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Everything posted by prelunatic

  1. prelunatic

    A Few Questions For The Players/gms

    just a quick curious question, how does running a HB server cost $500 a month? they pay dedicated server not sure if its 500 but ATLEAST its 300 for this pro server we have oh rly? dam, it still lags sometimes tho =( i remember running this game on 512ram for 100+ ppl lol
  2. prelunatic

    Old Schoolers?

    good ol' times. played INT way before p2p. cant even remember when, I was like 6th grade I believe on dial up and a 256ram computer. M[4]G[3] was my main on there, ES mage with manu armor. I remember when saying !MR party by shop. ment 2 hrs of EB and endless conversations with everyone. I think I got him to lvl 65+ before it was imposible to lvl cuz u had to fight 10+ other mages and 5+ other wars for one scorpion which was like what 50xp? lol one name that stands out to me is clan_man. i remember he used to be on 24/7 and then one time came by farm wh and had a GiS and I was 0.0, after that he was my God. sometime after that trav hackers came out, so I decited to make one haha I think his name was DagGeR? lvl 50 some had a right short sord rep+7 which i got from someone dying in scrop pit. it was epic. i pwnd farm hardcore. made ppl follow me to see if i can test out para, or hold person, or to see if i can hit em and just pwn em lol. after they came out with new files and got some anti hacking shit for travelers i had to become citizen. lvl 50, with short sword, 450eks, and hero cape FTW! then me and my friend took on fishing, switched up on it, and started pwning gold fish. saved up 150k which was a shit load of hours of work. and since he just hit lvl 85 we bought a crit flame n/s and HE WAS THE SHIT! we used to just stand around wh thinking we were the best there was haha. good times. i remember being to nub to get 20int and not having recal, going into wh and getting stuck there cuz there used to be mad amounts of ppl chillin lol i can go on for ever, this game was the begining of my internet addiction, all the mmorpgs, and everything i learned was from HB. i think HB deserves a big THANK YOU for that =D
  3. prelunatic

    A Few Questions For The Players/gms

    just a quick curious question, how does running a HB server cost $500 a month?
  4. prelunatic

    Screenshot With Laptop

    what u mean function button? sorry for being nub lol Check if ur keyboard has Fn-button, press that and screen shotbutton, and it should work. yes it does! yay! u my man are a genius! haha. forum rep for u. /rep+ Raquzz
  5. prelunatic

    Screenshot With Laptop

    quick question, im playing on a laptop that has the [prt sc] button same as [insert] so instead of taking a screenshot it eats a HP pot cuz its the same button 0.o anyways around that or can i make the screenshot button a different key or taking screenshots just wont be for me? lol thanks guys.
  6. prelunatic

    Screenshot With Laptop

    what u mean function button? sorry for being nub lol