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Posts posted by martingroso

  1. Well, i'd like to ask you what do RIGHTEOUS items acording to the rep.


    Some ppl told me that when your rep is higher, your hits are higher, some other,

    told me that when your opponent rep is negative, you hit higher.


    Well, i got sort of confused, and i'd like yo know what do RIGHTEOUS items acording to

    the rep. And i'd love to have some examples, for example:


    +10rep = +1 dmg (it is an example, idk if it is like that)


    Hope u guys can help me, thanks! and GL!

  2. Great suggestion once again... even tho its been in a game for long long time doesnt mean its a feature. (I dont think tabbing was a feature)



    idk, it would be imposible to survive a para, being a mage. maybe they should leave it the way it is.


    damn it, u are a mage, mages are overpowered, and u are the ONLY person who doesn't want


    this lool, think a bit, a para last only 15 seconds, and its very difficult to wars to make an ek


    because if ur hits are 41+ u will not break the cast, so the mage is gonna escape very easily,


    u should think a bit, i think that this suggestion of breaking cast in any hit is awsome, it makes


    the pvp balanced.

  3. It'll be removed when we decide to remove it (which is likely when the other maps are ready to facilitate leveling for new players).


    This developments in progress right now, there's some fun stuff coming up. Be patient.


    Ok, i hope to see changes soon :lol: :lol: xD, and 1 question, why haven't u been


    logging in in the last few days?


    PD: i am MartinD lol


  4. i live in Lithuania (middle Europe) and have optical cabble internet. And here is 150-170ms ping. Dont know is it low or high, but is ok for me.. I just mad on mine neighbour's, for downloading *** when i play hb :D. Thats why the best internet here is at night time :(


    lol, thats why i don't share internet with neighbours lool


  5. yeah barracks 120 / PL 160 / ML 180 is a GREAT idea, hmm but i think, that barracks should be till lvl 100, because otherwise it

    is TOO easy to get full lvl, i miss the old times when there were

    more goldies :(, now, u can get lvl 180 just in 1 day :(

  6. While we are on it, I would also like to re-raise the discussion of having Hero Horns and Hero Wizard Hat, much like the ccombatant cape, it could be a simple visual change worth 50eks.


    that would be very nice lol, but i don't know if i want a lot of changes on the server :P, i am ok


    with just a few lol


  7. Well this is something minor but i was screwing around on HB usa's webpage and i saw that a recent update was that the dk helm's shape changed into the wings helm shape, that would be cool here in helbreath Nemesis, hoping for responses, fede.


    i COMPLETELY agree with you, and letrita, u should just shut up :D, cuz changing the shape of


    DK helm to wings helm isn't fruit, don't u see that in hb usa there was an update like that?


    i think thats a great idea, i hope the GM team read this suggestion, cuz it is really good :)


  8. i think that increasing STR requirement to wear shields is


    a great idea, but there is another problem, the


    magic wand (m.shield). I think that item should have


    other requirements, because it gives u A LOT of defence


    and its a wand, idk what could be the reqs, but i think,


    that M.shield is an other big problem.

  9. The experience is set to that of a pure pvp server (max level in 2 hours),

    yet there is no raid 5/7 days of the week.


    Are GMs aware of this? If so, why has it not been fixed yet?


    I think that barracks to lvl 180 HAS TO BE RELEASED, otherwise, this server


    seems to be like a fruit server, in which the first day u play u can get max lvl -.-.


    Barracks to lvl 180 HAS TO BE RELEASED RIGHT NOW!!!! :S:S:S


  10. Im realy bored right now and Ares shop is boxed and there is no1 on at all, therefore,

    I am here posting a completely pointless topic. What is everyone else doing?



    damn it, U ARE REALLT BORED lolz, i aam going to make eks with my brother, we make


    a nice team, and we can talk to each other so its easy to make eks lol :)


  11. That's one possible idea, we are thinking of other more long-term ideas though, like new pits, dropping back barracks etc.


    Some good developments are coming up though! For all levels.


    dropping back barracks to lvl 51 is a GREEEEAAAAATTTTTTT idea!!!! lol


  12. Well i was wondering if Angels could be bound, just like almost every servers, i dont think u'll consider this but perhaps there's a way to change the system, making it possible to trade angels n at the same time not to drop them.


    i think that's a GREAT idea, i think that EVERY item that u get with majestic has to be bound,


    idk if u think the same than me, but i think it should he like that :) :)


  13. Bueno: Eh estado pensando la alternativa de un servidor arg es muy tentadora, pero desde mi punto de vista es casi lo mismo. Despues de entrenar como 2 a?os, hacer eks, etc, es bastante dificil decir " oh dejo todo"; y empiezo a jugar un server que es nuevo pero que en realidad es el mismo :P.

    Mi propuesta seria Subir el angel en el neme int a +15 o +20. Asi players como yo, que lo tienen casi todo tienen mas motivacion para seguir jugando al int.


    100% agree, me parece perfecto lo que decis, ya que, hay gente que ya tiene dk15 y angel+10


    y ya no sabe que hacer, y ami me parece que hicieron MAL en crear el neme arg, ya que perdieron


    muchos players del int, yo creo que es preferible tener 1 solo server con 200+ players on (como era el int


    ante), antes de tener 2 servers con 100 players cada uno, y tambien creo que deber?an hacer algunas


    updates como para incentivar a los jugadores que jugan hace mucho, ya que, por lo que veo, muchos


    jugadores de antes ya dejaron el server, ejemplo: los de survivors ya casi no entran nunca, y algunos


    players dejaron su acc o la vendieron (lo q quiere decir q ya no tenian nada para hacer en el server).


  14. muy buena la idea!


    very good idea!, i think its great because it will be much more


    easy to get organized, and it will be easy to organyze


    hunts, like abby hunts (that happen very rarely).


    I just loved the idea man! i hop the GM's to read it because


    it is very nice! GL all

  15. Let people get 2 180 fast, i mean lvl 180 is just the begining of lvling... dk 15, angels....


    i know that lvl 180 is just the beggining of training, but there are


    lots of ppl that doesn't even know where 2 get lvl 180, but they can get


    lvl 180 fast and easily in barracks now :S (i tested it and it was only


    2 hours to get lvl 180).


    PD: And getting full lvl with a MAGE, wasn't thaaat easy, but now it is very


    easy with barracks :S