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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Can I put some input here?


    It seems like the location for both warehouse and shop for Elvine is more strategic than the one at Aresden.


    But again, it's really an awesome work to change the town completely. Wonder how much time it has been spent.

  2. Koreans whisper back is totally trying to imitate what ares has done to them.


    When ares chased them our to safe or wateva it is, ares will like "noob go back to safe go back to ur country go play ur maple go zzzz stop kkkkk don speak if u don know how stop playing at here get lost and yada yada yada"


    So when they got to kill u, they will try to "speak" something that they know, which eventually something that we dont really quite understand what it's trying to show.


    BUT! You can see that some new koreans are joining, and they will coming back. As i said, summer holiday :P


    Some one made a good point, somewhere around this corner last year, it was the same amount of ppl, or even worst. So it's the best time to get the gear up or start building your team. :)



  3. Doesnt matter the time u spend there, if you dont want abby hunt, u might not do it aswell, what when server pop that are in fruity servers come back, and see every1 with mass rares from couple abby hunts? you can go through the whole apoc maps clearing thinking that you have a GOOD chance of getting a rare, or you can spend the same time at frost pit, knowing that u have a REALLY LOW chance of getting a rare, you decide how to spend your time, we already raised the abby drop rate twice, if it was like it used to be, u could be sure ud have to hunt 2 months to get a rare


    But if what farjat says is true, If we are hunting abby every week, Staff will simply turn the drops down on that. seems like a waste of time to me. Btw for the most part i lead these abby hunts to keep ppl interested in playing the game. I'm not so greedy for items. Even when i have rares i usually give them away to my guild. So dont assume i'm in it for the prizes. But i know for a fact that when we get drops of gold/zems it makes it sooooo much harder to get ppl for the next abby hunt, and so on.


    lol we made A LOT of tests and 8/10 abbys dropped rares. But then when ppl hunt its like 1/4 wtf!


    Only thing we cant control, is luck


    nice one

  4. They felt insulted dude. Be understanding, they are "alone". No one can speak their language, and they can't speak english well, only some simple one "except the KKKKK / aaaa / zzzzz / yyyyyyy"


    They don't wish the server drop them rares all times, or a GM on their side everytime. They only hope people don't MASS word harassed them. And in fact, Nemesis for them is one of the best server as it's not fruity and balanced.


    Anyhow, if you see Dol+i / Pinklady, talk to them. I think they both are the only players can speak in better English (though Dol+i only can speak very simple one).

  5. There's a month (like few months ago only), FW drop 2 ROAM and excaliber. And that month as well, 1 SB drop from frost.


    Nemesis 3 will be a fruit server, but this is not. Saying there will be 2 nemesis servers going together? Assuming that this server stay, and 1 new server come?

  6. I always tried this, but never ever know whether it's a success or not. LOL. Wish it can have some symbol on top like ????


    Me too, it would be a bit nicer.




    If you actually land it, it's EXTREMELY useful.



    Ya like yesterday i was in ml and fought half asia violence guild, and i was thinkin during the fight, "a MI would be sweet here" since i was alone vs like 8-9 :P, it would really have confused em'. But i didnt have the time or wish to take the risk of throwing away 1 opportunity to cast, so i used mim insted :S


    Ya i thought it had that spiralthing on top of the head when when it hits.


    OMG i would love confuse language on some ppl! Imagine ur own personal mute hahaha




    LOL! And teammates will be like cursing "Why the heck are you not telling us the timed,??!" or "GIVE ME THE AMP U DEAF?!"
