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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. actualy .. what knny saying is that today 12 pm server time ... the server almost crash .. u couldnt connect or .. u connect 2 steps and down again ... for like 40 min ...


    thank u


    Yes. Every single time we (and I mean everyone in the server) connected, will encounter SERIOUS lag for less than 1 minute, and disconnected. And again and again and again. It's not about the normal lagging issue or whateva free ek thingy. It's really serious, you can ask the rest THAT ONLINE THAT HOUR.



  2. i think is good idea!


    maybe with little better prizes, like hp/mp/21 armors, stones, gold, zems, m shieldds, emmy, etc... for help beginers.



    i dont agree with the hp/mp 21. the svr will be flooded with hp/mp21 then. since the questions will be on and on... everyone will have the hp/mp 21 in no time. no offence. just my point of view.


    Agree on this lanjiao gia comment.

  3. there are indeed 9 arena's, first 3 and last are equal, only their name differs.


    The others arena's are there, but not always serve purpose of what we make events for ;)



    Why having 4 same arena thought the name is diff? Any purposes?


    Arena 4 looks cool for 1 vs 1 Event!


    Arena 8 seems HUGE! Maybe some mass killing at there? Hahaha.

  4. My suggestion for next patch....



    *Better drop rate because new players also needs good items to trade with old players without that HB is boring, we need an active market in game and in forum..


    *Current HB Nemesis patch 5.21 is """Slightly Increased Drop Chances for: Damage Rings """ means TW only drop rows....LOL fix that pls...


    *Fixed drop rate, as whitefang wrote """"small mobs (slime, giant ant, scorpion, ...) have a limit of dropping in %, which is 49% (a grade 7 stat)"""", Is fine but.... why big monsters (demons ettins, unicorns) drop rapiers or wood , targe shields? not fair.


    *Fixed second drop parts for demons and unicorns (i never see parts in drops).


    *Stated BBH.


    *Demons and unicorns should drop flams+1 as original HB.


    *Stated plate leggins as a drop (only in big monsters).


    *Increase dmg in Black Shadow Sword... i think giant swoord and Bss has the same dmg...


    *Better prices in quest ( Random items like zems xilemas, meriens, exp, gold, dm1,ms10).


    *Tradeable Majestics.


    *See party players in map and increase the number of members in party.



    I hope see GM's comments :P



    Muahahaha! We had a TW hunt last night and we get 12 ROW drops! S3XY u miss the fun and i'll be uploading our hunt in our facebook tagging you soon!



    Release date for Fury Of Thor and Info?


    Fix spell on Confuse Language, Mass Confusion?



  5. I saw this in the nemesis website regarding on maps.


    Realized that there are actually [/u]9 Arena maps in nemesis, and only few that I've seen before. Just wondering are those Arena available? There are some that looks really really cool ya know.


    Also, Arena 1, 2, 3, and 9 are the same. Is there any differences that separates them?


    You can view it from the link below.





  (Is this the one used on the marathon event thingy?)


    Well some players might been there before, but not me, so I'm just very curious to know :P

  6. so.. i don't know much about coding, what programs do you use? how is it done?



    it would be great if someone explained the basics to me :P


    Get the following:


    Hb server files

    Hg source

    Client source

    C++ compiler (msvc 6.0) works well.


    Getvsome basic c++ prpgramming knowledge, google is good.


    Learn the lops, operators, and arrays well. Hb code uses all of this. The rest is up to your own luck, and iq, and now that this forum isup, just ask here. I trust our community will respond fairly.



    Some one just landed a mass confusion spell on me.