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Posts posted by Solini

  1. you mayb should read every time me, mj, guason , and others tryed to explain to him about kwand, yet he failed to understand apparently, from now on i wont even try anyway


    ps. keep ontopic, if you wana tell me something, my inbox isnt full



    Dude I have understand how it works from the begining, except with the fireball test I didn't realize the percentage... I do now. And I was not convinced on the melee crit part, I am now cause I retested that.


    You guys are not trying to explain me anything, you are just trying to convince GM's that Kloness Wand should not be made a little bit better. Because apparently you think a super rare item, shouldn't be worth its rarity (as in being atleast better then regular items). I


    Offtopic yes I know. Thats what you get when you try making a fool of someone in public. Action --> reaction. You changed this post in this direction

    That is why the topic continue's, not because of trying to explain to me how it works. You are really the kind of person I dislike, so arragont and full of yourself. Acting like you are an authority, and speaking for others as if they all feel the same as you. Bah.... I hope for you and the people arround you, that you aren't like that in reallife.


    I am going to stay out of this topic from now on. I have made my request for consideration to the GM's and I would really like to show the GM's how dissapointing the damage of blizz is on people with positive rep. (which most ppl have). This makes the Kloness wand's only advantage that it does good crit damage when you are zerked) and maybe slightly better magic damage only when enemy has 100 or more negative rep and the user has 1000 rep. Those are facts, some might find it perfect like that, and some don't. As you can see in the topic, there are also people that agree the Kloness wand is a laugher...


    Thanks again to people that acted adult in this topic having a normal discussion.


    Have a nice day,





    p.s. I suggest a GM or forum admin closes this topic. Enough has been said about the topic, and it is tending to go to much offtopic / fighting now.

  2. Please, tell me then, what would be a good test? I don't see why such a test wouldn't be realistic in showing the damage. Doing it with blizz or with fireball, no difference in my logic..


    Whatever test I would really like to do it with a GM to prove my point.


    well ur logic is wrong


    zwand adds 30% dmg


    if fireball does 20 dmg

    its 20+ .3(20)



    on dk 15, it would be 35..



    Now with bliz , if dmg is 90

    dk 15 wuold do 105


    zwand would do 90 + (.3)90




    the bigger the dmg, the more difference zwand does


    in low lvl spells dk 15 is better than zwand ( just so u know)




    Much to learn you still ahve

    my young padawan


    Point proven, moha is correct here.


    Greater damage makes greater bonus for z-wand.



    Aah yes I get that now :P Didn't realize the percentage for a minute.


    On a side note.... It is probably your kind of humor, but to me, saying that I still have much to learn (because I didn't realize the percentage thing) and especially saying that I am your young padawan is a bit arogant tho :rolleyes: It probably makes yourself feel cool :lol:


    Very big chance that I am older then you btw hehe..


    In the mean time I did some more testing using the Kwand melee, and I do have to admit for crits it is better then the DK15 wand. Especially when zerked. I need to apologize on that part. I did test before and then I didn't see a big difference then, now I do. Dunno why.


    Magical wise, I still stand my point and opinion.. It is perhaps slightly better on people with 100 or more negative rep, but on someone with postive rep, a blizz with DK15 does more damage. And I think it should really ATLEAST do a LITTLE bit better then DK15 wand even on ppl with postive rep. Considering it is ms20 and you need to get 1500 rep.


    Hope Farjat still considers making it JUST A TINY LITTLE BIT BETTER atleast :mellow:




  3. Dude, relax, you made this topic so we could discuss and to check if we (GMs) would agree, right?

    You have 4 GMs here giving their opinions and not ignoring this topic... sigh


    You are right... My apology. It is just that I am so dissapointed with how it is now....... And I just don't believe it was supposed to be like this...


    To my believe, the creators of helbreath brought kloness wand in game when there where no Dragon wands yet.. They brought it in game as a powerfull weapon (if you realize the DK wands wherent there yet). Then they brought in the DK wands and just never adjusted K wand to still be worth its rarity (I am wonder what HB Int has done with Kloness wand damage btw).


    Anyway I do need to thank all of you that participated in the discussion, and gave their opinions..


    I suggest we meet in game later today, and we do some simple pratical tests...


    Like I do 10 times a fireball on you with DK15 wand, and you write down damage total. Then I do 10 times fireball with kloness wand and we calculate the total damage it did.


    Then I can crit you with DK15 wand and with kloness wand, and we calculate the total damage of 8 crits.


    Something like that.

    Wrong again, difference is on those servers dk 15 takes 30x times the effort or more

    fireball test is pointless

    u would do alot more dmg on dk 15 than zerkwand that way too



    Please, tell me then, what would be a good test? I don't see why such a test wouldn't be realistic in showing the damage. Doing it with blizz or with fireball, no difference in my logic..


    Whatever test I would really like to do it with a GM to prove my point.




  4. Dude, relax, you made this topic so we could discuss and to check if we (GMs) would agree, right?

    You have 4 GMs here giving their opinions and not ignoring this topic... sigh


    You are right... My apology. It is just that I am so dissapointed with how it is now....... And I just don't believe it was supposed to be like this...


    To my believe, the creators of helbreath brought kloness wand in game when there where no Dragon wands yet.. They brought it in game as a powerfull weapon (if you realize the DK wands wherent there yet). Then they brought in the DK wands and just never adjusted K wand to still be worth its rarity (I am wonder what HB Int has done with Kloness wand damage btw).


    Anyway I do need to thank all of you that participated in the discussion, and gave their opinions..


    I suggest we meet in game later today, and we do some simple pratical tests...


    Like I do 10 times a fireball on you with DK15 wand, and you write down damage total. Then I do 10 times fireball with kloness wand and we calculate the total damage it did.


    Then I can crit you with DK15 wand and with kloness wand, and we calculate the total damage of 8 crits.


    Something like that.






  5. MagicJoKer


    Helbreath Nemesis International GameMaster

    Group: Moderator

    Posts: 8,388,607

    Joined: 5-March 06

    Member No.: 3,594



    im trying to get your point or making you get mine, thats the point on any discussion, i think that the k wand is really good as it is, unless im conviced the opost my vote will be no to changing the dmg


    meelee is a lot better than dk15, ive seen it lots of times, if you is the owner and dont think so, i sugest u check again.

    not using doesnt mean i dont know, i see it hitting 60's+ and thats what i need to know, the meelee of it does hurts, making +10 on magic would mean it would be better than zwand, and kwand being better than zwand isnt argueable, also the physical dmg would reach 80, 90 on crits


    my comparison with other spells and weapons, is because those are rares, and the reason you think k wand dmg should be higher is because its a rare item, well those spells/weapons are rares, but some are almost useless, and k wand is far away of being almost useles


    Dude, PLEASE FFS, believe me... I am not talking crap.... please meet me ingame tomorrow, come BI and let me show/prove you. I am getting so tired of the need to confince ppl.... sigh

  6. item rarity does NOT define how rare a item is, there is few k itens in game because ppl dont hunt them, zwand are rarer than k wand


    well, what about k sword, only wand would be changed? and if k sword already hits critical trough dk mage, what would happen than?


    Oh, LS hits better than mfs, why mfs is even rare than?

    bliz hits better than bsw, why bsw is rare?


    Your argument of only 1 person in game active having it isnt valid, it means u just want to get more power to urself, what if we increase cancel area of effect, as just one person active has it?


    You honestly want k wand to be almost good as zwand in magical dmg, anything higher than dk15 is already really close to zwand.


    And why bringing other rares? your argument is based on : k wand is rare k wand should be best weapon.

    well, blood axe is rare also, but it only helps on tanking, i never saw any one using it a t a fight.



    Again...... I don't want it to be a godly item... I never said (as you pretend I did) that it should be the best weapon. And I am really starting to get sick of people that twist my words... You are not being objective at all. You just don't want it to be a little bit better cause you don't have it.. but if you think really about the purpose of rare items, you know better... I am sure.


    It doesn't need to be better then Zerk wand (even though this is argueable). In my homble opinion, it just should be atleast a little bit better then a regular DK wand.. thats all! Don't make such a huge thing of it, bringing in all other kinds of items and spells that can't be compared to the K wand story....



    Yes I am a Kloness wand user, and I come asking for consideration of GM's about the use of kloness wand. I'll tell you why, I do now experience myself how it is... thats why I bring up the topic... Most people never used a Kloness wand on Helbreath Nemesis, and so they don't know how bad it is.. Still they come here and talk like they know everything about it... If they would have it themselves they would possibly come here and start a topic about how useless this "rare" item is. Its not because I want to make myself more powerfull, its because I can't believe the Kloness wand was ment to be this weak. The Kloness wand was brought into the game before they started with the DK wands, and the Kloness wand has simply never been adjusted to stay worth its "rarity".


    An item is called rare (only a few in game) because it is powerfull, and if to many ppl would have it, it would make an unbalance in game.. Really rare items are, Merien Shield, X neck, X ring, Zerk Wand, Kloness Wand ( and some more ofcourse). The only rare item in this list that takes an effort to make it "powerfull" (not the case now) is the Kloness wand, you need to get a lot of rep for it... Still it is the worst item..


    Also in melee people, believe me... really it isn't much better then a DK15 wand.... Only when you zerk yourself maybe yes...



    About you starting to compare blizz with mass fire strike and stuff, really please don't bring that kind of shit in this topic... its about Kloness wand only... And besides comparing those two spells is just stupid... there are many more factors with those spells to take into account (like mana usage of spell and needed int and then yes damage)


    And once more... some of you people really overreact on improving a rare item a little bit that as of now is useless...


    Don't worry GM's here are never going to make it GODLY... you can trust the Nemesis crew on that... jezus...

  7. quit crying,

    kwand is an awesome weapon

    if u think it sux, trade me , i will give u 50 zems ( since im counting on you being kinda noobish )


    i had it , i won it in mage event, and i traded it for ie neck+ itenx..


    thats how good it is


    That's how rare it is. I remember you winning that wand. Why do you think it's been traded what? 10 times allready?

    Cus it does NOT do the job!


    Heck i was in FoxHound with you back then. I remember you saying how much it suckd. You were just AFKing in WH with it lal.




    lol ??

    i had zwand 1 month ago , now its gone,

    trading an item doenst make it a better or worse item,

    kblade was traded as much as wand , who cares?

    its superior to dk 15..


    It is inferior to zwand, like its supposed to be,



    Hey Maynard :-) que tal :D


    Anyway, comeone you know its not better then dk15 wand...... (magic damage wise)..


    WhiteFang clearly stated the figures from source code, you simply can't argue with those, and these prove that it isn't better then DK15 wand... It is worse then DK15 wand, and it is also ms20.. So really worse...


    Why few of you people are against upgrading the kloness wand a little bit to make it atleast better then DK15 wand??? Do you really think it is ment to be a rare item that doesn't even surpress a DK15 wand?? Why is it even rare then??? Don't worry... it doesn't need to better then Z wand, or maybe it does (knowing it is more rare then Z wand) but atleast it should be better then DK15 wand....


    Why are you so against that? only 2 or 3 ppl have kloness wand, maybe 1 active player. It wont effect the game much..


    And bringing in al other rare items is kind of nonsense.. Bloodaxe, bloodsword are good. Good hitting prob. Doesn't need improvement.. And this topic is only about Kloness wand.


    Buenos noches loco.

  8. It might deserve a little buff. But I don't have much knowledge on the issue so won't continue to elaborate on it :D


    BUT I think giving /rep+ has got out of hand. There're armies of AFK'ers always online who are just bots to rep someone. Server might say there're 180 people online, when in fact, it's only 100~ individuals or less actually playing. Multi client makes giving tons of +rep so easy that rep serves no purpose on Nemesis in my opinion.


    What does the Nemesis staff think about this rep+ nonsense that's been going on lately?


    A slightly increase on the weapons for player's own rep would be good, increase to +15 max would be a nice addition.


    A major increase on the k-neck for enemy's negative rep to +10 would be nice, eventually add a bonus for player's own rep as k-items have, but with a lower limit then k-weapons.


    About the rep subject:

    They're being afk, rep takes 1h, unless they time it (which takes effort) to gain their rep exactly every hour, making sure the one you rep is in the same map server, it takes effort, so I think diserved to be repped.


    The other parts or issues regarding to rep, such as rep-abuse and making tons of new chars to rep, will all be solved on next update.



    I seriously hope you make the max atleast +20 damage... if you make it +15 it is still not worth to use the wand if you have a DK15 wand. As really in most cases enemy has postive rep. Please consider atleast +20 max :-( Remember it is also just ms20, and to get this damage you need to first get really good rep....


    If it is just +15 max from positive rep, and knowing that most ppl do have postive rep, it will be the same damage as DK15 wand but then its ms20....


    It is a rare item, changing this to max of +25 from postive rep wouldn't have a huge impact... it wouldn't be as good as Beserk wand, and there are maybe 2 or 3 of these wands in game.. It isn't like everyone is using it....


    But please dont get me wrong, I am very happy to see you are going to improve it a little bit. Many thanks for that. It is just such a small improvement that I think it wont even be noticeable (still being same as DK15 wand).

  9. So If, KB holder rep > 500

    Enemy rep < -100

    Plus the+5 bonus dmg


    The max. damage bonus for Kloness Weapons is +20 right?


    Thats very nice.


    No, max +15 then. (Same as DK15 wand, sigh).. and this only if enemy has bad rep, and in most cases ppl have good rep... if enemy good rep, max +5 damage no?

  10. Ok fine.


    I don't see what you are trying to accomplish with this, but thanks.


    White and Jing think something different. Thats not the point. The point is still the same, which is that in my homble opinion as it is now the Kloness wand is not worth its rarity. It is worse then a DK15 wand. And therefor I put this request of consideration.


    You don't need to put more information, my request is clear, GM's will hopefully discuss this together and make a decision wether they will make the kloness wand a slightly more worth its rarity or not, and I will have to accept whatever they decide.







    Yes ofcourse I have seen this post before I started this topic.. If you look at the 10th post in that topic you will see WhiteFang clearing up some slight mistakes in Jaapy's posts. But that was quite some time ago and as WhiteFang said, he has tested it with his GM char having 10000 rep. And he is sure that it is not +100 damage. So you are bringing up an old post with incorrect information assuming I didn't read that yet I guess...


    This only brings more confusion....


    So ppl the link that he posted has incorrect information. Don't base your oppinion on that information please..



  12. i dont know much about weapons and chances to get but i took this from


    Kloness Wand (MS20)

    Deals +5 Damage.

    Deals +1 Damage for every 100 Positive Reputation Points above 500.

    Deals +1 Damage for every 10 Negative Reputation Points of the target with a maximum of +10 Damage.


    it doesnt say anything about max dmg of the first bonus, but it says that the second is +10 instead of +5 as someone said before.

    if the second bonus is good or not i dont know, i think almost everyone have rep+ but hey, they made kloness items like this for a reason right?



    Yes that's what I thougt to, and that's why I got my hands on it. But if you would have ead the whole posg you would knoww it does in fact not work as written on Portal. You can see what WhitFang GM wrote about it.


    What I wrote is same as what's on the portal, but in different words.


    The basic +5 you get from rep < 500 I just defined as "deals +5 damage", even if your rep is negative, it deals the +5.

    The second one, you wrote wrongly in your topic, 500 rep = +0 dmg -> 600 rep = +1 -> 700 = +2 ... 1k = +5, add up the +5 from the firstone and you get: 500 rep = +5 -> 600 rep = +6 ... 1k = +10


    Portal just doesn't talk about a limit, I explained in a prev post why it doesn't, because i'm not sure what's nemesis setting.

    I've tested using my GM with 10k rep, I don't deal +100 damage, which I actually expected to do so.


    P.S. What the portal writes, is what I say, I maintain the portal, my knowledge is the portal's knowledge ;)


    But you also wrote that it is +1 damage with a. Max of +5 for every 20 negative rep of enemy. Which is different then portal.



  13. i dont know much about weapons and chances to get but i took this from


    Kloness Wand (MS20)

    Deals +5 Damage.

    Deals +1 Damage for every 100 Positive Reputation Points above 500.

    Deals +1 Damage for every 10 Negative Reputation Points of the target with a maximum of +10 Damage.


    it doesnt say anything about max dmg of the first bonus, but it says that the second is +10 instead of +5 as someone said before.

    if the second bonus is good or not i dont know, i think almost everyone have rep+ but hey, they made kloness items like this for a reason right?



    Yes that's what I thougt to, and that's why I got my hands on it. But if you would have ead the whole posg you would knoww it does in fact not work as written on Portal. You can see what WhitFang GM wrote about it.


    quit crying,

    kwand is an awesome weapon

    if u think it sux, trade me , i will give u 50 zems ( since im counting on you being kinda noobish )


    i had it , i won it in mage event, and i traded it for ie neck+ itenx..


    thats how good it is


    Please no crap posts... (about crying and being noob)


    Noob or not, testing and comparing damage is easy. The facts are as they are.

  15. + You can use it on any char, is not bound. You dont need to train on any mage.

    + You can use it on PL raiders.

    + You can critic and make a heavy damage, not like DK+15

    + You can zerk your self and use it as a weapon against amped mages, the damage bonus is doubled.

    + I think you can combine the bonus with a K Neck.


    - Is just MS20

    - A max bonus of +15 being a rare.



    If you compare with a Z wand which is supposed to make a high damage and doesnt have that physical damage, isnt that bad.


    * Yes you can use on any char, but only with rep above 1000 and enemy having -100 rep, will still only make same damage as DK15

    * Making criticals with it??? I think you saw that on other server... Because even if you the user has really high rep and the enemy has low rep, it will never do more damage then DK15 wand (see WhiteFangs post). And I never saw a Critical of a DK15 wand blizz. So I think you confuse with other server then Nemesis

    * Zerked damage melee, its not that good... DK15 wand does better for sure. I think a rep7 wand does more damage. For sure an ancient rep7 short sword

    * The chance is very small you also get a K neck....................

  16. @Solini:


    Your defenition of how kloness works is slighty wrong.


    Here is how it goes (in INT/USA Server - idk 100% sure for nemesis yet !):


    - you gain +1 dmg every 100 rep (max +10), but when your gained damage is less then 5, it'll be 5 anyway. -> 200 = +2 dmg, but 2 < 5 so +5 dmg

    - you gain +1 dmg every 20 negative rep of your enemy (+5 max)


    The first defenition of the 2 above only applies to weapons, not to the k neck.



    I'm not 100% sure about the limit of +10 on your own rep, some sources have unlimited (being max rep as limit -> 10k rep -> + 100 dmg), others have limit to +10.

    For nemesis i'm not sure, i'd need to see sources to confirm the limit of it.


    Ok so that means it is even worse then I have stated. Even more reason to make it slightly better in my opinion.


    It does conflict what is stated on the Portal though... On the Portal it is how I said.


    But you are WhiteFang :lol: So if you say so I am sure you are right :-)


    I will modify my post.

  17. Ok first of all, please ppl don't start talking crap..... It is a question for considering a minor change to Kloness Wand from me to all GM's. Farjat told me to post on forum and if his GM staff agree's that how the Kloness Wand is now it does to low damage and is not worth its rarity, Farjat will agree to change it slightly. Thats why I post this topic.


    First how it works now to my knowledge...


    Kloness Wand

    - For every 100 rep, +1 additional damage (max of +10, minimal (always) +5)

    - For every -20 rep of enemy +1 additional damage (max of +5 damage)



    - User of Kloness wand has 2000 rep

    - Enemy has rep above 0 (positive)


    Damage will then be...

    - +10 damage from the 2000 rep (max is +10, so no use of rep above 1000)


    This means that the Kloness wand in most cases will do +10 damage which is lower then a DK+15 wand with a huge disadvantage of it being an ms20 wand not ms28 like the DK wand. And to reach the best damage out of it you do first need to have a lot of patience and time to get to 1500 rep....


    In my opinion this makes the Kloness wand near useless... and that makes me sad..


    So as it is now this rare wand is worse then DK15 wand... (if the max is really +10, I might be wrong on that, but my testing makes me believe this) Only if your enemy has -100 rep, according to WhiteFang it will do the same damage as DK15 wand...



    I don't believe the Kloness wand (rare item) is supposed to be this useless... Perhaps the Kloness Wand was there before they introduced the upgradeable wands?


    My only request is, to consider highering a little bit the extra damage you can get from every 100 rep above 500 rep. Now the limit is if you have 1500 rep...


    Can for example make the max extra damage you can get out of it from good rep, +25 or +30 (so 3000 rep).


    This would definatly NOT make the kloness wand godly as the beserk wand, but it would be atleast worth its rarity. And would atleast be better then a DK15 wand, that everyone will have in a matter of time..


    Thanks for taking the time to read this long post, and thanks for considering this.


    Can the GM staff please discuss with eachother, and to inform Farjat with your conclusions??

  18. White and i tested it here a couple of days ago. He had 9000 rep, meaning he should dealt a lot of dmg..

    But he didnt.. So there is as White said a max of +10 dmg.

    And depends on the enemy's rep, then the dmg can be btw. +1-5 extra..



    You got to be kidding..... :(


    I mean this is what is states on the nemesis portal....


    Deals +5 Damage.

    Deals +1 Damage for every 100 Positive Reputation Points above 500.


    Deals +1 Damage for every 10 Negative Reputation Points of the target with a maximum of +10 Damage.



    The way I understand this...


    The wand by default has +5 extra damage....

    The wand gives +1 damage for every 100 rep above 500 rep (of the user)

    The wand gives +1 damage for every 10 negative rep of your enemy (with a max of +10 damage)


    This is in my eyes the only way it can be understood.. and it says nowhere that there is a limit to the additional damage you get from every 100 rep above 500 rep....


    Besides that in this post earlier there was stated that with 10000 rep you would have +100 damage.. Seems logical why else is there a max of 10000 rep??? Whats the use of that max 10000 rep if kloness weapon only give a max of +10 damage from positive rep (so 1500 rep is max).


    The kloness wand would be prety useless if you can't deal more damage then +15 on people with positive rep... It would then be equal to a DK+15 wand....... The only advantage would be if you by coincedence hit an enemy with more then -100 rep... And the kloness wand is ms20... I cant believe this... I can't believe that such a rare item would be this bad... Can't be ment like that...


    If you look on the rarity list, it is even more rare then beserk ms20 wand.... And with that rarity is worse then dk15 wand?(on ppl with positive rep and being ms20) and that only if you spent much time and patience to get 1500 rep..... you got to be kidding me :blink:



    Just an update...


    I pm'd with whitefang, he is gonna check the sourcecode on it because he agrees that if this is the case its kind of stupid for such a rare weapon (even more rare then beserk wand).


    He thinks the max might be a bit higher then +10, but definatly not +100. Which I agree would be a bit to much...



  19. You got to be kidding..... :(


    I mean this is what is states on the nemesis portal....


    Deals +5 Damage.

    Deals +1 Damage for every 100 Positive Reputation Points above 500.


    Deals +1 Damage for every 10 Negative Reputation Points of the target with a maximum of +10 Damage.



    The way I understand this...


    The wand by default has +5 extra damage....

    The wand gives +1 damage for every 100 rep above 500 rep (of the user)

    The wand gives +1 damage for every 10 negative rep of your enemy (with a max of +10 damage)


    This is in my eyes the only way it can be understood.. and it says nowhere that there is a limit to the additional damage you get from every 100 rep above 500 rep....


    Besides that in this post earlier there was stated that with 10000 rep you would have +100 damage.. Seems logical why else is there a max of 10000 rep??? Whats the use of that max 10000 rep if kloness weapon only give a max of +10 damage from positive rep (so 1500 rep is max).


    The kloness wand would be prety useless if you can't deal more damage then +15 on people with positive rep... It would then be equal to a DK+15 wand....... The only advantage would be if you by coincedence hit an enemy with more then -100 rep... And the kloness wand is ms20... I cant believe this... I can't believe that such a rare item would be this bad... Can't be ment like that...


    If you look on the rarity list, it is even more rare then beserk ms20 wand.... And with that rarity is worse then dk15 wand?(on ppl with positive rep and being ms20) and that only if you spent much time and patience to get 1500 rep..... you got to be kidding me :blink:

  20. K Weapons (= wand, sword, esterk and axe):

    - +1 Damage for every 100 rep

    - if your rep is 599 or less, you always make +5 damage

    - Maximum +10 Damage (you'd reach +10 dmg at rep 1000 or more)


    - +1 Damage for every 20 rep your enemy has below 0 (zero)

    - Maximum +5 Damage (you'd reach +5 dmg if your enemy's rep is -100 or less)


    --> So your max bonus is +15 Damage, the first +10 you can affect by yourself (your own rep), the last +5 you can't know, unless you know your enemy's rep.


    K Necklace:

    - +1 Damage for every 20 rep your enemy has below 0 (zero)

    - Maximum +5 Damage (you'd reach +5 dmg if your enemy's rep is -100 or less)



    So this is not true?


    so at 10k rep you'll be dealing +100 damage using your kloness weapon



  21. The jaapy's explenation is wrong about rep/right/kloness.


    Here is the correct one:


    Kloness weapons are strong if your own rep is POSITIVE, the higher your own rep, the higher the damage of the kloness item, there is a minimum of 5 rep, so no difference between having 0 rep, or 500 rep as you'll always get the +5 damage, above 500 rep kloness grows in power every 100 rep, so at 10k rep you'll be dealing +100 damage using your kloness weapon.

    Kloness weapons are additionaly stronger if your enemy's rep is good (either positive or negative), but has a limit damage addition of +10



    This part confuses me... It states that if you would have a rep of 10000 you will be dealing +100 damage. But at the end of the sentence it states that there is a limit damage addition of +10.


    Please can someone tell me if there is a limit on the extra damage (+1) for every 100 rep above 500 rep?


    I mean I now have 1580 rep. So if I understand at the moment the extra damage will be:


    +5 default extra damage from kloness wand

    +10 damage from the 1000 rep I have above 500

    = +15 damage on people with postive rep, and more on people with negative rep




    So my question is.... if I get 2000 rep. Will I then be dealing the following damage?

    +5 default extra damage from kloness wand

    +15 damage from the 1000 rep I have above 500 (or is the max addition from this +10?)

    = +20 damage on anyone with positive rep? and more on ppl with negative rep?


    Thanks for the clarification.


