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Everything posted by Lexus

  1. Lexus

    Happy B Day Lexus

    hahah, cool you remember me. haven't been here for ages but SA told me to look since you made topic. thanks really cool =)
  2. Lexus

    Gm Posistion

    Thats why Lexus become gm :S and u dont :D It's about charisma obviously =)
  3. Lexus

    To Mbc's Defence

    as you wish
  4. Lexus

    Lame Prize For 140

    I'm just confused because I thought there would only be ORIGINAL ITEMS in Nemesis 2 and especially not a edited gold hero cape (might be lil over the top innit)...but whatever... Im hoping that the players that got it are satisfied with it -.-
  5. Lexus

    Welcome Back Frost[gm]

    Good to have you in Frost.
  6. First of all, I wasnt even talking to snow. Hunter, Giggles and I were having a conversation and you were AFK. You returned, didnt agree with me and banned me. for the third time already! I broke no rule, i didnt curse, i didnt insult anyone i was expresing my opinion. If you dont agree with me thats fine but dont ban me for it. And yesterday I was banned not kicked. I had to get GM to let me back in. The simple fact is , you abuse your powers and You say you dont want to answer to anyone well when you have a position like you have you need to be more tolerant. Or resign if you cant be objective and fair. I am tired of being banned in the middle of talking to my friends because you have the whim to do so. Also, i am tired of being verbally abused by you when you disagree with me. I am not going to just look the other way and go away until this issue is taken care of. I have supported this server for a long time and I wont be called names by an irc half op and forum administrator. Sexy knows the kind of person i am and so does scat. And i cant believe she will allow me or any other player to be treated so abusively. I want this to stop now. I want you to stop banning me, stop cursing at and calling me inappropriate names and stop running IRC and the forums like it is your private chat room, You dont own Nemesis Scat and Sexy do and youre running people away with your negative childish attitude. Which is their business why they want you as forum admin and irc operator. I just want to come to irc and be able to chat without being kicked/banned for nothing. Sexy and Scat, please do something about this. I am not the only player being treated this way. Pichu was banned for ridiculous reasons, snowdragon bans people for asking questions, he bans them for not being able to spak English...he is out of control. Do something please. ooh and i didnt even start about his forum spam-every-topic behaviour. ps. this post is for sexy and sexy only to responce to.
  7. Lexus

    Irc Abuse

    hey sexy i didnt see any topic about snowdragon , the biggest abuser around , he should get his topic this is the third time in 1week he banned me from irc for no reason. just coz we think different and caht about it, he gets pissed, and bans me from irc. and no we didnt insult eachother. and i didnt insult anyone. he just gets mad if we talk about fullwhipe when i try to explain why i like it. he goes mad and bans me. 3 times already in1week !!!!!!!! it should stop. waiting for ur responce and solution.