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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. @feded:

    m.shield wands will be lowered in PA, sapph & plat rings will be enabled (this is already comming next update !)



    Increasing or changing mages power, will ofcrouse force us to give warriors a compensation.

    If FoT and/or this effect change takes place, I will work on a compensation of adding BBH as a statted drop (hb korea already has it).


    Any infor regarding on the "sapph % play rings will be enabled" ??????? special effect??

  2. WoOWWW

    new spell, nemesis will have for nx update ?!?!



    IPB Image



    As Blizzard is the high level Ice Spell...

    Earth Shock Wave the high level Earth Spell...

    Hell Fire the high level Fire Spell...


    Fury of Thor is the high level Lightning Spell !


    It's power is below Blizzard and it's a spell available in shops (<< Korean Settings)

    But we migh consider to equalize the lightning spell around Blizzard, slightly higher, and make it only available trough drops. (<< this has to be discussed yet !)


    For now, expect the Korean Setting to appear.


    Nice! If FoT is available in shops Air elemental and LP necks are gonna have a good use and b more expensive, and IE neck wouldn't be godly


    We hope this change in game-play will occur, making less-usefull items become more usefull, and the current "godly" items be less godly... aka Balancing the game ;)


    First SS's of FoT will be posted once I coded it ;)


    A new spell might show up in the game soon - Fury Of Thor. Let's discuss whether it should be a wizard tower item, or drop. And should the dmg be higher than blizzard? And let's expect WhiteGM will give us an ingame preview on the new spell once he coded it :wub:

  3. I prefer boost the element, this way the necks will get more use.


    My boost idea:


    - Lightning: causes stun/electrified - chance to be "paralized" for 1 or 2 seconds while walking or running, effect disapears over time. Air Elemental Necklace would prevent stun status.


    - Fire: causes Burn - hurts your health over time (like poison), effect disapears over time. Efreet Necklace would prevent burn status.


    - Earth: causes Wound - hurts your health over time (like poison), effect disapears over time. There is currently NO necklace, but by adding the status, we could consider adding necklaces for it, the Elemental necklace would prevent wound status.


    - Ice: (already exists) causes Freeze - slows down the player, effect disapears over time. Ice Elemental Necklace prevents freeze status.



  4. Sounds like skills in some other games.


    A skill that had the chance of breaking enemy potions or stealing their gold wouldn't be too bad.


    The rest of the stuff is a little lame though.


    from Diablo 2 I think

  5. this map and graphics is korean originals.

    i wonder where you got those from? :P


    From a very secret place ;)


    feels fruity


    It's korean originals... how can it be fruity?


    colors are a little hard to read

    i always wanted the ek shout , i hope u guys consider it



    yes, it's only a sample, nothing on this SS is final yet, anything can happen ;)


    but ek shouting... no... i think not... XD

    Although I like it, could consider, make suggestion ;)




    The long awaited, long promised White Cape will arrive on the next update !


    IPB Image


    NO single other color will be deleted, we will ADD this color to Nemesis !

    Nemesis will be the FIRST HB to exceed it's color limit and have an additional 16 colors available !

    expect the coolest colors to appear in the game ;)


    Impressive work! Though everything is NOT confirmed, but still ownz. Great planning for future development as well. Thanks for the infor and photos from the GMs! Please don't stop "ek" us with the update :D

  6. The jaapy's explenation is wrong about rep/right/kloness.


    Here is the correct one:


    --Kloness Wand on dealing Magical Damage--

    If the Attacker's Rep (= Wearer of kloness !) is POSITIVE (= above 0 (zero)), the damage will be increased by the amount of rep this attacker has devided by 100 with a minimum of 5 damage


    If (AttackerRep > 0) Then RepDamage = AttackerRep / 100

    If (RepDamage < 5) Then RepDamage = 5

    Damage += RepDamage

    (Applied for both players and monsters)


    If the Defender's Rep (= the guy who is being attacked by a kloness item) is NEGATIVE (= below 0 (zero)), then the damage will be increased by the absulate amount of the defenders rep / 10 with a maximum of 10 damage


    If (DefenderRep < 0) Then RepDamage = abs(DefenderRep) / 10

    If (RepDamage > 10) Then RepDamage = 10

    Damage += RepDamage

    (Only applied to Players, not to monsters)


    --Kloness Necklace on dealing Magical Damage--

    The damage is increased by the defenders absolute rep / 20 with a maximum of 5 damage.


    RepDamage = abs(DefenderRep) / 20

    If (RepDamage > 5) Then RepDamage = 5

    Damage += RepDamage

    (Only applied to Players, not to monsters)



    Kloness weapons are strong if your own rep is POSITIVE, the higher your own rep, the higher the damage of the kloness item, there is a minimum of 5 rep, so no difference between having 0 rep, or 500 rep as you'll always get the +5 damage, above 500 rep kloness grows in power every 100 rep, so at 10k rep you'll be dealing +100 damage using your kloness weapon.

    Kloness weapons are additionaly stronger if your enemy's rep is good (either positive or negative), but has a limit damage addition of +10


    Kloness necklace is strong if your enemy's rep is alot (either alot positive, or alot negative)



    Righteous description is correct.


    my conclusion: klones is good if you own a weapon, get rep+, don't get yourself rep- at any time as it'll increase damage dealt against you from a kloness item :P



    I hope this help. But maybe it will be a lot better by putting numbers into the example.

  7. There are TWO post was made before like half a year ago by someone else, regarding on the rares showed at the portal has never drop from wyv in game.



    one at here


    And the other one I remember GMs mentioned that rare DOES drop, but it's a very super duper low %. It's like hitting it with lucky gold ticket. Also it is fine with the % as stones and zems, which are so important, are drop regularly.


    Oh yah on top of that. We were also complaining on the sapp, plat, lucky gold ring from the IW that is so useless. Which now solved as those can be used during event :-)

  8. people from Asia have dofficulty to join saturday's sade and sunday's held as it is a 3.30am & 4.30am for us. However if you make it later, it will be even worst for us. Sticking it will at least give us some "hope" where some of us might just stay for the long night just for the event. Tuesday sade are mend for players from Asia, and that is the only sade that we are able to join.


    Btw, I remember Hunter or some GM mentioned on this topic few months ago where they MIGHT CONSIDER to make heldenian 2 times per week, or something like that.



    Maybe GMs can clarify.


    It's difficult to please everyone for their availability for every sade as we have players all around the world from diff time zone.

  9. Congratualations, I thought abby would never be downed again after i quit. I am truly surprised it was able to be downed b4 the mexicans caught drift and started stealing like b1tches. GJ guys

    dude u really think u are someone?




    god this guy never learns, he thinks he is someone in the world cause of HB, and still u suck at it, cheers kid


    why do you have to be such a child and comment on everything he says


    let it go lol


    and yes, abby drops more than 9, this one in particular had.... 12 drops if i'm not mistaken. medic's probably right in saying it's just like a black dragon.


    it went really smoothly for the most part, those runner TWs were a problem since we didn't have many wars, but we got some good backup, and went from there :)


    Any good drops from the TWs or FWs ?

  10. Nobody in helbreath... I repeat.. NOBODY IN HELBREATH has the knowledge that Helbreath Nemesis Staff has.

    all hail nemesis staff ^_^



    ps: seems theres still a lot to do, white. is there an aprox release date yet?


    If White allow me I'll answer for him.


    We cannot give you a date neither an aproximation. We have a lot of things to do and, as all of you know, we ALWAYS test EVERYTHING that we develop, so we cant give you a release date.






    cada dia peor las traducciones de google, jajaja







    LOL what chinese you guys talking at here? It's so wrong.