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Everything posted by Eldon

  1. Eldon

    Farjat Banned!

    Just tell them your cousin did it farjat, that seems to be the general excuse. Or tell them you got hacked :D Hahhahah :P (Seriously though, bad luck with your ranking :( )
  2. Eldon

    3rd City

    I think the new towns color should be green :P I always thought green and gold would suit. Dune town colours ftw :P
  3. Eldon

    Belv Is Helping Elvine

    Lol farjat. Although a piece of serious advice Burned. In my dealing with Belv since PL I've noted nothing but a bad attitude from that guy, and an explosive temper if you're ever on his bad side. You let someone like that into your guild/trust at your peril. Good luck, see you after the ban is up.
  4. Eldon

    A Few Questions For The Players/gms

    This guy sounds like a childish dick here to start crap. Hey raycash, when you want to pay $500 a month for a server, then you can complain about "controlled corruption" ok? This server is better run than most, and allows for a wide degree of flaming (more than any other game anyway). I've been on the positive and negative side of GM decisions before (sometimes fair and sometimes not) and I still reckon it's the best server out there without a doubt. I don't like you, and I hope you don't start playing. It's not even corruption. Corruption is giving someone an unfair edge for personal gain to yourself. There's no personal gain to Sexy[GM] - there's just an incurring loss of money each month to pay for a server for them to enjoy.
  5. Howdy, It's raid day and DC/Infernia are still open. When raid day ends in a few hours, does this mean it will be bugged. If so, any way to avoid this? I want it reset this week :o
  6. Eldon

    Items For Beginners

    Last time I logged the elv mule (recently, during a peak time) - had 0 donators and 0 takers. But other times I've been more successful.
  7. Eldon

    3rd City

    I see this killing the server. Simply because I believe people would make bad choices that they'd regret once they learned what their new town was like.
  8. Eldon

    More Ettin Mg

    The way HBUSA have fruited their server makes it no longer an official server. Sure, every mage you fight has cancel, Zwand, merien shield, merien neck, esw, and there's like 5 medusas floating around - but this makes it dull, not fun. These drops are meant to be mega rares. There's a really good reason everyone doesn't have them. Look at the devastation we cause with just ice blade.
  9. Eldon

    Bloody Shock Wave Damg

    In addition, I've heard that if you design a char for it (e.g. Lollipop) it's rather good. So it may just be that it's meant for a vit mage build, and that people aren't taking advantage of that.
  10. Eldon

    Ms12/ms14 Necks

    Wrong. Takes 1 Mstone at BEST to make MS12 + 2 MS10 necks. Item cost could be considered to be about 2 MSTONES at best price. So I reckon MS12 if you sold it would be worth at least 3 mstones. MS14: At least 6-8 mstones, seriously. MS16: Nobody would sell for mstones. Same rule applies to DM2,3, 4. Tbh, nobody tends to sell them for stones. MS14 used to be worth about an MP21 piece, now it's less.
  11. Eldon

    3rd City

    I disagree with the way it's been implemented/ripped on other servers. I look forward to seeing what nemesis does regarding this in the future. Wait and see :)
  12. Eldon

    Original Serv Dmg To Weapons.

    I've been hit with DS recently. Damage is ABSOLUTELY fine. Hardest I've been hit by 1 person for a while.
  13. Eldon

    More Ettin Mg

    He's right in a sense. Their rates are EXTREMELY low in DV/SW However, they are pretty high in ML, so I don't think it needs changing. Go to ML.
  14. Eldon

    Weapon & Armor Suggestions

    you realize that method of using the tanker in a party to kill the HC/TW w/ bows and not use arrows is a bug abuse. you and your guild might want to stop posting how they take advantage of bugs will cause less flaming ( i dont know if there is any ) but just a thought. ;) btw Might wanna note i learned this off Brothers in Blood in Elvine. How about that? Also, Vamp is quite correct. Not every "new" idea is a fruit idea. I mean if x-weapons didn't exist, and we stood back from the game and suggested them these days (or even direction bow for that matter) they'd probably be viewed as "fruity".
  15. Eldon

    Bai Bai Nemesis

    Yeah I agree. If one of my shares "scammed" I'd expect the same treatment.
  16. Eldon

    Nemesis Teamspeak?

    My guild has a ventrilo. I wouldn't advise one for "all server".
  17. Can it please be started? Lol to be honest, it'd be better to have a GM on each tuesday night lol, as it seems to be happening every week now :( Cheers, Eldon.
  18. Eldon

    Tuesday Sade Is Bugged Again

    Hope all the MS18's and DM5's on the server are deleted next. Along with your hero Maynard (does your tab +f4 abuse help you embarrass yourself faster too?). Edit: All this aside Maynard, I post this on the forum each week so the sade gets started to help players, your snide little comments are not needed and not welcome here. Completely unnecessary but unpunished like usual.
  19. Eldon

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    I get exactly what you're saying. You're saying that him having inhibition (in your opinion the best spell in the game) on the top of cancel is unfair. It's not. It's not unfair, do I need to spell it out for you again. It's probably not fair his mom has to pay $300 a month for a server and we have to pay nothing, but you know... you're not complaining about that.
  20. Eldon

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    I completely disagree with you Belv. You seem to think him having inhib, a spell nobody else has, is unfair, on top of all else he has. It's not unfair. Just learn to deal with it. He's only as powerful as his skill :)
  21. Eldon

    Zem Rarerity

    Yeah, I have a number of guildies short on zems atm because they raid too damn much. I make them go wyv hunt lol so they stop trying to borrow zems (we all know borrowed zems never get paid back) :D I'm pretty short, but always have spares, I think the rarity is fine.
  22. Eldon

    Anti-pulling Coding

    You shouldn't raid then, Infact, you should be playing hello kitty island. On most games, 5 v1 you are expected to die. The only issue is in HB you drop an item when you die, and get flamed (e.g. can understand enemy talk). If you don't like mass numbers, don't put yourself in the enemy hive. It's like reaching into an ant hill then asking for 1v1.
  23. Eldon

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    Stop crying ares - server is paid for, and in this matter I really wouldn't care if he had a medusa. Because you're not paying, you forget just how much a server costs to run, especially when it is this stable and has this much support. So he gets a new spell, that's only bad if you considered it unfair in the first place and now it is "more unfair" you think you have the right to complain. I considered it fair beforehand, and I consider it fair now. Shit, he could have 10,000 HP and I wouldn't complain. I'm just glad his char is standard, it's killable, and I can kill it. You need to get over it, you're putting too much focus on the spells. P.S. Also lets face it, more often than not sade/siege we trump elv anyway.
  24. Eldon

    Want Another Team Pvp?

    Sounds good Hunter, I enjoyed that last event!
  25. Eldon

    Infernia Is Bugged

    Infernia is bugged, no creatures in Inf A and B and the portal to maze is closed. Could we get this reset if that's ok please? Cheers, Eldon.