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Everything posted by Gucci

  1. Gucci

    Corrupt Auto Updater

    same here
  2. Gucci


    This spell is way to powerfull. especially with the ping you can't do shit while MIM. It's way to strong of a spell to be so easily available. It shouldnt be able to go through PFM if your going to keep it as a wizard tower spell. Anyones thoughts?
  3. Gucci


    if thats your solution... lol STOP EFFING AROUND AND MAKE THE SHIT SO YOU NEED SKILL TO USE IT AND HAVE TO AIM IT! WHY THE HELL IS IT A AREA SPELL?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  4. Gucci


    and i think it's a area spell , you don't event have to aim just throw the shit around
  5. Gucci

    Increase The # Of Players

    i also play hbworld and what you guys call 'fruity' is not fruity it's advanced. its like hb mixed with WOW, hb is a old game now hb nemesis is still on some 2002 shit. time to change up .
  6. Gucci

    Anyone Els Haven Login Issues?

    there is a new version out, u need to go to the main page and redownload the update, thats what the problem is
  7. Gucci

    Helbreath Nemesis 5.05 Update

    should of made scan a charisma type spell should of made scan a charisma type spell
  8. Gucci

    I Have 1 Question

    i saw ur post in market tryin to get a rightous bh... don't its not worth it.. get sharp crit or anc.. rightous is shit, and the others will help you VS monsters also
  9. Gucci

    Stolen Items

    Mis art?culos fueron robados por Mantiz I crearon un boleto y mi boleto fue cerrado con la explicaci?n ' debido a la regla #2, biselamos recuperamos p?rdidas durante la distribuci?n (solamente la no significa que permitimos scammers, que es porqu? ?l est? prohibido que i don' t sabe usted sabe) ' ............................ No era cuentas de distribuci?n con ?l. ?l me vendi? un car?cter y retir? el car?cter junto con los art?culos. ?l hizo esto a la gente numerosa mientras que tiraba de otros timos? tambi?n que hice mi boleto inmediatamente despu?s que ?l tuvo en cuenta, y el GM mirado le el mismo d?a. Si fuera resuelto que d?a mis art?culos no ser?an separados a trav?s del servidor. En lugar era 10 d?as cerrados m?s adelante. Hice el boleto el vig?simo y fue resuelto el trig?simo. Cuando las cuentas se divulgan scamming las cuentas en preguntas deben ser congeladas hasta que se resuelva para evitar que suceda esto. ua par de gente que scammed y los art?culos perdidos y no podr?a conseguir detr?s parada. necesitan comenzar a congelar estas cuentas o algo porque ?ste es b.s My items were stolen by Mantiz, I created a ticket and my ticket was closed with the explanation 'items cant be recovered, they are spread around the server. And also because of rule #2, we cant recover losses during sharing (but that doesnt mean we allow scammers, that is why he is banned which i dont know how do you know)' ............. I was not sharing accounts him. He sold the character to me and took it back along with the items. He did this to numerous people also while doing other scams. Also I made my ticket immediately after happened and a GM responded the same day. If solved that same day my items would not of been around the server, instead it was closed 10 days later.. I made the ticket the 20th and it was closed the 30th. Because of this i beleiv when tickets are made in the 'lost item' or scammed section they should freeze the accounts in question till it's solved.
  10. Gucci

    Stolen Items

    My items were stolen by Mantiz, I created a ticket and my ticket was closed with the explanation 'items cant be recovered, they are spread around the server. And also because of rule #2, we cant recover losses during sharing (but that doesnt mean we allow scammers, that is why he is banned which i dont know how do you know)' ............. I was not sharing accounts him. He sold the character to me and took it back along with the items. He did this to numerous people also while doing other scams. Also I made my ticket immediately after happened and a GM responded the same day. If solved that same day my items would not of been around the server, instead it was closed 10 days later.. I made the ticket the 20th and it was closed the 30th. Because of this i beleiv when tickets are made in the 'lost item' or scammed section they should freeze the accounts in question till it's solved. :angry:
  11. Gucci

    Ancer Banned =]

    I had my mp77 shield, mp56 hose, mp 28 leather ROGM and ms16 stolen by Mantiz
  12. How come when you click on someones forum name you can't search they're post if ur looking for a particular post he made or something
  13. Gucci

    Q Le Pasa Al Server?

    2009 es que todav?a estamos jugando con HB la exacta misma materia hab?a m?s de 5 a?os ..
  14. Gucci

    Hb Arg Forum?

    what happend to it?
  15. the damage on this server isnt normal is it does anyone know why? the creatures hit more and players hit less ..a 180 war shouldnt struggle to solo a demon..
  16. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    big difference between a demon and hellclaw though
  17. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    look in the video section vampyr this one mage did it ill look for link
  18. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    If you are interested in PVM mostly why did you go BBH? I know you have to work for it but DK15 would be much better. so if do pvp i can actually do damage lol
  19. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    i agree some monster are group hunt , those that have 100% drop rate though (hc tw abaddon), i dont think demons or unis should be group hunt monsters.. group hunting everything doesnt lead to shit especially after a FG. sucks to hunt with 3 people and only 1 person's time is actually worth it. seems ettins are the only thing you can really solo to get a decent drop weapon wise and there isno pit nor not enough of them.
  20. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    ok so bbh damage was turned down thats what i thought and i dont really care about pvp'in im mostly interested in the pvm aspect of this whole thing, sucks the only thing u can really solo is ettins at most nizzies without a fking hp set and mass rares... sucks
  21. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    yea which sucks because then you always need someone else with you and i def like hunt/trainin by myself. demons should = nizzies imo
  22. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    hbusa has changed alot of stuff from original ok that would explain it then
  23. Gucci

    Cic % Effect.

    its crazy how many "myths' there are in hb because GM's dont respond to topics like this. and this a good quesion because i've heard the same thing before, but yet theres no guide to how this works ..
  24. Gucci

    Grats Squall/elguason

    i dont like the dude banned me for a week over some shit he "thought" happened
  25. Gucci

    The Damage On This Server

    compared to hbusa the damage weapons give on this server is way less ..... you can solo a demon on hbusa with just bbh and dk... here u need dm3, ring, angel and armour to kill a fkin demon its annoying.. i'd hunt demons alot more if i could fkin kill them myself i always have to have another war or some shit with me