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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Guild Championship 6 vs 6 On both town.


    Each guild can only have 2 teams MAX.


    Finalist from both town will fight for the championship.


    Note: But ppl might be quitting their current (mother) guild, and create a new one in order to participate for the prize, which make the mother guild to have more teams to participate.


  2. someday, when one of the GM starts this " 1st to collect 1000 platinum rings and sapphire rings " event , u'll start to see ppl fighting over the rings. LOL


    Yes, and I sense that Hunter might gonna do this... OMG LET'S START COLLECTING IT NOW!


    100 gold ring + 200plat ring + 100 lucky gold ring + 1 rod + 1rodd + 1 ogre ring for one ring of abaddon. LOL

  3. IPB Image


    I dunoe wut to say about this. Racist talk? or Izit nationalist? GMs?


    well should we say that nationalist....well obviously im from malaysia...

    i dont like ppl talk down about my country...should talk down about ur country?

    that not sound good right? :glare:



    Wow Great! Will GM do anything about this? Talking about fair treatment? Btw, 90% from my guild are Malaysian. And corea, it's still an insult from him to you.


    "Lexicon: We will not accept nor tolerate the use of any racist language or any form of discrimination or sexual harassment. If we find out that you are guilty of any of these actions, you will be liable to severe penalties, capable of reaching the termination of your account permanently in the game as well as in the forum. "

  4. well, Hunter logged on last night, and we talked to him a bit and he said, when he was back fully, that he was gunna stop this bullshit using ares spys to steal drops and vice versa.


    So please be prepared, when Hunter is back in full force, many things will come to order. IMO this server has gone downhill without him here and seeing him on last night for the first time actually made me feel like Nemesis could possibly recover.



  5. On Topic:


    What about this - Only the town that cleared the most mobs in abby map will get the chance to kill abby.

    /MonsterCount 1 (Aresden Killed: 100 Monst ; Elvine Killed: 150 Monst)

    And hence, the other side of town (in this case the aresden) who cleared lesser one will forced recall and prohibited from entering the abby map.


    But in addition, to make the boss hunting a more interesting one, some other monsters (maybe centaurus or magic orc) will also spawned around the abby in order to disturb the 'hunters'.


    Since all the mobs are cleared, the town (in this case the elvine) must log mages to go inside the abby map. And at this time, the other town (the aresden) that cant make it into the abby map can still stop or kill or do whatever that will hurt the hunt at maps like maze or infernia or even procella, but not abby map itself. (A nice box or block at Ice bound or an ambush at maze)


    EK's activity will still going (before and after abby spawn).

    Players will be a lot more active (Coz we have to clear it more before the other side does)

    No thief but yet not gonna be easy since there are other monsters spawn at the same time.

    Increase players work rate.

    Increase players strategies and skills.


    Just my 2cents.

  6. So, considerin your point of view, then All the items that Marclorc scammed to Arg guild should be returned. And just ban him and thats it? mistakes happens and for that mistakes u need a responsable, we got it as a GM team, the items where there so.. Now u as a guild need to see what to do.. Pretty easy to say: "Gimme xr and survivors is back".


    Tho i would love to see survivors back.


    Read my post again and probably you will realize ur mistake... I didnt ask for any items to be replaced and I have never asked them to be replaced.



    Hehehe, sorry for the misunderstood :-) ;)

  7. you are saying that you guys want to retrieve all the items back, doesn't matter it got scammed or what, even though rules says that :


    IMPORTANT:Sharing accounts and items of Helbreath Nemesis is at your own risk. If you share your belongings, you also share the responsibility of them. Any action that is committed through the use of your account and/or your characters is responsibility of the owner of the account. If the account is blocked, it is not going to be unblocked and we will not recover any items from it, even if the BAN was applied to another person using the account. In the case of an infringement that we are required to ban an IP, we could also ban all IPs related with that account and/or characters. WE STRONGLY DISCOURAGE SHARING YOUR ACCOUNT AND/OR ITEMS!


    Theft: The robber of accounts, passwords, and items related with the game and/or forum WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. People committing these activities will be severely punished when detected. The accounts, passwords, and items are the responsibility of their owners, and he/she must take care of them because even though we will punish the offender, we will not return your items. Keep in mind that GM?s will never ask for your passwords, and they don?t need to access your accounts for any matter (because we have other ways of keeping track of our players). If there is a player impersonating a GM, or a player that has a name similar to a GM, ask them to show you their glowing GM-Shield, which is the proper way of identifying them. Do not provide your personal information to anyone. We seriously recommend not to share your accounts or items, or to accept any type of cheats, macros, hacks, etc. These could just be a way to steal your account, so please avoid them as we will not replace your lost items.


  8. Let's go for a compromise, let you give to Items, and I still can have a ban ...

    I guess it is such a thing possible.


    Guess thats all up to farjat.


    I'm not trying to be an idiot here. But rules should be the same for all. If 1 guy gets his items back so should those 500 other guys too.


    And that's not going to happen.


    Agree. If He Can Get The Items Back, Why Can't Carboy Get His Items Back?

  9. I believe a complete wipe would be great for increasing players, it would also lose the ones who tried so hard getting dk15s and such. Although I wouldn't want one, it would be fun starting over and having everyone equal again. However of course, it would only result in this situation yet again :P

    But this server, although trying not to be fruity, does need a drop rate increase. It's been up for years now and quite a few items are still yet to be found!

    Anyways i don't know what to do for more players, might have to go hack some servers or something :rolleyes:


    Hacking other servers isnt a solution, it may help for a little while... but after all it just slowly kills the hb economy.


    Those who worked hard for their dk15's and such wouldnt leave, some of them could be pissed off tho and few would maybe have a brake.


    Ive made tons of chars, millions of majes, spent months hunting and Id be glad to see full wipe, altho I think its not gonna happen.


    Even if wipe happened some changes would still be needed in order to keep the server interesting. Id honestly love to see a server without dk sets, but with dk wpons and wands.



    Hacking other server is not ethical, karma, remember.


    Keep the dk weapon and wand. Make Dk amour an event item. This way even newbie without great weapon can kill some one. And manu skill will be active, hence there'll be a market running around.

  10. LOL Imagine all under LvL Going For Helclaw Hunt, Just Like Those Old Times LMAO


    Anyway, I Know It Might Not Happen, But Nemesis 3 with all wipe might help?


    I Don;t Think We Need Active Event Gm. We Need A Balance fight. Events Are Just For Fun.


    Restarting The Server Might Attract New Players (Thou I Don't Have Any Prove On It)


    Keeping What It Is Now Will Make Those That Played For A Long Time Of Period More Stronger.


    When Newbie Saw Them, They Run, And Will Never Have Chance To Compete With Those Elders (And There Are A Lot Of Them). Hence, Less Motivation, and quit.


    Btw, I Can Imagine If Helbreath Can Have A Better Graphic, And All The Nice Effects.


    Those Awesome Blizzards, Fancy Attacking Styles For Warriors, Sexy Female Characters (This Will Attract Those Nerds To Play, LMAO), Nice Sound Effect From Meteor Strike Hits On The Ground.





  11. First: Happy Chinese new year :D


    Second: me and my work partner were discussing Chinese new year today in our lunch break.


    What exact date is it?


    Wich cuntries have Chinese new year instead of the new year i know? :P


    Do you have any traditions or is it just fireworks and beer like anywhere else? :P


    I would really appreciate some info about this :D


    It's 14th February (Worldwide) Thou There's No Exact Date For It As The Date Changes Every Year. But It's Always January or February. And The Celebration Last For 15days.


    As Long As There's Chinese, There will be Chinese New Year. Such As China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Etc.


    Yea We Have Many Traditions, Famous One were Lion Dance. ALso Go To Temple And Pray, And Get "Ang Pow" From Those Who Married. "And Pow" Means Red Packet, where Those Who Are Married will put an amount of money into a red packet, and give it to those that are not married.


    We also put fireworks, a lot of fireworks. Because It's known that those fire cracker will "chase out" all the bad things (or unlucky) away.


    Relatives And Friends Will Come To Visit Each Other And Wish Them To Have A Prosperous Year Ahead. It's Called "Gong Xi Fa Chai"


    Beer Is for entertainment purposes. But Gamble is a must :D


    Huat Means "Rich"


    When We Shout "Huat Ah", It's something like Rich Will Come or I'm Gonna Be rich, something like that.


    Hope This Help, Thou There Are MORE.

  12. Maybe Nemesis Should Try To Limit The LvLs Back To 140.


    Close Promise Land


    Keep The Drop Rate.


    Make Barrack LvL 110 With Barrack Raid.


    Advanced The Lvl 6 Months Later To 160 As Maximum.


    Cancel Dragonia And Ice Bound (Temporary)


    This Will Make Things More Interesting. And It Will Very Depend On Your Skills And The Stats That You Put.



  13. HB World Has Min of 120 players, and average of 150 players Daily. It's A Fruity Server, With More Choices In Terms Of Weapons, Wands, Armors, Spells, And Also More Jobs (Occupation), But It Works, People Buy It. They Enjoy It. They Had Fun. Not To Mention, It's Not As Lag As It Is When Compared To Nemesis.


    Maybe A Nemesis 3? Kekeke...