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Everything posted by xla54

  1. xla54

    Please Help

    ty for ur help guys sorry for the inconvenience
  2. xla54

    Please Help

    I logged on my pler today, i had a full manu set, my manu plate was 175 completionm and was plus 2 and now its gone!! i never take it out of wh until i reach lvl 140 and i only take it out to train if i have zem...but when i logged on it was gone!!it was my most valuable item can any gm please help me figure this out?? i want it back but there is probably nothing u guys can do :(( i worked hartd for it man DAMNIT!!!
  3. xla54

    Please Help

    i did transfer it but i made sure i had it before i did anythin...ty eldon for being honest!! i appreciate it so much and no worrys for the sharing char thing my characters will always be logged in under 1 ip adress... ty eldon once again! i did transfer it but i made sure i had it before i did anythin...ty eldon for being honest!! i appreciate it so much and no worrys for the sharing char thing my characters will always be logged in under 1 ip adress... ty eldon once again! oh btw im always on one of my few characters so i will whisper u whenever ur on
  4. xla54

    Please Help

    no i never share my characters thats why im so confused.... my best item basically just vanished and it fin sucks
  5. xla54


    im having trouble understanding the drop process someone said something about a cancellation manual or something??...i hunt regularly and kill cycs trying to get good drops but have had no success