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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. I've heard that there are several ways to make the abby shows up in the abby map, but as I said, I only heard about it.


    1st) Walk the maze and clear all the monsters in the abby map and hence it will appear.

    2nd) Clear all the Fire wyven at Infernia B and hence it will appear.

    3rd) Clear all the monster at Infernia A and hence it will appear.


    I've only tried the 1st one, so... Any answers for this?

  2. Regarding the new Event GM, please make sure that he or she has no connection with players in game, or at least, not a close tie, just in case the GM might teleport his ex-comrades to abby and go for hunt. It have to be fair, and knows where the line is.


    I'm so happy that our boss drop us a reply! It shows that he does care! XD


    Yeah seriously, promiseland is now an empty land. LOL. Why don't we change the promise land to some total different place? Like having a little bit of centaur or lizards as rare creatures, and maybe adding an earth dragon in the middle of the map, just like ML with 2 HC? Or perhaps have a small place somewhere inside there that is surrounded with barriers, in order to let players to pvp (maybe adding some small annoying creatures inside).


    Just some ideas :unsure:

  3. Pretty agree with the new spell, probably some new lighting spell that has 10% of chances to para the enemy? Btw, speaking of new spell, what is wrong with the "Hell Fire", "Scan", and "Sleep"? Is it activated yet?


    There are so many rares for warriors, yet little for mages.


    The point that made on crusade is nice too. But I hope GM can change 1 or 2 of the crusade time to suit players from Asia.


    Btw, are we here alone, dreaming among ourselves? Will our boss bother abour all the comments we've put? :(

  4. It's rubbish if some one says events are useless. Event is a tool to grab people's attention, or to make players stay in the game - longer, and hence enable players to stay active. It doesn't matter how small the prize is, whether it's only a m/xstone or a zem. Players will still participate. Look at the Bleeding Island Run For Zem event, it attracts a bunch of players. Look at the Search for the golden boots event, hell everyone is active, whether they are looking for that boots, or trying to ambush players. Another great event is the Q&A session. Event works!


    Newbies have a lot of question to ask, and there's no GM for them to seek. There might be a number of old /experienced players around, but it doesn't mean they can answer ALL. Like for example when there's a newbie asked me what's the dmg for dk sword +15, i'm speechless.


    I really must say that players from Asia barely join the event due to the timezone. We wanted to join those pvp event, like sooooooo much (consider the prize of a kloness or demon slayer)! But It's like 4.30am in the morning? And we have work or classes on the next day?




  5. Well I don't see Hunter or any other GM on since the Run For Zem @ Bleeding Island few months ago.


    Ops, ya i saw farjat, where he start the heldenian manually few days ago.


    So yeah, we need a GM, newbies have a lot of questions to ask. Btw, maybe 2 GM with 2 different timezone, to make it real fair. Players from Asia hardly or kinda impossible to join the events that is made by Hunter.


    Please consider?

  6. great, it's 2.30am server time, and there are only 46 person online.


    Yea I still remember the event Hunter made where everyone running at B.I, and that was the last time I saw Hunter. Since then, I don't see any GM online AT ALL, and players getting lesser.


    Many argued that server should not be restart, because it's unfair for those who already had Full Hero set, but when I look around again, geez, how many full hero on nowadays? It's like only a quarter of them on. Many has gone. Many has went to HB Arg, and a big number of players went to HB World (they got 200 players on).


    I don't know about this, but it's like having some cold winter break in HB nemesis. A long 1 :(

  7. I don't know about you all. But don't you think that the players in the game are getting lesser everyday? It used to be at least 120+ players during 2.30 server time, but right now it gone to a low 94 and sometimes even just 80 ; And it used to be at least 100 during 2.30am server time, but right now, sad to say, it's 50+ people.


    The barrack system was great at the beginning, but then... it doesn't seem effective in the long term?


    Geez... I really hope that the game can come back alive, don't you guys? :(

  8. Please consider that the server is not just about players from Arg/US/Europe. There are a big amount of players from Malaysia and Singapore as well.


    Well, why world of warcraft or other online game can still attract so many players is because they are a lot of choices when it comes to player profession. But in HB it's limited to just 3, warrior mage and bmage. Besides that, each profession can only entitle to use certain skills and weapons, whereas at hb, you can all the skills as long as you have the require stats.


    I'm not saying we have to be like world of warcraft of whatsoever, but there must be a reason why it's so successful, and bare in mind that many other online game also doing the same where professions comes first, and it works.


    Narrow down the professions, limit some rares to certain profession, limit some spells and add extra spells on certain profession, and I guess players won't get bored with it.


    I don't think any more events will help right now.


    I don't know whether it ca be done or not, but I guess hb needs more new blood.


    (Wow sounds like a total makeover. Just my 2cents :ph34r: )

  9. You have to penalized one in order to show them there are rules to obey. I am absolutely agree with White[GM]... Players should behave on their manner and need to be smart enough on their choice of words. Of coz, no one can be perfect, but at least behave like you are a human, not an animal just because we can speak, LoL. Btw, I also hope that players who bad mouth on other players "racist, or being absolutely rude" can be penalized, even thou those players are so called "pro", but that doesn't mean they can insult others like no body business.

    it's a game indeed, but play like a good human, not an animal who simply bark and bite. (This goes to those "pro" who always insult others as a noob and pk them)


    Just my 2 cents :-)