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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. probably there isn't any gm that is available to provide major events during Asia countries' play time? As we all can clearly see that, almost every major events had a bad time (2am - 7am) for Asia countries such as for players from Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. We always been told that "You guys can stay late or wake up earlier for the event, not a big deal" But, why not the other party to wake up earlier or stay late a bit?


    Let's be honest, is that fair to people from Europe if almost every major event are held at the time where they are having a good sleep for the next day's work.

  2. i face the same problem as u speedweed, i dont know y it so lag lately... yes i usually hav some lag but not always... lately i felt the lag has become more often and i'll get twice dc in just 5 min... when i want to log back it took me quite long (10- 20+ seconds) to get into the select char screen and then it took me another 10+ second to get into the game. At first, i thought i got dc from the internet when i got dc from hb but later i realise it's not... i still can surf the net as usually... so i think it mayb the server problem... i hope this can be fix as soon as possible and also hope u guys can understand what i'm saying here bcoz my english wasn't very good... :)


    Same goes to me, and almost everyone from my guild, who are from Malaysia mainly, and japanese, and hong kong, and even Eos from Brazil facing the same thing. People stop connecting to game coz they got frustrated with the lag. And being trash talked by those players who doesnt understand us with the mass lag we having. Kinda pissed us all off.

  3. i face the same problem as u speedweed, i dont know y it so lag lately... yes i usually hav some lag but not always... lately i felt the lag has become more often and i'll get twice dc in just 5 min... when i want to log back it took me quite long (10- 20+ seconds) to get into the select char screen and then it took me another 10+ second to get into the game. At first, i thought i got dc from the internet when i got dc from hb but later i realise it's not... i still can surf the net as usually... so i think it mayb the server problem... i hope this can be fix as soon as possible and also hope u guys can understand what i'm saying here bcoz my english wasn't very good... :)


    Same goes to me, and almost everyone from my guild, who are from Malaysia mainly, and japanese, and hong kong, and even Eos from Brazil facing the same thing. People stop connecting to game coz they got frustrated with the lag. And being trash talked by those players who doesnt understand us with the mass lag we having. Kinda pissed us all off.

  4. i face the same problem as u speedweed, i dont know y it so lag lately... yes i usually hav some lag but not always... lately i felt the lag has become more often and i'll get twice dc in just 5 min... when i want to log back it took me quite long (10- 20+ seconds) to get into the select char screen and then it took me another 10+ second to get into the game. At first, i thought i got dc from the internet when i got dc from hb but later i realise it's not... i still can surf the net as usually... so i think it mayb the server problem... i hope this can be fix as soon as possible and also hope u guys can understand what i'm saying here bcoz my english wasn't very good... :)


    Same goes to me, and almost everyone from my guild, who are from Malaysia mainly, and japanese, and hong kong, and even Eos from Brazil facing the same thing. People stop connecting to game coz they got frustrated with the lag. And being trash talked by those players who doesnt understand us with the mass lag we having. Kinda pissed us all off.

  5. What if there was a way to add the 10 sec recall timer ONLY on level 180s?


    That way the Goldies would still be safe, yet the 180s would be forced to run safe/run for 10 sec without damage/use a scroll...


    And personally, I'd say test it with 5 sec no damage and see if that works well.


    looks nice


    And then the thread will be continue in the future stating "remove safe zone".


    Many similar threads has been made regarding this and the answer was simple "This is a part of the game".


    Kill them before they recall. But how to kill them? Take HwaRang as example, you mass crit. And if many enemy shown up after that? You run or die like a man, up to your decision.


    Hit and run is a part of a strategy.


    Also take consideration on this, 10secs recall will made easy to kill someone, and get easier ek I believe. And that will also increase the number of Full Hero players.

    When there are a lot of Full Heroes, there will be more complaints and suggestion to reduce the amount of FH (I predict).


    I believe recalling in 1vs1 PVP is not the server issue, it's the player's fault, as in the one that recalled.




  6. Time for me to play is getting lesser as more works and social live in my schedule. I'll only sell it when the price is right, else i'll just leave the char there.


    Geez, after so many ppl is selling their char out there, why putting the blame on me where this will affect the server's population :( I know that you dont mean it but it's kinda unfair to me.


    Anyway, BUMP! Interested may PM me.


    Strongly welcome buyers from asia!