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Everything posted by martingroso

  1. martingroso

    Remove Dk Set

    me and my bro suggested this a couple of months ago and everybody was like "get the heck out of here"...but, imo, dk set sucks freakin bad and should be removed ASAP.
  2. martingroso

    Old Map Request

    (L) This maps wayy better. yeh, in my opinion this map rockz ;)
  3. martingroso

    Old Map Request

    i agree with u :) i would like to see the old maps again :)
  4. martingroso


    i respect your opinion but... yeah i accidentally pluged off the internet cable when i was being boxed and raped by 15+ ares, yeah right...oh and i also moved EVERY item because none of those items was mine...
  5. martingroso


  6. martingroso

    Kill Pk Ppl

    it would be awesome if being crim would give you something extra... for example. anti-hero elvine/aresden set maybe it could be like hero set but with less dmg/hp bonus.. and easier to take. or it could have more damage and hp than regular hero set but you would need like 50 pks to get each part.. and if you get killed by anyone your pk count goes back to 0 and you have to start killing ppl all over. lo mismo.... te pensas que no van a lamear para eso? estos son ideas al pedo que nada mas sirven para que haya mas pelotudo abusandolas la idea esta buena pero tenes razon...seria demaciado facil lamear
  7. martingroso

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    lo de subirle el max stat esta bueno....pero para mi los dk sets se deberian sacar directamente...lo dr/pa es inutil al lado de lo dk, y el dk tiene 10k de endu y no te cuesta nada reparar...para mi deberian sacarlo :D
  8. martingroso

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    como te llamas putp? NoVaTiTa JAJAJA, en un rato entro, ahi lo puse a bajar de nuevo al full. (Porque borre el hb, OJO con los keyloggers en los files de servers pts, me robaron el msn, facebook y cuentas de foro y fue alguien del lmdl, pero recupere todo) Audio, esos pibes son tabu aca, no hay que tenerlos en cuenta. Ni da que un grupito de tipos del lmdl vengan a exigir cosas a Nemesis, en que cabeza entra? Se quejan de no tener tiempo y se desvelan matando abby de a 5 en el server de jorgito. Me senti un poco tocado porque dije y sostengo que la mayoria que juega hb juega de hace mucho y no tenemos los mismos tiempos que cuando teniamos 12-15 a?os, pero igual, es mucho mas rendidor un low si no tenes tiempo. Vuelvo a repetir, si logran fixear el tema del delay, seria un golazo increible hacer un exp low (no tan low si quieren), pero Internacional. Hay MUCHA gente pidiendo eso, inclusive muchos viejos players de Nemesis. No estoy hablando de Argentinos, gente de todos lados. Si algun dia resetean el int, tenganlo en cuenta. La cagaron desde el dia que aumentaron el lvl limit, en 140 tenes muchisima mas diversidad. Osea, si te gusta el durazno, bancate la peluza.. si queres pegar jodido con war, vas a tener que sacrificar spells y vit, lo mismo si queres tirar blizz con mago. No es tanto blizz y bbh, entran en juego todos los spells y armas, skillear manufacturing y alchemy RINDE. Tenes 120 puntos menos en los stats, TODOS MUEREN y hace falta jugar en equipo. Que opinan? Soy el unico que lo ve asi? nunca tube la oportunidad de jugar un 140/200...pero parece interesante :D
  9. martingroso

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    there are new hero pieces? wtf? no there isn't, there's only an IDEA of POSSIBLY adding or making new hero, but needs ALOT more thinking and discussing to make it real. sounds great man....helbreath is an old game and it needs to be it would be awsome to see new hero items :)
  10. martingroso

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    there are new hero pieces? wtf?
  11. martingroso

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    maybe you don't have the latest version of the test server's client.
  12. martingroso


    if you don't ban this guy.....i wouldn't be surprised if he moved the items to another account :S
  13. martingroso

    Server Delay

    llegaste a leer lo q te puse en castellano?
  14. martingroso

    Server Delay

    u r right
  15. martingroso

    Helbreath Nemesis Test Server Is Officialy Open !

    ill say just split in 2 the exchange window and allow multitrade of 8 sounds nice...but anyways there should be a way to make it even bigger...ofc i know it must be freakin hard to code, but in some trades there are like 15 items included (when we trade rares/sets) so we need lots of slots while trading items...anyways 8 slots is still nice :D
  16. martingroso


    first offense of pulling should be a 2 month ban, and then a permanent ban....1 week ban is nothing :S
  17. martingroso


    sure, how you suggest "detect" if somone pull or if somone lose power/internet? and if detected, what should happen? player stand there the rest of his life or untill he die? come up with a fair and good plan, we could consider. According to me, there is no way to see if somone pulls or loses power/internet. So how have GMs been able to determine that people in the past have pulled, and been banned for such offense if there is no way to determine a pull or a legit dc? Answer is common sense, it is very very easy to tell when someone pulls or dcs. In a big fight, if someone is standing still and then becomes the target of everyone else, its obviously a dc. But when someone is being targeted and runs for a while and gets parad and magically dcs the moment that will save his life, its obviously a pull.Also with such a small community it is pretty easy to identify people/guilds that are "known pullers" And i believe as this topic suggests that it is the same basic groups of people that are continuously pulling. Pulling the plug is essentially abusing a flaw in the server unfairly, aka bug abusing/hacking. I know that people in this server have been perm banned for far less infractions. So my suggestion is to make the penalty far greater than the benefit of saving 1 zem and giving 1 ek. I know in the past the penalty for pulling varies from player to player and which GM sees the pull. But i think there should be something more solid to detour these people from pulling. Say 1st offense is a 1 month ban, and the 2nd should be a perm ban. Ek laming in this server is an absolute nono and is punished by a perm ban everytime. Well imo pulling gives just as much of a disadvantage as someone laming eks, as it prohibits the legit earning of an ek that someone worked hard for. I think with a little stern monitoring/punishing of these offenses will stop the actions all together. People that work for long periods of time and spend lots of money, i believe, they would rather die than get there chars banned forever. Longest post in my history without profanity, hope it makes some sense :D he's right
  18. martingroso

    Helping New People More.

    nah, if they have to repair a weapon they wouldn't be able to get out of barracks :P
  19. martingroso

    Lower Pa

    "maybe" is the only option available....
  20. martingroso

    Suggestion For Event

    i like the idea, but maybe the reward could be a bit higher than only 10% bonus...maybe 50% or something like that ;)
  21. martingroso

    Plz Plz Plz

    it's not gonna be fruity...fruity is high drop rate, ek x5, high exp, thats fruity....i don't see anything fruity on a repair all option :S
  22. martingroso

    Maybe One Day...

    nice capes :o i want that colours!!! :)
  23. martingroso


    man u lend a hero plate W to a random guy, then he doesn't show up? i think u are kinda screwed :S i wouldn't even lend a hero item tho :P
  24. martingroso

    Anoyone Playin This Server Anymore?

    white, how much time do you think it will take you to launch the update that includes taming/guild system?