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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Oh, no offence, chiil pls, I'm not here to fight with you all k? Coz I didn't know there's such serious case at the first place with the title of "Selling", and in cash marketplace, instead of some topic like becareful or sign of warning or help. Just happened to come and check what items u are selling and only realize the content inside.

  2. A question first, are you drunk?


    I'm not sure. It's really up to what our boss have in his mind:

    a) To continue without any wipe or restart or roll, and keep it on for 5 more years.

    B) To restart the server before the new year, together with the new guild system.

    c) Or like what you said, roll back with some items they chose to keep.


    But my worry is, players in the future might be worry that the server will restart AGAIN after some years later. Which discourage players playing in a long term.


    Conclusion, I don't know. But then yes, like what you said, DO NOT FREAK OUT! THIS IS JUST A SUGGESTION FROM PLAYERS! Calm your temper before you click "Add Reply".

  3. From my old thread @


    A 3 vs 3 tourament for both Elv town and Ares town. It can be a every 6months big event. (This can keep players in the game).

    And to make it interesting, EK will be counted. And zem will drop if you get killed.


    At least 1 Mage in the team, or 1 Warrior in the team (Hence there wont be 3 mage vs 3 warrior situation)


    1 Captain and Vice Captain to be selected.


    -Only 10teams are allowed to participate in a town.

    -Every guild can only have maximum 2 teams to participate.

    -Players who are guild-less are not able to participate.

    -Each team must pay 20zems and 1Million Gold to GM as a fee to participate.

    -Each match will only have 15minutes, and each team must eliminate every opponent. Failed to do so will have a "Crazy Time" where GM will summon 4 untouchable Demon (Edited demon) tgt-ing both of the team's captain (Vice captain will be tgt if team's captain died)


    -Final match will have 30minutes time per match, and each team must eliminate every opponent. Failed to do so will have a "Crazy Time" where GM will summon 4 untouchable Demon tgt-ing both of the team's captain (Vice captain will be tgt if team's captain died)

    -Champion for both town will fight for the glory, special colored cape, and Special colored Devastator.

    -Best Killer (person who gets most EK in the tourament) will be rewarded as well.


    -A column will be added in nemesis website to dedicate the champions along with Best Killer.


    However, keeping in mind that rares will be flooding the server. All the prizes will be wipe before the next tourament. This way, rich wont get richer. (But I can't figure out how not to let players sell the prizes away)


    Match Rules & Regulation:

    No slates.

    No create food.

    No xelima activation.

    Other than that, everything including ice activation, summon creature or ressu wand are ok.

    No insult or badmouth during the tourament. Players found insult will get permanent ban.

  4. @kennychl: there's a difference between making things easier (more eks for a kill) and making things easier (a list of quests)...

    I think repair all button belongs to this second category rather then the first.

    It makes things easier, but doesn't make it that easy to be considered fruity.


    @Magazo: Hellfire exists in the original helbreath, I don't see why it's fruity at all... I've spent ALOT of time to completely simulate hellfire and sleep spell, they're brand new and different visual effects never seen or used before.

    Hell-fire is strong, but those who have it, payed the high price of obtaining it. (high price = spending ages in pits to get it or had luck at the abaddon)


    The worries are - repair all button will make players demand more easy buttons. Eg, 1 click to equip a full set of MR/MP/MA, etc. Or 1 click to drink 2 Red pots.


    Hellfire damage has reduced A LOT. It's just a rare spell like how warriors have their rare items like SB/ any other activation. XR is strong too by reducing half of the player's HP. What about changing it to quarter of the player's HP instead? It's not making sense at all. And yes, another high price is, HF user will always be targeted (that's from my experience), the high consumption of mana, and also the after-effect of flames and dust that covering the screen, where players have difficulty on to aim the target after HF is cast.

  5. Battle Mage Pack


    Merien Plate Mail (M)

    DE Bow


    Righteous GreatSword+1 HP+70%

    Righteous GreatSword REP+7

    HP77 Wood Shield

    Ring of Dragon


    MP21 Wing M

    MP42 Leather M

    MP42 Berk M

    MP35 Hose M

    MP70 Shield

    MS16 neck

    MP70 Wood Shield

    1 Zem Stone

    1 Merien Stone

    1 Xelima Stone





    ----Strongly encourage Malaysian/Singapore buyer----