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Posts posted by kennychl



    1- Ulez2

    2- TUby

    3- Therapist










    Alternate 1- Cristiano ROYnaldo aka cor3a. (ps, its gona be late for me too, thats why i put myself on alt hoping i can make it. I hope this is acceptable.)

    Alternate 2- GoDie (same reason like corea.)

    Alternate 3-

    Alternate 4-

  2. Hunter will not be available in game until Wednesday or Thursday. Slight set back with things but he wanted me to let all of you know as soon as possible. He is sorry if it messes anyone up and he will make new dates when he gets back.




    so is the event still on?

  3. Pharaoh's Cape:

    Effect: 3minutes of berserk and unlimited mana upon activation. [30minutes Cool Down]

    Graphic: Shining Green Cape

    Drop: Abaddon.


    Boots of Speed:

    Effect: Increase of 30% running speed for 3 minutes upon activation. [10minutes cool down]

    Graphic: Shining Green Boots

    Drop: Abaddon / Beholder


    Necklace of Truth:

    Effect: You along with your party members will see invisibles.

    Graphic: Same design as Necklace of beholder but in Red color.

    Drop: Abaddon


    Lucky Necklace:

    Effect: 10% chance to survive from death (hence will teleport you to city hall)

    Graphic: Gold color DF10

    Drop: Tiger Worm

  4. I just noticed the server still advertises 180lvl barracks and constant raid time due to it. :) It might be a bit misleading for people searching info about the server since it sure was for me! :D ( I'm old player returning )


    Not sure if theres any other out of date stuff like that, and maybe web admins already know all this :)

    ( I was encouraged to post this by Myth[GM], blame him! :D )


    Anyways nice to see Nemesis still going so strong, keep it up!


    And also the Perm Raid Time, along with the Latest Update 5.05 instead of 5.04 :-)

  5. Lower down the Xelima activation dmg pls. Make it 25% instead of 50%. (koreans/arganlandia overpowering it and they are active players)

    Remove the 50% slow freezing effect and put it 25% pls. (every mage have that blizz spell, it's insane, let's just use energy strike)

    Increase lagness to koreans pls. (they are the no.1 fastest connection)

    Decrease Zwand dmg pls. (A7 is owning! look at the ek list everyweek!)

    Decrease ESW SP Drain pls. (omg even vit wars will be start walking)

    Decrease SB's attack range pls. (with pink's fast speed and FH dmg, come on help us)

    Decrease Devastator's dmg pls. (this is like fighting a helclaw)

    Decrease Full Hero Dmg pls. (Bliz with FH ? BBH+4 with FH? Insane!)




    LOL but yah i think the dmg will be reduced. Thanks to u all !


    P/S: You don need fire proc neck, just some descent mr + a MA shield, running around will definitely counter the HF. And I see many warriors start pfm when they are hunting now, compared to the old times, as they don give a shit on mage appearance.

    QQ less

    gms told YOU , they were loweing dmg even b4 u use it


    moha whining n crying +1 ; and will not admit.


    P/S: Remember the korean site that someone gave to you when you were saying hf thingy is donno wat the heck? I doubt that you didnt even check it as it's complete korean words, unless you can read it, which i assume you dont. And yet you are like totally agree with the site. LMAO, I was. Hahaha.


    Back to topic: I believe GM has a solution on it already. And I'm ok with it (it referring as what I know). So the topic close?

  6. Lower down the Xelima activation dmg pls. Make it 25% instead of 50%. (koreans/arganlandia overpowering it and they are active players)

    Remove the 50% slow freezing effect and put it 25% pls. (every mage have that blizz spell, it's insane, let's just use energy strike)

    Increase lagness to koreans pls. (they are the no.1 fastest connection)

    Decrease Zwand dmg pls. (A7 is owning! look at the ek list everyweek!)

    Decrease ESW SP Drain pls. (omg even vit wars will be start walking)

    Decrease SB's attack range pls. (with pink's fast speed and FH dmg, come on help us)

    Decrease Devastator's dmg pls. (this is like fighting a helclaw)

    Decrease Full Hero Dmg pls. (Bliz with FH ? BBH+4 with FH? Insane!)




    LOL but yah i think the dmg will be reduced. Thanks to u all !


    P/S: You don need fire proc neck, just some descent mr + a MA shield, running around will definitely counter the HF. And I see many warriors start pfm when they are hunting now, compared to the old times, as they don give a shit on mage appearance.

  7. those low lvl mages will die in 2 hits from BBH+0. And hence, servers will full of warriors, less new players (since we can only use warrior to survive, not mage, and hence the choices of choosing to play a mage or warrior will narrowed down to - Warrior ftw)


    conclusion, no no no no no.

  8. This is what Jelou wrote:


    Hi, im gonna make a suggestion.


    It would be nice to have 2 guildmasters in a guild instead of 1.

    Something like a Guildmaster and a Co-Guildmaster or Guildmaster Assistant.


    This Co-Guildmaster can only set/change tps, summon and plant flags, but cant recruit or ban guildsmans.





    Jelou, copia lo mio y pegalo arriba asi lo leen, si entran y leen en castellano ni se van a gastar en mirar mas abajo.


    There will be a guild improvement update soon :)

  9. Sorcerer's Dark Wand (MS20)

    Dmg: 2D6+2 (5~22)

    Requirement: 200 Int ; 200 Mana

    Special Ability: Ability to cast "Dark Break" (Circle9):

    This spell deals 24~69 Damage in a range of 2x2 Tiles around the Target Location. This spell reduces Target(s) Armor Endurance by 35 in a range of 1x1 Tiles around the Target Location.

    Mana Useage: 170Mana

    Drop: Abaddon

    Graphic: Black colored of Old Version Magic Wand (The first magic wand seen at HB international Abaddon era)

  10. I understand what you are saying. But my point at here is that, hellfire is a rare spell at circle 10. If the damage has been reduced to the same as Blizz/ESW, then it wont be one of the highest dmg spell in game. And keep in mind, HF has a small territory, with a lot of mana consumption (151 mana with ms18 / SAFE MODE 211 mana), and HF got no effect like bliz (freeze) or ESW (sp drain), and these 2 spells have good AOE.


    HF dmg can be SLIGHTLY reduced, but not anywhere NEAR ESW/Blizz due to it's ZERO effect and small territory (I.e need perfect aim).


    I've look at the ESW, Blizz, and HF.


    HF Theoretical dmg is 120dmg higher compared to the 2 I mentioned. And consumed a lot of mana compared to the both.


    Blizz and ESW has a STRALIGHT 3 TILE WIDE LINE, whereas HF is 2x2 box (Same as meteor strike).


    If we rank the spell rarity by seeing the mana consumption, HF will be the no.1 rare spell, followed by SLEEP, and then ESW.


    So my point here is, HF is not a choice of spell to against those have ie/ip. If you really want to put a choice, then Meteor strike is the choice against ip/ie neck. If HF dmg is same par with Blizz, then it will be a circle 8/9 spell, with a mana consumption of a bit higher than Meteor strike. But then if you do so, hellfire aint special anymore. Might as well use blizz (bigger range n wider lenght of dmg territory)


    I believe the creator of HF do consider about the high dmg in game, and thus make HF a 2x2 small territory with ZERO effect, and cost a high mana consumption to use it.


    Pros n cons? HF is the highest dmg spell, but bare in mind, 2x2 theoretical, fire/efreet neck less rare than ie/ip, a lot of mana consumption.


    No offend, but i think this is a good discussion moha :-)



    in other words, HF its an extreme rare spell/drop, so it shouldn't be lame to get.



    or either they make it an easy to get drop (same as DE bow) and lower its dmg or keep it the way it is


    Yea, that's the shortest final conclusion! hahaha thanks :-)

  11. I understand what you are saying. But my point at here is that, hellfire is a rare spell at circle 10. If the damage has been reduced to the same as Blizz/ESW, then it wont be one of the highest dmg spell in game. And keep in mind, HF has a small territory, with a lot of mana consumption (151 mana with ms18 / SAFE MODE 211 mana), and HF got no effect like bliz (freeze) or ESW (sp drain), and these 2 spells have good AOE.


    HF dmg can be SLIGHTLY reduced, but not anywhere NEAR ESW/Blizz due to it's ZERO effect and small territory (I.e need perfect aim).


    I've look at the ESW, Blizz, and HF.


    HF Theoretical dmg is 120dmg higher compared to the 2 I mentioned. And consumed a lot of mana compared to the both.


    Blizz and ESW has a STRALIGHT 3 TILE WIDE LINE, whereas HF is 2x2 box (Same as meteor strike).


    If we rank the spell rarity by seeing the mana consumption, HF will be the no.1 rare spell, followed by SLEEP, and then ESW.


    So my point here is, HF is not a choice of spell to against those have ie/ip. If you really want to put a choice, then Meteor strike is the choice against ip/ie neck. If HF dmg is same par with Blizz, then it will be a circle 8/9 spell, with a mana consumption of a bit higher than Meteor strike. But then if you do so, hellfire aint special anymore. Might as well use blizz (bigger range n wider lenght of dmg territory)


    I believe the creator of HF do consider about the high dmg in game, and thus make HF a 2x2 small territory with ZERO effect, and cost a high mana consumption to use it.


    Pros n cons? HF is the highest dmg spell, but bare in mind, 2x2 theoretical, fire/efreet neck less rare than ie/ip, a lot of mana consumption.


    No offend, but i think this is a good discussion moha :-)