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Posts posted by martingroso

  1. Si tenes el coraje necesario...

    Entra al Laberinto de la Muerte!


    Los premios son: DM+3 necklace, BBH+3, 3 zems, 2 meriens, 1 xstone


    MS14 Necklace, ring of grand mage, 3 zem, 2 meriens, 1 xstone


    Solo podran intentar pasar el laberinto UNA vez, asi que haganlo lo mejor que puedan.

    No se pueden hacer invis ni utilizar ningun hechizo de defensa como gds, ni gh, ni create food, ni pretend corpse, ni slates.


    Se permiten TODAS las armaduras, angeles, escudos... Y podes elegir AMP, PFM O PFA.


    Cada jugador tendra su propio turno de entrar al laberinto. Se permiten espectadores siempre y cuando se queden en el lugar que yo asigne y no interfieran de ninguna manera. Cualquiera que este corriendo, casteando, pegando, causando disturbios y no escuche a los gms, sera enviado a la carcel y baneado de este y del proximo evento.

    Preguntas? Posteenlas aca.

    Los portales para el evento estaran en el city hall de sus ciudades.

    Nos vemos el jueves 8 a las 9AM (hora del server).


    HUNTER, this guy DID A GOOD TRANSLATION and DIDN'T use google translation.


    he deserves a stone :D


    I have a a moment u say "u can choose between amp, pfm or pfa"


    u mean that u can choose 1 of them and use it during the whole maze?


  2. i'm doing this post because i'd like to know something about critical weapons.


    For example...talking about a Critical BH crit+5:


    is the +5 dmg added in ALL the crits?


    is the +5 added in the first dmg or in the last dmg?


    thats all i'd like to know, thanks.

  3. in my opinion...all weapons for wars should have some DMG increase...mages are too overpowerd (and i'm saying this being a mage), i just did a PVP to a friend of mine, he is dk war and i'm dk mage...we both play equal, and i killed him spending no heal pots. (with this, i mean that mages are very overpowered, and i'd love to see some changes :S )

  4. We verified, and the game is ready to +20 without major changes as i sayed at the beggining.


    If we upgrade it, and i think we will, it will be to +20 already.


    Also we are thinking on adding a "EK to Magestics" trade ratio. (but not opposite way)


    i really like the idea, it may be good for players that like making eks more than training...(of course u shouldn't do maj to EK), but i really LIKE the idea of being able to trade EK's for majestic.


  5. I disagree with this idea, especially because its easier to get backup. I think organizing guild should be also one of the "skills" available in game.


    i disagree with u...its just a party...the 90% of times u make it to train, not to raid...lot of servers have this tool and i think its really great...i completely agree with the idea to see the party members in the mini map.


  6. its a nice idea, very nice, but if its going to cost 150 U$D (just saying), i think the players will prefere to buy a stormbringer with 150 U$D, than a noob set, so i think you should select the price very accurately. (the idea is great)

    And if the set is going to include a should be just 7, no more than that...cuz a cape mp14+ is a bit rare :P

  7. Well, my suggestion is to add more exchange slots, its VERY usefull, and there


    is no way to get scammed in a big trade :), my suggestion is to add more exchange slots


    to the exchange option, i'd like it to have like 10 or 15 slots.


    I hope u to discuss about this issue, cuz it is really important.