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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Selling account:

    The only Hellfire in game.

    Character Full Hero + Hero Combatant Cape


    Will off it if the price is right.


    Also selling items below:

    IP Necklace

    Fire Proc Neck

    Light Proc Neck


    Crit Hammer HP28 +1

    RBH Hp28 +1

    Flem+3 (LLF) +3


    Sharp Flem HP77 +1

    Sharp Flem Rep7

    Agile Giant Sword Rep3 +1

    Light hammer exp20%

    MS20 hp70 wand

    Blood rapier+1



    MP35 Plate M

    MP35 Chain M

    MP56 Berk M

    MP63 Leather M

    MP42 Hose M

    MP77 Shield




    DR 70 Leather M

    DR63 Leather W

    PA27 Chain M

    MR 35 Chain W

    MR21 Wing W Crit 2%


    Selling char DonAskMe~3 Aresden Bmage (w)


    Mp set





    mp77 lagi shield


    Hp set






    Dr set









    Give me a PM for price.



  2. Well, first of all, I dont want to sound greedy or annoying, but I would like to knew when the prizes are going te be given to the winners.

    Its been more than a week and I have no news about it. I know the staff is busy with the update, but I just want to know if they will be given soon, or if we must wait for the update.




    My guess will be right after the Guild System is updated :-)

  3. i'm all rdy...


    I wait farjat's bug description for 3 day lolz xD


    But forgive the man, he making party these days like everyone else haha :D


    Oh! Party is the bug!!! It's ok, we all forgive him if it's the party problem :D :D :D

  4. Yea, it was quite late for Asia time zone. I saw it in forum midnight, though it's clear on the explanation :-) Cool event, and very creative :-) And i was wondering, will anyone put their ice sword as the Y, hahahhaa :P


    Merry Xmas to the staff and players! Ho-ho-ho!


    Yes I was trying to get it out earlier in the day, but by the time I saw it, it was already about 10am server time. :(


    I'm sorry it came so late, next time I'll try to be more prepared!


    Just give me a Zwand :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

  5. Final question (I think)


    In order to CREATE a guild, the guild master must need 50k contribution point???


    Guild master CAN create a guild without any points? But players will need to pay HIS CP in order to join the guild (which doesnt make sense).


    And I found this:


    Guild Level 1

    Guild Upgrade: 50000 GCP

    Guild Member Limit: 10

    Guild Member Limit Expandable: Unavailable

    Guild Warehouse: Unavailable

    Guild Warehouse Page Limit: 2

    Guild Warehouse Page Expandable: 10000 GCP/Page

    Guild Warehouse Slot Limit: 5

    Guild Warehouse Slot Expandable: Unavailable


    Guild Warehouse: Unavailable

    Build Warehouse Page Limit: 2


    So do we have a guild warehouse?

  6. Great planning on the event motive! Now I'm really looking on it and hopefully I will be available! The reward will be cool too, doesn't have to be powerful item or sets, but an item that meant to help guild - Ressu Wand :-)


    On Guild Name:

    It will be a lot of trouble to dismiss a guild just to change the guild name, where all the points will be wasted. What about paying contri points to change the name? Or perhaps, having an opportunity to change the guild name in LvL5?


    What about "swaping" player's ranking? Eg, position of Leader to be "swap" with veteran, or something like that?


    Ok... A lot of words on the game speed. But basically, it's a "No, the update will not affect the speed of the game play and will not caused any lag. In fact it will increase the game speed (slightly)". Maybe someone who is more 'technical' will be interested to ask more on this part :P


    OH! Did White just said BEFORE XMAS??? O_O


    Hell it's gonna be an interesting new year too :D

  7. I like the way how White fully utilize the Contri Points by applying it on Guild Upgrade, and the whole system of coz. Especially on the 24hours rules. But I still think 50,000 CP is a lot for a 10members guild. Afraid that it might demotivate the players, just my thought, not sure though.


    Perhaps we can have some promotion for the first 3 or 4 days to encourage Guild Master to at least create a LvL 1? Maybe a 35,000 CP for LvL, or 15members in LvL 1?


    Would be some excitement too to have a prize giving event for the 1st guild to achieve LvL5 :P like Ressu Wand MS20.


    Also, will every guild that is created are able to change their guild name in the future? Will cost some CP I assume?


    Another major concern, will this new big update affect the game speed? Will players getting lag?



  8. Another question:


    Can a non-guild member donate his contri points to the Guild Master of a guild?


    Smart one, this way ppl of a guild that are not yet guildsmen because of 10 limit would be able to donate their contri for a faster guild update. You should consider this, white!


    1. Join Guild


    2. Donate all your Contribution Points


    3. Leave Guild



    Repeat with next character. ;)


    LMAO! That is brilliant!! LOL!