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Everything posted by martingroso

  1. martingroso

    Remove Barrack To Lvl 180.

    Well, i have been thinking, and i think that the game gets worse while being able to get lvl 180 in barracks (because you can get from lvl 1 to 180 in 1 day). I would love if the barrack is able till lvl 51 (like before), because the game is much more interesting while lvling in other maps, because it is more difficult. I hope the GM team to read this, thank u all :). PD: There could be some grammar mistakes :P, long time i don't speak english :S
  2. martingroso

    Remove Barrack To Lvl 180.

    i know that lvl 180 is just the beggining of training, but there are lots of ppl that doesn't even know where 2 get lvl 180, but they can get lvl 180 fast and easily in barracks now :S (i tested it and it was only 2 hours to get lvl 180). PD: And getting full lvl with a MAGE, wasn't thaaat easy, but now it is very easy with barracks :S
  3. martingroso

    Down With The Barracks!

    i agree with you, i don't care if they add new maps (for fast exp) for low lvls, but i think that barracks to lvl 180 should be removed, and it should be till lvl 51, like before :)
  4. martingroso

    Remove Barrack To Lvl 180.

    Ok, could you please tell me when you are going to remove barracks to lvl 180? thanks
  5. martingroso

    Remove Barrack To Lvl 180.

    I know that, but the game gets boring if EVERYBODY is lvl 180, because while having barracks, u can get from lvl 1 to 180 in ONE DAY, so nobody is going to train in other places while having that advantage. I think that barracks should be open till lvl 51. Like in the old nemesis :(
  6. martingroso

    Server Down Momentaneamente

    Quisiera saber que algun GM me diga cual es la raz?n por la cual se puso off el server muchas gracias, MARTIN
  7. martingroso

    Server Down Momentaneamente

    ok muchisimas gracias, aprovecho para ir a ba?arme :):)