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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Feels better to be at the top without cheating!


    LIES! Don't you feel proud when you cheat on your exam paper and eventually beat the person that always scored Number1?? LOL !!


    yes it feels good, but i never got a good exam without cheating, so i dunno the difference!


    Well then this is the time for you to do it :D :D :D

  2. Dunno about playing, we tried with Lycanth,me,Sylv1a to find pk but no1 there... So for us we need guilds back so we have some change to fight ;D lose or win, dont mind if we lose... it gives more adrealine ^^ So simple, get like argenlandia and other big guild back then maybe there is rason to comeback ^^ Woot!!!??? x-blade? :D nice. Wich come have it


    There are Hwarangs.

  3. its the best spell for you perhaps

    for me it isnt


    Didn't u just activate your mer.shield and recalled?



    I would still prefer to let those goldies to have the advantage of instant recall. And 3secs after recall to be implemented lvl180. To prevent some lame ek / feeder, and control the whole ek system.

  4. Yeah, if the spell requires 10secs after damage to recall, it will make the SPELL far useless than the recall SCROLL, as recall SPELL needs extra 1 or 2 seconds (depending on the delay) to recall.


    Recall Scroll - 10secs after damage + 0 secs casting (just double click it)

    Recall Spell - 10secs after damage + 2secs casting


    5 secs might be too long as the end result will be 7secs to recall, in my opinion.


    What about 3 secs?

    *Recall Spell - 3 secs after damage + 2 secs casting = 5secs to recall.


    And we still need to consider on newbies that is coming lately. Noticed that there are new players coming in. Couldn't let them be free ek :(


    recall changes only applicable on LvL180 ?


    Will that be some problem on coding ?

  5. SLEEP: You can't even put ur sets up or chug any pot, you are totally SLEEPING. I dont know how nemesis really work, never happened on me. But that's wat he told me.


    Yea guard summoning is stupid. Ignore that.


    About sleep, bring me prove that it works that way (-> be slept yourself in hb korea, video tape this, try equip items, shug pots, what ever that korea has and we don't).

    If the prove is delivered, I will make the change to improve sleep to a more worthy spell.


    From what I understood from the korean update, I didn't read anything related to that, or the translator didn't translate it correctly so I ignored it.


    Let me try getting an access >.< Not easy to get one account.

  6. Discussion:


    If recall spell takes 10secs to use, that will make the spell useless compared to recall scroll, where you can just double click and Adakadabra, instead of casting that spell (which will take 2secs?) before you are gone.


    It's like a total abolish the recall spell.

  7. Tried to create an account, but seems like only korean resident can only register.


    (From BiDam) Yea since they have a lot of players, +3 is a safe. After that will be way tough. He said Manu BBH200% there is stronger than here. Don't know how he define strong. And the SLEEP spell is diff too.

  8. In Arg server, gold drop is half the drop in Int.


    I think that removing stats is wrong, though I also dislike those useless stats as Gold+50, or light weapons (really...I never finish to understand this stat), I think they must exist to avoid getting a higher chance of better drops.


    Light is ok, but +50%gold is...yeah...


    Replace the Gold 50% to zem drop 50%. everyone happy. and not complicated.