vit wars.

  7. This has been suggested tens of times. Nothing happened. Not really worth even discussing.


    Thats like complaining about ur gov't without voting... Gotta keep on em about stuff like this. Cuz m.shield is stupid strong.

  8. I love high str for mshield wand but pls make it 100str to use. Would make the bmage build more equal to mages :)


    yeah, 100str


    Indeed 100 str would be better. Gives bmages some kind of advantage as well. Instead of just being the same kind of char just with less vit.

  9. Suggesting that we raise the str requirement for m.shield wand to 130. Mages are already stacked enuff in this server no reason to make them near invincible vs any 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2. The population of the server is too low and the people are too chicken most of the time to have m.shield wand saving everyone. This is a good idea and i know a lot of ppl agree with me. LETS SEE SOME SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!

  10. Grow up.


    The fact that HwaRang makes it to safe means you failed in killing them before they did.



    LOL you fail kid. go **** your ***

    Yeah I guess that's why FoeFoe (Ares FH) which I'm assuming to be you ran safe after I attacked you in ML huh.


    sold foefoe a long time ago. believe me, ur no1 to run from.



    credit the source: COWBALLIN!!!



    BY the way since no1 has talked to us in game about the stones, and no1 seems to want to cooridinate anything. We will be dropping 10-12 stones in th next summon event. I know most of the ppl who will get them didn't go to the hunt. But i have no other way of distributing them to anyone, and i dont want fnda to be acused of ripping anyone off so there u go. if anyone has any better idea better throw em out fast.

  12. i think the sirver are really fine like now....i see new guys playing, fihgting and have fun...and i dont see ALOT of sb's, z wands and other many guys got sb or z wand ? a few..


    you dont see them, cuz ppl with zw/sb/gbh dont sit aroudn safe like u :D



  13. Krede, i clearly said, hey i missed morpheus, "what to do?"

    joe said: re food the ones on morpheus round, that was me, morpheus tony and rawkstar, he did say that, and as far as i knoe hes also fnda leader, so i guess he can talk for the guild.

    Also, there was people saying hurry, because forced recall would happen soon.


    pd: if i hadnt missed morpheus tony wouldnt have won


    This is 100% true. Hard situation to fix tbh. No1 suggesting anything else, so ill take responsibility for it. No matter who ended up winning there was gonna be some hard feelings. In the end MJ did another fg with Tony since they both had won fgs for that mplate. Its a hard situation to fg items and have everyone happy. Never meant for things to get messed up. Srry MJ :*( (hope u all will stlil hunt abby with us)

    To reply to the thread topic, ill say this. GROW UP. its freakin m/xtones and zems. We didn't try to scam them at all. TBH none of us care about the stones at all. And if anyone wants to step up and pass out 10 stones to 30 ppl, by all means go ahead. As far as i know Tony still has the stones and is willing to give them all to the ppl who killed the wyvs with us. But its hard becuz we dont know who all was there and if we did can't possibly get everyone online at the same time. If you guys want we can donate those stones to Hunter to drop during a summon event or something. But dont blame us for stealing stones, cuz we really could care less about them. (EXCEPT NOOB MEDIC WHO LOVES IW) :)