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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. medusa sword its overpowering, because its use is abused, if you see a low lvl, activate!!, then give it to a guild member, and the same again, and over and over again.


    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;)


    This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not.

    The item must cool down from being activated.



    Ye but then you will have people activation IE first, then XR, and then Mplate and then Mshield within 10 mins, to kill and to escape




    that's why this suggestion is here, and that's why it's in staff room.


    I heard the excellent idea in the staff room to implement the new idea alongside with the existing system of player-cooldown.



    Such as?? :blink:


  2. medusa sword its overpowering, because its use is abused, if you see a low lvl, activate!!, then give it to a guild member, and the same again, and over and over again.


    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;)


    This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not.

    The item must cool down from being activated.


    Which will also mean other activation will be a 20mints CD? Or just medusa?

  3. But WhiteGM is so pro coder that he will fix it.


    I can, and I WILL fix it...


    but that doesn't automaticaly result into the sword being enabled again as a drop !


    Probably some huge event item, or donation, or anniversary.


    But still fixing it is the main issue right?


    If it's overpowering, what about lowering it's hit prob so not every hit will be a 100% successful? Or lowering the effect time and make the cooling down longer time? Will that be more complicated?

  4. Medusa Sword Related:

    Yes, i'd love to see it back in the game, but a bug-fix must be applied, and even then Farjat still decides about it's faith.


    Cancellation Sword Related:

    HELL NO !

    There is NO SINGLE reason for a warrior to be able to cancel a mage or another warrior.

    Warrior's deal physical damage, as there is no way to completly protect from physical damage (like there is AMP for magical), there is no reason to be able to cancel an effect on the enemy.

    Cancellation is a spell that belongs to a mage to cancel the enemy's buff to be able to deal higher damage.

    Mages need to be able to cancel AMP to deal damage, without cancel a mage v mage is useless if the enemy mage is amped.


    Just curious, what's the reason nemesis suspend medusa sword? And bug you are saying?


    The sword got suspended due to overpowering and decision of the staff.

    The overpowering is a result of the bug.


    The bug that occurs is a bumping bug.

    If I activate my dusa, dusa you, so you're paralyzed, I crit you in the back, which would normally make you FLY a couple spots, but due to the para effect of dusa, you can't fly !

    So basically you attemp to fly, but fail to fly causing you to bump into the next spot.


    Overpowering? It's just a paralyze effect. :X

  5. Medusa Sword Related:

    Yes, i'd love to see it back in the game, but a bug-fix must be applied, and even then Farjat still decides about it's faith.


    Cancellation Sword Related:

    HELL NO !

    There is NO SINGLE reason for a warrior to be able to cancel a mage or another warrior.

    Warrior's deal physical damage, as there is no way to completly protect from physical damage (like there is AMP for magical), there is no reason to be able to cancel an effect on the enemy.

    Cancellation is a spell that belongs to a mage to cancel the enemy's buff to be able to deal higher damage.

    Mages need to be able to cancel AMP to deal damage, without cancel a mage v mage is useless if the enemy mage is amped.


    Just curious, what's the reason nemesis suspend medusa sword? And bug you are saying?



  6. Town map has been made smaller compared to the previous one. There are people hunting crayfish and mountain giant inside noob dungeon. I always see elv/ares in middleland, ice bound, in my timezone.


    Different map served diff purposes. So I think it's cool.


    But u r right, PL doesnt seem effective with population. I don know what will happen if PL is closed.

  7. I think recall should stay as-is. If people get off a recall, then so be it... In this game battles are fought and won in seconds, and in hours. If you come across noobs that always recall, then dont fight em


    problem is ell, 95% of elvs and 75% of ares have adopted this tactic. And its directly affected the server population. 1/2 of my guild quit becuz the lack of attention the staff is giving this. The most common excuse is, "if you cant kill someone before they recall its becuz you didnt do a good enuff job attacking." That is true about 10% of the time, the rest of the time its high HB/hachis/asian violence recalling the sec an enemy is on the screen. And the comment u made about simply not attacking them is a boring solution. The fact is people who train in the ML/IB/dungon should be in more danger than a 1 second escape. But i'm sure this topic will be closed ignorantly and nothing will be done. So hooray for me wasting my time typing this. Never seen a better idea that is supported by 90% of the server be ignored so much.


    So u are also saying that other guild such as HB/hachis/asia violence, or maybe koreans, arent worth p laying this game coz we use recall eh? So we other guilds are a piece of trash to you FNDA or wateva is it now?


    And also telling GMs and staff that whatever issue encountered by you MUST be solved eh?


    Lack of attention? I don think so. I remember there are same threads been made before this and GMs already explained clear enough on their decision.


    To be honest, I dont mind if this topic to be discussed in a better way. But ur reply really offended and pissed a lot of ppl.