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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Yeah, is gonna take a while. Whats going to happen with sades and helds during this period?


    it will be a very tiny base, and it will always be destroyed, LOL! I don't think it will affect Held, not much at least.


    But there are two things that I know, MASS EK in every pits from now!


    AND, nemesis should consider selling contribution points too. LOL!

  2. (who doesn't)


    I personally LOVE killing wyvs! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:




    Anyways, after this guild update I'll try to gather some suggestions from here and take them to the staff.



    we need to get this done quick. time is money


    I have USD50,000 worth of business going up and down every single second. Quick! (Ops, 50,000 minus 50,000 = 0)

  3. I'm not sure, my Post-Production Editor told me that. I'm new on MAC!


    Yea i've heard the same thing, which is why I use the CrossOver App to play Nemesis. Like a few others have already suggested it's a windows emulator that enables you to use a bunch of Windows-only games and software. The only problem I've found using it to play Nemesis is that my FPS is generally very low (in the 40-50s) and so it gets to be a pain to play and EK. But besides that it works perfectly, and it runs just like any other App.



    Was this test under Nemesis Version 5.21 or previous?


    Probably 5.21 doesnt have this problem.




    Someone please Buy me a Mac, ill figure :D


    You'll get your MAC once someone donate USD1000 :D


    Demon, can give me some links to DL it? I'll ask my IT to crack it

  4. My concern:


    Will it be too much of contri points just to upgrade lvl 1 guild? I understand it will be a BIG challenge to accumulate 50,000 GCP. Let's say 10 players has total of 7,000 CP, it will need them to collect 700CP for 7times to make the guild into LvL1. That is really some pain in the *censored* in terms of the time going to spend.


    Discount please?

  5. Eh wtf this fking thing left me fking speechless! OMG White, u did it! Crap! Fking awesome!!


    BUT! I have one question, i don't get it, maybe too many words:


    Once the system is implement in the game, does that mean everyone will go guildless?


    Also, it says at

    Guild Level 1

    Guild Upgrade: 50000 GCP

    Guild Member Limit: 10

    Guild Member Limit Expandable: Unavailable


    So it means there will be only 10members in the guild at the early stage?

  6. Agree on 2-3 secs recall, instead of 10secs. Though keeping the 10secs still fine for me.


    I believe contri points will be very valuable once White update the Guild system.


    Zem is easy to get, u just need to hunt wyvens/ Dragons at IB / Dragonia.


    Would also suggest on the Heldenian time to be available for Asia Time Zone, or any countries now that has a difficulty to participate.


    Also Major events to be participated by every timezone. Players are really frustrated when most of the Major events are at a No-No time for them.


    It will be nice too if Poison Resistance can play an important role.


    Lastly, keep trash talk low.



  7. Disagree on Activation to be bounded into players char.


    Market will be less active. War won't be exciting. Yes it gets me frustrated when the koreans always activate both ice and xel chasing me. But i would also admit that it's fun. Don't forget, we always tgt those activate the weapons ;-)

  8. As we are very lazy to make a Xmas Update this year, an event sounds OK!


    I'm no lazy, i'll make an UPDATE for x-mas !


    I really hope the event this time is allowed to everyone regardless on the different timezone.


    Yes, it'll be allowed for every time zone.


    Though the time to get it done is short, but it allows all time zones to participate as there will be more than 24 hours of time to complete/participate in the event.


    LoL! Farjat got OWNAGE!!!!!


    Kudos :wub:

  9. pardon me if i've got the wrong idea.. but u wanna imagine xr/xb/xbaxe with unlimited crits?!


    nop, a new activation weapon that gives you unlimited crits as the activation effect.


    So instead of having IE or Xelima effect, you just have unlimited crits as the effect. He doesn't mean ADD that to IE/Xelima weps, but create a NEW wep with this effect of infinite crits.


    Sounds very interesting, I think it would be cool if the damage wasn't too high, and no higher than hammer/longsword crit range.


    The Dark black shadow sword is calling for its activation.