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Posts posted by Gucci

  1. need to change this bullshit *censored* drop rate.. *censored*ing ridic to have to hunt for weeks to months to get a baxe drop which nobody uses which makes having them in the game useless and just makin up lag on the server because nobody uses axes other then x, they are just afk weapons :/, and gis too u can train for months and get all ns gis or hp21 or something which still sucks because of bbh , i dont think the ppl at siemtech thought it through when they were raising max to 180 and adding bbh. would be a hell lot more balanced at 140 or 160 max with bbh.. but its been so long at 180 that'd be a change for the worst now people are use to pvm at 180 .


    make armour thats only obtainable through manu, or through creature drop like merian but more like BS dk armour, probaly a little weaker then dk but 180- can wear it. or make it a little better the knight but with DK endurance so pvp vs 180- would take place. like a 180 zerk bbh war vs a 160 BH war could be a interesting fight..


    cause war vs war if ur 180- 90% of the time ur runing if ur facing a 180 because bbh eats the shit out of gold armour