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Posts posted by martingroso

  1. Replies to many questions:


    Everyone will go guildless?

    Yes, there is no choice, as the guild system has member limits depending on guild level, we cannot keep the current guilds and therefore they will be DELETED.

    You'll have to re-create your guild.


    Name temples/guild ranks showing up when moving mouse over player?

    OFCROUSE !! There is nothing I can't make, and this has been thought of !

    It's a requirements as certain guild ranks have the ability to plant flags during heldenian, therefore even the enemy has to know which player has which rank within a guild to know if they form a possible threat to their heldenian siege castle !


    guild level 1 only 10 members?

    Yes, the info is correct. Only 10 members can join guild.

    Basically this is to ensure guilds GROW in level and don't stagnate in lower level.

    Small guilds will always be small and take long time to upgrade.

    Guilds MUST unite and bound their powers to grow BIG, that's what guilds are for ;)

    Guilds who currently have alot members, probably best make their most active ones join first, make them donate contribution points to enlarge guild capacity and grow faster ;)



    Feel free to ask more questions ;) i'll be available to answer them :D


    thanks for answering, guild system is going to be really good!


  2. very nice!


    looks really good.


    I think that came 2 mind is, it would be cool if the namplate showed the rank of the player when u target him/her. as it is now, it says for example "Zoul, High HB guildmember", if i was veteran for example it would be nice if it said "High HB veteran" insted of member when targeted :)


    just a thought.


    gj! :D





    it would be really good.


  3. Hi,


    Is there anyway for Mac user to play Helbreath? As far as I know, we need to install Windows XP into our Mac in order to use it. However, by doing so, it will damage our system in the long run, more or less. Anyway to solve it? I don't want to play at Cyber Cafe :-(


    no idea about that, i think there is a way to be able to play helbreath on linux....but i don't know anything about helbreath being played on mac.

  4. i agree with fede, 1500 endu is a *censored*ing joke!


    baxes should have at least 2500 endu.


    and maybe increase hitting probability a bit, or dmg. (baxes are supposed to hit more than GiS).

  5. i were talking shit?? this a joke now im banned too juli cant be a gm in neme bye nemesis this going to die this gms are very bad juli mute ppl for talk and no insults and nothing now im banned too only cuz im ares..?? blah :mellow:


    i don't even know what happened, i just saw that juli said that some ppl were talking trash and thats why he muted them.

  6. actually b axes were not created like middle weapon between sword and hammer.

    they were created like the best weapon ingame (original hb) untill they made new update and put hammers in it.

    the problem is that they didnt make any changes in baxes and totally ruined that built with bringing hammers in.

    and according to that fact b axe should be fixed for sure and i has to be way better than GIS . its unballanced now


    yeah, i think baxes should have higher damage than gis (of course less dmg than BHs).

  7. Seriously, I would pay $10 USD to know WHO is willing to use 1000$ USD to unban their character.


    well all depends on items banned i think. i think i know (not sure) ppl who were banned with gbh + ie neck + mass sets. or ESW (u should realize the value of that spell) + mp set with 84 hose/63 berk/84 leather + z wand + other sets.. (if i dont mistake again)


    well if you or me or any1 dont have money or dont want to pay for a game that doesnt mean that rest players are the same . i heard ppl pay a lot for items , why not?!


    Ill make a hint to some1 called static! Post new topic that u are selling ESW mage with mass items for 1500$ ))) maybe someday ull earn 500$ just for visiting forum rarelly ;)


    true...the price of a mage with: Z wand, ESW and a good MP really high :o


  8. pardon me if i've got the wrong idea.. but u wanna imagine xr/xb/xbaxe with unlimited crits?!


    nop, a new activation weapon that gives you unlimited crits as the activation effect.


    So instead of having IE or Xelima effect, you just have unlimited crits as the effect. He doesn't mean ADD that to IE/Xelima weps, but create a NEW wep with this effect of infinite crits.


    Sounds very interesting, I think it would be cool if the damage wasn't too high, and no higher than hammer/longsword crit range.


    if damage isn't high it would be very nice :o.


    what about how the sword is? it could have the same shape of the ice sword and xelima blade...and it could be orange, or


    something like that :D :D...would be so cool!

  9. just a question.


    is there a way to lower your warn level? (of the forum account)


    if there is not, something could be implemented...something like...if my first warn was 1 year ago, and i


    didn't get to 100%, it dissappears, and so on with the other warnings. (and the % decreases according to the


    % of the warning deleted).


    I find it a good idea, hope to see some discussion :P


    if i posted this in the wrong section, plz any GM move it, thanks ;)


    ACLARACION: De m?s est? decirles esto, pero si entra un ares a participar el evento y querer llevarse el manual corre riesgo su personaje principal.



    osea que si yo kiero participar en un elvo.. y tener el puro okote de ganarmelo... no puedo??


    me quedo clarisimo que se tiene que quedar en elv.. pero si en caso de que ganara no se puede sumar para un trade?? ese es mi punto


    eso queria saber yo, no se puede ir en un char elv (siendo ares) y tradearlo SOLAMENTE A ALGUN ELV?


  11. Yeah, if the spell requires 10secs after damage to recall, it will make the SPELL far useless than the recall SCROLL, as recall SPELL needs extra 1 or 2 seconds (depending on the delay) to recall.


    Recall Scroll - 10secs after damage + 0 secs casting (just double click it)

    Recall Spell - 10secs after damage + 2secs casting


    5 secs might be too long as the end result will be 7secs to recall, in my opinion.


    What about 3 secs?

    *Recall Spell - 3 secs after damage + 2 secs casting = 5secs to recall.


    And we still need to consider on newbies that is coming lately. Noticed that there are new players coming in. Couldn't let them be free ek :(


    recall changes only applicable on LvL180 ?


    Will that be some problem on coding ?


    man, u don't have to add time when casting recall, an example:


    if i need 10 secs without being hit to be able to recall, i can start casting recall when there are 3 secs left, so i finish casting recall when 10 secs happened, so u don't have to add "+2 secs casting".


    PD: 10 seconds ftw.