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Everything posted by martingroso

  1. martingroso

    Plz Plz Plz

    it doesn't matter if legion has a "repair all" option, it's still a nice feature and it would be nice to have it here...if another server has that option and it's really good, why couldn't it be done here?
  2. martingroso

    Plz Plz Plz

    really gr8 idea ;)
  3. martingroso

    Pa Shields

    exaggerated jajajajaajaj whats wrong? exaggerated is corret lmao
  4. martingroso

    Armor Dyes

    hey, i have been thinking about armor dyes...and there is no way to get them... I'd like to see armor would be a good thing to be able to paint ur sets with armor dyes, i'm just suggesting that armor dyes could be a "not hard" drop from some mobs like ww or ogres and bosses of course. I don't know what you guys think, but i think armor dyes are very good looking, they don't "unbalance" the server in any way at all, its just to paint your sets and make them look better than they already look. Plz give me your opinions about this subjects...i'd also like some GMs to let us know what they think :) thats all guys, thanks!
  5. martingroso


    well i think u are right...something has to be done to make baxes more useful...nobody wants to use em, even if they are ancient with stats...i don't see any wars using baxes at all :S
  6. martingroso


    well maybe there could be a new spell, that requires about 120-140 int to learn and has an encreased dmg, or maybe add 2-3 spells, so we can see more bmage builds...or maybe adding 4 spells (air/fire/ice/earth) also...maybe while adding some spells we can see different bmage or even mage builds :P
  7. martingroso

    Hello !

    yeah if u send a ticket u will know where your hero set is :D
  8. martingroso

    Change Hitpoint/vit Formula Back To Normal

    i like the idea :)
  9. martingroso

    I Need To Change Email

    ok to change the email u need to do the following: 1- make a ticket to let the GMs know that you will change the email of the account. 2-The user (old user) of the account, MUST send an email to to confirm the email change. 3- You have to donate 25$ (dollars) to make the email change. 4- When they receive the money (and they also received the email confirmation by the old user) they will change the email.
  10. martingroso

    To Prove My Point Right...

    No, I know how things really are, because I played, both of you just cry at forum. So, what your claiming here is to be able to kill a war you alone, in 2 lizes or so..? Thats where you make the mistake. This is a MMORPG, things are not made for you to play alone. I assure you that on a fight 2v2, 3v3 or any big fight things change completely. You want to make a 200dex/str war and be owning everyone out there alone? Thats bullshit. And im not against because im Bmage, im against because of common sense. Its a game designed to play in groups, not alone. If you want to kill 1vs1 you can do pvp, there you wont worry about mshield/tower or whatever pa shield he carries.. I can give you a lot of examples of people that start from 0 and make their way through, that are learning to fight and that they can ek perfectly fine.. So, once again, my advice is: Log in, play, get involved in big fights without recalling, and see. yes, its a MMORPG (massive multiplayer online roll playing game), but we are missing something here, there are ONLY 100 PEOPLE connected at a time here, helbreath isn't what it used to be, now, finding mass fights is very hard, there are almost no mass fights, and the game should change according to its situation, and helbreath situation is VERY different from that helbreath we used to play 6++ years ago.
  11. martingroso

    To Prove My Point Right...

    Haha, I make a suggestion and say the DK defense is too high, you and MagicJoker say crap, that the only possible way of missing 9 hits is by having 50 dex, I make a video and you say "whine less play more", in the video u can clearly see that I just don't hit shit to another 200 dex warrior HITTING with a BBH 200 str 200 dex war, which is supposed to be a super *censored* opener owner...Out of 18 hits I only dealt 150 dmg??? so if I lyze a war alone he stands with tower+mshield and I spam crits and hit only 1/6 of his HP??? He wouldn't even need to chug a pot as his health would recover before I hit him again lol.....I mean that's lame....I'm sure ur against it because ur a platemage.... lol true.... Svanfir, you just don't want to see things how they really are.
  12. martingroso

    To Prove My Point Right...

    +1 i'm afraid that fede is right...something must be done regarding DK sets/hitting probability.
  13. martingroso

    How To Make The Sv Waaay More Interesting

    MJ, u just said that most of the stuff fede suggested would *censored* the game up. but what about hb legion? i've tried it and half of the players are old nemesis players that are fed up of GMs NOT considering ideas and suggestions that are really good and would be nice to be implemented. The recall is an issue that has to be fixed, a whole guild just quit from this server because of recall not being changed, hb legion has now more players (at least active players) than nemesis, and i'm not doing "propaganda" or anything about hb legion, i'm just saying that sometimes we could learn about what OTHER servers do/implement to the game so that the users are happier. About removing DK set, belive me or not, but removing dk set is a really good idea, being a war, u can start off with crappy items and be able to do something better than missing 90% of your hits. Raising the drop rate isn't a stupid idea, i mean, u could have sb/gbh/z wand or whatever u want but u can also die easily, rares don't "unbalance" the server, u just hit a bit more. And i don't mean raising the drop rate a lot, but at least raise it a bit, i mean, i have been playing this server for more than a year and the best drop i ever got is a hp35 berk. And something i hate about GMs is that they say "no, that idea sucks", or "we will think about it", but then u realise that u are never gonna get an answer. There are other servers that implemented this stuff and are growing freakin fast, i'm just saying we could learn about other servers, and make this server more enjoyable.
  14. martingroso

    Pink Dye Event

    i really like that idea :D
  15. martingroso

    Happy Birthday Thegambler

    happy bday! have a nice time!
  16. martingroso

    Pink Dye Event

    find the GM :)
  17. martingroso

    Godie - Logout

    it's sad to see another player leaving :( gl godie!
  18. martingroso

    Nuevo User Del Char Epica-

    bueno, como saben estaba tradeando items de neme int por cosas de aca. asique ahora tengo al char Epica- con algunos items...era para que sepan nomas que el char ya tener otro due?o ;)
  19. martingroso

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    Seria un golazo para nosotros y para el server. Si es muy dificil, estaria bueno que te den a elegir 1 char para pasar, y 15-20 items de ese char, nada mas. Con eso me conformo, paso el dk15, mis sets y un par de cosas mas y listo. lo mismo digo yo, si no se pueden pasar las cuentas enteras, que te dejen pasar 1 solo char por persona con no mas de X cantidad de items...habria muchos mas player en el int y seria muy justo para los que tenemos cosas aca :) PD: que pasaria si el mismo nombre esta usado en el int?...porque en mi caso es asi :D
  20. martingroso

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    ok gracias por el laburo, espero que salga todo bien :) PD: si les sale bien estaria bueno porque hay muchisimos player del arg que quieren jugar al int pero solo con los chars que armaron en el arg :)
  21. martingroso


    imo it's a waste of EKs to use flags on battlefield mode :P
  22. martingroso

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    imaginate cuanto puedo tardar por cada char por cada bag creando items con createitem y respondete solo!! Por mas que pagues 100 dolares, tendria que tirar 30 comandos. Ni ahi lo hago! cobra por caract?r tipeado , te haces la guita (por mas que ya tengas mucha) :P lo mismo digo...tanta gente se limo en ese server que con donacion te podrias hacer mucha guita...o que al menos puedas elejir los items mas importantes del char, tipo 8 items bound y 8 items que tenias en bag y wh (cosa de no tener q pasar 30mil items por char)...ahi no te demorarias tanto tiempo y muchisimos player del arg jugarian int y contentos :)
  23. martingroso

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    alto server dario :D ....mas tarde me meto ahora me voy :P vuelvo en unas horas... PD: farjat, si no se pueden transferir chars, podria al menos haber 1 donacion (ya que seria 1 poco hartante), en el que crees 1 char en el int con las mismas cosas que en el arg (pero obvio con donacion porque seria bastante lento tambien :P )
  24. martingroso

    Nemesis Argentina Cerrado.

    la unica forma de que juegue al int es con transferencia de char. se podria hacer una transferencia de char de arg a int? al menos con donacion que se yo. por favor algun GM responda :) gracias.