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Posts posted by martingroso

  1. 1st Offence- Total wipe of EKs and Hero Parts. And TWO weeks "LAMER!" above character.

    2nd Offence- EK Wipe, LAMER! above char. Level dropped to 140 Cant retake DK set until 200cont, 2week ban

    3rd Offence- Char banned until 2030 must go through player amnesty.


    ^^i think that should do^^


    looks nice.

  2. Farjat can post some list of new stuff and changes on new update?


    Perdon con el fotochot soy un queso, ni me ofresco.


    We'll send an e-mail and post in the forum/on the website what's in the new update.


    e-mails will be sent to all the registered accouunts of hb nemesis? it would get the attention of lot of ppl :D

  3. letrita, IF u got roam and zwand, and do a 4 hits blizz (assuming the dmg is added after, i dont know) ud do total of 5 more dmg, in 1 hit it would be smth like 1.2 dmg, so how 1.2 more or less dmg makes it stupid?

    okay, i'm doing numbers again and it does looks like zwand is considerably better than dk+15 :P


    of course it is...


  4. if gold worth 0 here and lotery gives nothing there are few ways to refresh marcetplace / trades and motivate ppl for searching something else instead of perfect armor only.


    1) increase shop / wh / ch prices x10? then ull see really fast some1 is selling something for gold.

    2) make lucky tickets much higher chance of getting something. increase chances of getting non overpowered items like rogm / rod / rodd / blood axe / blood rapier / blood sword / de bow ect from them.

    and increase price of them to 1kk . u will see at once all pits are cleaned and ppl will sell stones / items for gold.


    3) if 2 above will be negative for new players we have to make a loyal policy for them OR making ZEMSTONES a new currency. Remove zems from wyvern droplist but keep for others like - dragons / fire wyvs ... we will see fast how ppl are trading nice items they keep in wh for nothing for zems.


    u want to play u have to keep zem!! we will see fast non setted pros fast aswell . low zems on server - better trades and more dk chars around keeping their ma sets in wh :)


    1) True, still, new people will have even more harder times getting gold


    2)Not sure what I think of that


    3)Like #1, its hard for new players to get zems.


    When gold is more needed, players will trade items that are in WH and not used (like low mp armor/other things) will be sold for gold.


    To get to that point, we need something in shop/bs that is used alot, for gold. (Xstone/Mstone or Zem for 1 mill, for example)





    Ah, and to add another good point:

    If zems are all 1/3 (and cant be 2/3 of 3/3), people with mass item that get lots of EK's ALSO need to go hunt for their zems if they dont get them anymore by killing enemy. This means MORE hunting wyvs/drags, and more chance for new people to join them on a hunt! And theeeeeeeeeen, new people get more chance to get zems aswell! and then they can ALSO buy some low armors with it!


    Wow very good IDEAS, agree with both "1 endu zem" and raising price of everything...Yeah it'd be definitely more interesting.


    yeah but a heal/mana pot will cost a 6k when u lose held and 3k when u its gonna hurt LOL


  5. Bueno,Quisiera dar la idea en que puedas mandar mensajes privados a un jugador inactivo para que esa persona lo lea al entrar al servidor.

    ya se que la idea es media ...... pero bueno,me parece bueno porsi tenes q decirle algo y vos estas en horarios diferentes que el,sera la unica forma en Poderse comunicar.

    Bueno Ojala que Les guste la idea.


    esta muy buena la idea...pero parece que ser?a algo dificil de hacer :P


  6. What if there was a way to add the 10 sec recall timer ONLY on level 180s?


    That way the Goldies would still be safe, yet the 180s would be forced to run safe/run for 10 sec without damage/use a scroll...


    And personally, I'd say test it with 5 sec no damage and see if that works well.


    looks nice