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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. I like the idea on chat-options.


    Adding the ability for "Global", "Ally", "Guild" and "No" chat options would be a good idea I think.

    Then choice is still at the player, so we (the staff) don't need to make the choice to either remove or disable red chats.


    Also the idea on SP increment I like, but not like half a bar for a sentence.

    Rather a slightly larger amount than 3 to stop the endless talking.

    An amount of 25 SP per sentence sounds reasonable I think.


    It's very disadvantage for mage.

  2. if your casual summon dies, it dies and doesn't drop... same would be for tamed monsters.

    If it dies (cuz it's being attacked and hp gets zero) it'll die and drop nothing...


    You could use taming to tame a hc/tw, lure it to a safer spot and let it's timer runs out while you set-up to kill it ;)


    I think a better setup would be that if it's attacked by a "friendly" that it should go back to aggressive, so you don't have to wait.


    Also make it so that you can only tame monsters that have full hp, otherwise you'll have people running around and taming monsters that other people are fighting, even your own town if you decided to be real kool.


    you can only tame enemy monsters, not friendly.


    Keeping the ability to tame any enemy monster with any health will bring new perspectives and new abilities to PvP.

    We'll see mass fights where one town tames the other towns hc or tw ;)


    But we can't bring the monster that we tamed to another map, right? Eg. we tamed HC at Middleland/DC, can we bring them back to our Elv/Ares town for raid? or another map?

  3. What about this. For those who got banned because of EK laming, his account will be suspended, but not exactly permanently.


    GMs can can put his acc/items on Donation site, in that way, items will stay, and if he wants to continue, cool, make a big donation on his items.

    Don't have the money? Get the amnesty program, but ur items will not going back to you.

    Amnesty program sucks? Don't lame then.

    Other players are interested? Go grab it and donate it to the server, your donation will be much appreciated.


    This way, items will "stay" regardless whether there will be anyone willing to donate it or not. Person who donated will be announced, but not the price.


    Server it's not selling the items, GMs is not selling anything. GMs is only doing their job, get the bad guy, take all his stuff. Put it on donation. Nobody wants it? Don't blame the GMs for keeping the items. It's there for donation. Or sounds like an auction.


    Where the money is going? Many way. Server maintainance, server advertisement, server upgrade for better graphic perhaps? Web upgrade. Anything you name it.

    lol ur suggestion is no different with amnesty program. what about their skill ? how to make donation ? is the lamer hav to make donation for each item ? or for one package (all item including their skill )? what about the new player ? u think they will pay for few stone and skill they had ? i think ur idea just making the server more complicated.... no offense


    Lampa more complicated, LOL. I'm just putting a draft here, doesnt want to go further detailed if it's not even bothered.


    Like you said, it's a new player, what item they got? zwand + xelima rapier? Even if they have some item or stones, it will be low. So the advice for the new player who gets banned, take the amnesty program, don donate a single penny. Get ur skills trained back, it's easy to train back the skill, not even a week. And besides that, you still have your 180 hard earn level there. Items needs to be donated will fall under donation page/any page (this is not a big issue). Price of the donation will be determined by GMs and staffs. Individually or as a package, up to the GMs or further discussion (if any).


    This is just another optional choice i'm proposing aside from the amnesty program, and the zoul one (i really love the idea of symbol "I AM BIG TIME LAMER LAUGH AT ME" on top of the char running around).


    The purpose of this amnesty program is NOT ENCOURAGING ANYONE TO LAME EK AT ALL. Rather than "Hei if you lame EK, that's alright, you still have your precious items, but no more eks :( so please, no more next time ya sweet heart."


    If that is so, many people would like to "try their luck" and see if there any possibility to get easy EK - ie. Lamming it.


    And like I said, if you don want to donate it, go get the amnesty program and say bye to your whatever in your bag. If your items are precious to you, donate it, don't whine saying it's unfair. Again, server NEVER EVER encourage people to lame EK. Society NEVER EVER encourage people to rob a shop or your neighbor McDonald. Your parents NEVER EVER encourage you to rape a girl to get a baby or to satisfy you. Rules are still rules, obey, or face the consequences.


    Sorry I didn't know that i can't lame an EK after playing a month or so, I thought a little is alright. Dude, give me your items, and I'll tell you "sorry i didn't know that i can drop it on ground, i though people will ask who drops it and give back"


    (Did i talk too much? LOL)


    *Edited grammar errors*

  4. What about this. For those who got banned because of EK laming, his account will be suspended, but not exactly permanently.


    GMs can can put his acc/items on Donation site, in that way, items will stay, and if he wants to continue, cool, make a big donation on his items.

    Don't have the money? Get the amnesty program, but ur items will not going back to you.

    Amnesty program sucks? Don't lame then.

    Other players are interested? Go grab it and donate it to the server, your donation will be much appreciated.


    This way, items will "stay" regardless whether there will be anyone willing to donate it or not. Person who donated will be announced, but not the price.


    Server it's not selling the items, GMs is not selling anything. GMs is only doing their job, get the bad guy, take all his stuff. Put it on donation. Nobody wants it? Don't blame the GMs for keeping the items. It's there for donation. Or sounds like an auction.


    Where the money is going? Many way. Server maintainance, server advertisement, server upgrade for better graphic perhaps? Web upgrade. Anything you name it.

  5. i felt bored when come to sade. Everytimes i just giving out free ek to ares during the sade bcoz only few elv in ML and 20+ - 30 ares are chasing us for the ek...sometimes more worst 20 ares chase 1 elv.... i wonder y all ppl go to ares and nobody become elv ? even though some ppl joined elv but ares is just too many ppl the game obviously become imbalance...elv already lost held almost everytimes and sade is the only thing that keep elv ppl to stay in the game. if this problem keep on i believe elv ppl will lose confident and quit the game...That's all i wanna say...i hope GM can do something to it. thank you


    Tuesday sade many malaysians and japanese. Most malaysians are at aresden :D


    Elvs malaysians getting lesser, and hwarang hardly show up already. That's why lo!

  6. Contribution limit still is 700, it will be raised once the guild system arrives !


    Any way to decrease these contribution points? I will wanna make some quests on my war :P .


    There's a quest in the list of Party Quest that says : 100 Mountain Giants in IB, but its not Mountain Giants, is every mob.


    I wonder the same than this guy


    There is no way to decrease the contri except for taking hero & crafting.


    The 100 mountain giants in IB is only visual bug, in reality killing ANY mob will be enough.

    It's just a virtual bug (will be fixed next client release).


    Contri cap will be raised once we have Guild System operational.


    When do u think u'll be releasing the guild system update?


    It will be on Fall 2010. End of the year before Christmas I would guess.


    You can get the infor on the future updates at here:


    Or more detailed infor on the Guild system at here: