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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. Hello all haven't seen you all in awhile. GoDie soon i will return promise, Just i been really busy as a Admin on ICCup. for their starcraft / warcraft servers. gots over 6000 ppl on daily , lots of work :-) But i'll stop by when i can. To the rest of ya, hope ya having fun :-) miss ya


    Elvs don get eks often coz ur absent B)


    Anyway! Hope to hear from you soon in game! Please send my regards to Adored ^_^

  2. God i love these forums hahahah (lol Krede)


    and ya Jos, i agree, it takes both manpower and coordination to get to abby and to kill him aswell. Hence i use that a measure of town strenght and progress, purely pve wise. pvp wise is another story completely.


    And i dont hate cencored btw. i think u guys are fun. well at least some of u. GoDie! train with 1 eye open!




    Can't, I need to get some Elv blood so my name will appear at this weekly top ek list. Else my guildmate will scold me for being inactive.


    Btw Zoul, u can try organize some small hunt first such as DE pit, or garden party, to get to know who is good on what, and to boost their interest of playing. Then u can try helclaw, or dragons, or dungeon4. Then get someone that u think he can organize hunts when u r not around.


    My 2 cents :)

  3. Abbadon isn't a great judge of whether the town is active or not, Hwa-Rang never could kill it because of our time zone.


    I'm quite sure some of the Koreans are playing SC2 though. Notice the trend in their character names and pro-gaming leagues in Korea? MBC...woongjin...SBS...


    Yea most of them in SC2.

  4. I thought this topic is cool. I can chill my time during on work.


    "Well, i didnt play back when elvs dominated the game. And i have got to ask, where the strongest guilds nonactive then? where u outnumbered 5:1 in sades and helds EVERY week? was hunting abby impossible? if the answer is yes... then u know it sux."


    Man you should have watch how Hwarang box Shop AND the portal (the previous map version) at the same time. People drop their sets and items all the time. We have to like Tripple zem EVERYDAY. Yeah, it was a raid day EVERYDAY in those time.


    Kinda fun time though :D

  5. Sleep + Inhib = same user

    No it's not. Cowbell has Sleep and Putte has Inhibition. Cowbell isn't active.



    The original post is amusing, seeing as how most rare spell users in the game (besides GoDie) are pretty much inactive or banned. Cowbell and Putte make rather rare appearances (now that Joe and the actives of FNDA are gone).


    Town balance always shifts, apparently you weren't here for when argenlandia walked all over everyone. Having the superactive argen players and the supermassive hwarang guild in one town was hard to handle. Certainly more so than your current situation.


    The old days was a disaster for every ares :(


    Oh sorry i thought inhib and sleep both same user, so sorry.


    Ares new cancelation were from drop or buy? I only know ares have a new DemonSlayer from drop yesterday :P

  6. Ares has an active Cancel mage? Who? As far as i know, only AceHigh has Cancelation, and he is inactive. ESW is banned. Sleep + Inhib = same user (Elv also have a slepp user). Hellfire not fully active, he's noob, LOL!


    Ares were overpowered by elv last time with their 3 StormBringer and 3 Ice sword and 2 Xelima. Not to forget, mass FH players.


    And I'll make sure High-HB wont have the chance to do a successful guild hunt when I'm online (Provided my line is good) :D

  7. I dont dislike the idea, but problems i see on the idea:

    ppl would lose interest in actually trying to win, and would try eking only, so sades would last really long, maybe even 2 hours, so the endurance of the builds should be smaller during that day, and break beetween each other should be bigger, as so we dont have 20 hours of sade in 1 day, we got new ppl coming all the time, and they would hate not being able to train with a sade lasting that long



    And so it will defeat the whole purpose of this special event - Crusade.

  8. I hope ppl will move from Ares to Elvine.


    Just look at the last 20 crusades ... Every time I play one their are only a handfull of elv's on. The moment we build a base or attack their are 20 ares after my *censored* ... Its just no fun anymore.


    LoL! Couldn't help, and I understand your feel. Elv time will come when Ares players go for holiday.