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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. The situations you give are you being outnumbered with what sounds like little to no help, in which you would probably already be a dead man. So you're saying it's useful for when a kill is almost a guarantee already?


    I thought about it more than a second.


    *nice one*

  2. Its either bugged or it is designed for players to build non-stop. But me and Guildmate CrustyBoy were the only two building every sade andf this time we built for 45 mins straight and i finally just got sick of it and went afk to eat my dinner. when i came back i only got 160k exp and 110 Cont points....for how much work me and CrustyBoy did in that sade theres no way thats enough. How is it even possible to get 50k cont points? that seems impossible.


    sorry eatting while typing this


    i realized the buildings blows up by itself one by one. thats a bug too i suppose? or isit a new feature



  3. bullshit, most mages blizzing non stop has to do with the fact that most mages SUCK in this server, not with pa shields



    and anyways if ALL wars were clever enough to carry baxes, 3 baxes hitting 1 mage and those shity woods/targets would last less than 1 para



    edit: anyways now that baxes strip, shields pa aint overpowered, try getting a ma30 shield and a emmy ring and make a mage blizz u, its the same


    *thumbs up*

  4. Please remove HP, MP, recovery effect. Those sets are ruining the fun of the game. Players should just die. Also, MA and MR should be reduced, high sets of MR and MA slows the killing.


    Yes MIM should be reduced to half duration tbh. Or reduced at least 10s.


    BTW, have you not seen warriors get EK even though they are got MIM above their head? I bet you didn't.

  5. Actually those SS cant prove if he did pull (probably he DID, but we are not sure). He could just bump+dc... and players boxed him


    SS doesnt help unless you take a considerable amount, if not exaggerated, of screen shoots

    Of course i dont need SS from the moment he went out of the shop to the moment he dissapeared, but i must see how did everything happened and i cant get that from SS


    A Vid would help, yes.


    From my experience as a player, i can notice when someone pull when im playing... but still is hard to notice it when there is a big fight and im not paying attention to the one i see boxed later. Sometimes i think he did pull but if im not sure i will not ban him.

    If the puller is my target, i do.


    I have played on many unknow characters and/or friends chars to play quietly... honestly, almost EVERY time i got a bump+dc people start to shout "puller"... I am sure most of you (mostly those who arent from USA) went through the same thing. That is why:

    A- Players usually have no idea when someone pull

    B- Players get frustrated easily, accuse and hate so much over a game to try to get someone banned

    That is why we cant just take player's word


    Those who asked a program to detect pullers, it is NOT possible... you cant know (i mean, from logs or w/e) when someone pull or get discconected. You need an human eye to reason and jugde.


    Those who wants the char to stay connected for few seconds after they get disconnected, it is a bad idea.

    It is an international server where most of the players (i cant count more than 10 players from usa) are far away from the server. If you are from USA may be you dont get bumped often, but the rest of the players do it... a lot (and i mean a LOT)

    You get bumped, the screen move back where your char actually stayed frozen and you didnt noticed it when you thought you were just running fine, then you cant move for 5 seconds... and get disconnected. -> Bump+DC

    I used to get like 1 bump+dc per hour, i saw others players getting bumped+dc often too

    Make the char stay few seconds more after the DC, and you will make almost every player with high fps and far from the server to be a free ek. Because when you get a bump+dc usually you die (you notice the bump too late and because of the delay-lag you cant chug) or you DC with few hp, you literally cant resist few seconds more of not chugging


    Yes, may be pullers will stop but for 10 pullers you will punish over 100 innocent players.



    Disabling the force log out with the same IP or when their hp/sp dicrease, might help a little bit.

    20 seconds for force log out, can help.. but still a war (and more when it is amped/pfmed or with a merien shield) can take 20 seconds easily when he chug


    The only way is to record vids, or to have almost as many fair GMs as players playing lol


    Well said.

  6. tldr'd on a suggest topic when some1 trying to contribute isnt nice bro !


    anyway i think best solution is add a video button on hb, ( if thats possible)


    that's a very good one.


    I don't think pulling can be stop, but should be reduced. Also, what if players disconnected due to lag or lost their power supply. You can't expect everyone have a good line like others. This has to be think carefully.

  7. gms should allow players to "record " pullers and accept this as evidence, as far as i know ss or videos dont count right now,

    this way players can do the work and gms do the bans ...

    we do accept videos, not ss's

    Maybe if someone loses connection to the server the character could remain there 10 more secs IF he was being attacked by some player...

    And make every person who dcs become a free ek?? Dont think so.


    It'd just be 10 secs, what would make the probability of a player killing someone who lost connection VERY LOW, UNLESS they were fighting.


    5 secs is more than enough to kill a person who stucked and helpless.

  8. I don't agree on putting free golds to newbies / lowering the price of the spell / BS weapons.


    Yes golds might not have a good value, but it doesn't mean that we should completely abolish it. Newbies should learn to communicate with people, to try get into guilds, to adapt to the game play. Go hunt slimes, kill scorpions. Get all the drops at the scorpion pit and sell it off.


    Senior players who doesn't want to recruit them into their guild can help them by giving useful items (exp wand / weapons) or golds (since you guys have tons of it).


    Seriously, stop pampering or baby spoon the players. Sooner or later players will request for free ms20 hp49 wand for warriors / free sharp flemberg rep+4 / free mass free liche spawn every 2hours in the town.


    But I like the Auto-Message. +1 on this.

  9. I've already mentioned and stressed it for several times even during the time Hunter[GM] is still around. And it's like 2years ago as well. And the reply I always receive is:


    1) server will get a GM from asia.

    2) 2 heldenian in a week.

    3) we are looking at the matter.


    I hope GM can really take this seriously as I believe Asian players are not in a small amount. And please do consider that there are players from Asia leave the server due to not able to participate in the Heldenian, AND ALSO main events are ALWAYS not in Asia timezone favor, and I mean - ALWAYS.


    Please take this as an urgent note.

