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  • Birthday 11/28/1986

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  1. COCAO

    New Host

    Massa, vou ver a respeito desse programa, aqui eh GVT 54mb
  2. COCAO

    New Host

    Boa noite Nemesis (BRASIL) Estou aqui para informar que após a troca do HOST ei estou com DELAY e LAG. Eu e meu amigo da mesma cidade porém de servidores diferente (GVT, NetVirtua) estamos com o mesmo problema Gostaria de saber se jogadores do Brasil, em especial, e outros jogadores e estão com o mesmo problema, e uma resposta da equipe de GM. Desde ja agradeço atenção e a paciência. NegaJurema é nois. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goodnight Nemesis (English) I'm here to inform you that after changing the HOST i am with LAG and DELAY. Me and my friend in the same city but different server (GVT NetVirtua) are having the same problem I wonder if players of Brazil, in particular, and other players and are having the same problem, and a response team GM. From already thank attention and patience. NegaJurema é nois -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nemesis Goodnight (Argentina) Estoy aquí para informarles que después de cambiar el HOST estoy con LAG y DELAY. Yo y mi amigo en la misma ciudad pero diferente servidor (GVT NetVirtua) están teniendo el mismo problema Me pregunto si los jugadores de Brasil, en particular, y otros jugadores y están teniendo el mismo problema, y un equipo de respuesta de GM. Desde ya agradezco la atención y la paciencia. NegaJurema é nois.
  3. COCAO

    A View Of The Community On Nemesis 3

  4. COCAO

    Tratar De Sumar Gente O Reset No Hay Otra

    I have the perfect idea for solving problems. Just as they did in Helbreath international can do Helbreath nemesis. I remember when Helbreath became "international" opened two servers. A abaddon and another apocalypse. The server adabbon continued with the old players, the rookies and the apocalypse began. It's simple, you just do the same thing with the nemesis. Open a new servers for those who want to start again, who does not want to continue on the old server. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tengo la idea perfecta para la resolución de problemas. Así como lo hicieron en Helbreath Némesis internacional puede hacer Helbreath. Recuerdo cuando Helbreath se convirtió en "internacional" abrió dos servidores. A abaddon y otro apocalipsis. El servidor adabbon continuó con los antiguos jugadores, los novatos y el apocalipsis comenzó. Es muy sencillo, simplemente hacer lo mismo con el nemesis. Abrir un nuevo servidore para los que quieren empezar de nuevo, que no quiere continuar en el servidor antiguo. Very EASY
  5. COCAO

    A View Of The Community On Nemesis 3

    My point is this: Restart the server, and added a chronological time to the server, who played Helbreath before being international? There was no wing helm, or hammer, or anything. If you restart the server, you must make an international server, exp 1, equal to the original server Helbreath precisely why the group's nemesis GM can keep the server stable. And you can add a timeline, in version 1.0 there certain weapons, then, over the years, adding new weapons, just as was the international server. Make a replica of the original international server. Precisely why the server is online for a long time I think the whole community would return to play. Where everyone would like to play international server. Noob dungeon crowded, PL active, where a critical flam, worth much. Everything in the style of true Helbreath OLD SCHOOL!
  6. COCAO

    Reset Is Not An Option?

    RESET OR HB nemesis + HB ARG, only way to see more ppl in HB server !!!!
  7. COCAO

    Elv Map Down [fixed]

    yeah me too
  8. COCAO

    New Map

    safe map?? noo
  9. COCAO

    New Map

    That's it but you can choose through a revival of the portal zone, whether to go to your city or town for the dead, and are there to give back recal
  10. COCAO

    New Map

    Good evening team Helbreath Nemesis I came to make a suggestion, a new map, with new categories of monsters. Works as follows Map Name: Ghost Town Categories Monsters: Phantom Type Access: you can only have access to revival zone through its portals. How to differentiate the monsters: Use the sprites of monsters as if they were using invisible. Best weapons in the map: With ritheos weapon or blood damage is better. Rate Map: Best drop stones. Sprite map: Use the old map Elvine or aresden with some clouds (if possible), it always rains on this map. Well that's ... I think you can improve.
  11. COCAO

    Elv Map Offline?

    He sold many items and the city is down, it's time to invest.
  12. COCAO

    Elv Map Offline?

    why down?
  13. COCAO


    use google translate ! ;)
  14. COCAO


    A penalidade que o GM me aplicou foi prococe, justamente por que ele não tem provas contra isso. É melhor absolver o reu, do que aplicar uma penalidade errada. In dubio pro reo - Princípio de Direito Processual Penal que recomenda ao juiz, na incerteza quanto à materialidade ou à autoria da infração, absolver o réu.
  15. COCAO


    PORTUGUES Eu jogo Helbreath tem muito tempo, e nunca pratiquei nenhum ato de desrespeito as regras do jogo. Não tenho essa ganancia de por itens, ou zem. Simplesmente minha conecção perdeu, e é claro aproveitei a oportunidade pra não logar no conta. Qualquer pessoa faria o mesmo que eu. Eu não tenho histórico de pessoas que fazem esse tipo de coisa. E outra coisa, mesmo que fosse um PULLER, seria o primeiro de todos, passível de ser punida com ADVERTÊNCIA. Eu ja vi com meus olhos o personagem TheAvenger usar PULLER, e o GM não tomar nenhuma atitude. PS: TheAvenger. Não tenho nada contra você, apenas estou citando deu nome como referência de algo que realmente já aconteceu mais de uma vez. ENGLISH I play Helbreath have much time, and never practiced any act of disrespect the rules of the game.I have this greed for the items, or Zem.Just lost my connection, and of course took the opportunityto not log into account.Anyone would do the same tome.I dont have history of people who do this sort of thing. And another thing, even if it were a PULLER,would be the first of all, liable to be punished with CAUTION.I've seen with my eyes the character TheAvenger use PULLER, and GM does not take any action. PS:TheAvenger. I have nothing against you, I'm just quoting named as a reference to something that really has happened more than once. SPANISH Juego Helbreath tiene mucho tiempo, y nunca ejerció ningún acto de falta de respeto de las reglas del juego. No tengo esta ansiedad de los itens, o zem. Acaba de perder mi conexión,y por supuesto,aprovechó la oportunidad para noingresar acuenta.Cualquiera haría lo mismo para mí.No tengo ninguna historia de las personas que hacen este tipo de cosas.Y otra cosa, inclusosi se tratara de un PULLER,sería el primero de todos, susceptible deser castigado con PRECAUCIÓN.He visto con mis ojos un PULLER de TheAvenger y GM no tomar ninguna acción. PS: TheAvenger. No tengo nada en contra de usted, sólo estoy citando el nombre como una referencia a algo que realmente ha sucedido más de una vez.