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Posts posted by kennychl

  1. I had a conversation with bidam who played korea server. He told me yeah, there are only 2 SB in the server, the drop rate for it is very difficult.



    Fury of thor is a shop manual, the damage is same with blizzard. Server got a lot of ie neck, so they use Fury of thor more often.


    Yellow Tail spell:

    It's true the spell exist, but it's the advanced of armor break. It reduce 100endurance.


    White pot:

    It's a cancelation pot. 100% alchemy is super difficult.



    It's very very difficult. No one even reach 190 yet.


    Xelima weapons are rare like nemesis. Normally only the great guild has it, normal guild will be like ice sword. Drop rate is tough on xelima.


    Mass Sade: Coz they are all koreans, timezone is same. Normally (weekdays) they will have average of 500players. Sunday will be a 700players. Ant that makes sense on everything from Drops, to FH.


    Oh btw, they sell GBH+7, ESW, and Hell Fire spell, for USD2000. You wanna go there play? LOL!!!

  2. bit off topic again, but some things that i've seen in the movies, also some other i found on the website:


    - you hardly see any SB's

    - guards can be summoned in town by poisening friendly

    - some people are FH, but have 0 items in bag (only pots, shield, some drops they just got)

    - how the hell do they get +20 angels, if its the sparkling ones, with that kind of exp rate XD

    - lvl 200 sux =[

    - they use cannon towers in their base

    - special plate leggings drop ^^

    - platemage with XB/cancelation lol :P

    - mage casting ESW's with a sort of ressu wand looking wand



    Couldnt find more ^^


    -they dont need sb when they have stated bbh + activation

    -just like the old hb? (cant recall, din play much)

    -their sades are twice a day? and most importantly they are all in the same timezone, search ek is nt hard. Also, They might not bother on wearing the FH to attack, instead having their ma/pa/ wateva armor is more safety.

    -no comment on angels. But some are sparkling some are not.


    -u can try cannon nex.


    -low vit + low mag.

    -can't see that, hahahah


    But to the topic, fury of thor is cool :)

  3. Nindax Food: They are probably with liche neck? And yeah, you can still see amount of warriors are more than mage from the video ;-)


    You can ask favor from Hwarang. Pinklady and some of his frens play there if not mistaken.


    And yeah, HB korea is up until Lvl200. However, to increase the lvl from 180 to 181 is massive difficult. Saw it in their site with google translate.

  4. the idea of bounty


    when it come to helds and crusades yes my idea wasnt thought out too much, sorry about that, but what about the idea of the staff makeing a charater ( maybe a nco? like devlin) with high stats and items and make it appear on a certain map and when u pick bounty quest it tells you where it wpuld be to only you or your group or guild. then make it it only drops for the person who accepted the bounty. i know this would be hard but its an idea so always good for new idea changes


    p.s. i dont hav any exp with coding or computers in general( unless looking for porn) so plz be patient with me as i generally dont know what iam talkin about with computers so if i say something that is stupid to you sorry


    :) :blink:


    It sounds a bit like kill the GeeMee event, with the edited stats n stuff all. But me personally would prefer to put a real player as a bounty. I'm sure there will be some big fight where people will chase for that person's EK. Also all the big talk for sure.

    Maybe we can give rewards to the bounty player if nobody gets to kill him? Just for the sake of fun.


    We can also try implement the idea to the past event that GMs has made - first to post a SS of an EK after date *spam* & time *spam*, by adding the specific player who is currently at the top EK list.

  5. 1. Towns are made for original play, we won't customize towns and make them easy for you, spend some damn running :P


    2. Safe zones in towns are already reduced since the previous towns.

    Yet we won't remove safe zones, safe zones are made originally in HB, and we keep the originals as much as possible.

    Therefore, removing save zones probably won't be done.

    If you can't manage to kill your oponent after 10 minutes and he runs safe, well it's your fault, you had 10 minutes to figure a way to get his/her face in the dirt, but you just failed cuz you arn't good enough yet. Keep training, one day you'll smack his/her face in the dirt.



    LOL! Point.2 is bloody good! Kakakaakakka! I love safe :D

  6. Please don't get mad, i'm not pin pointing anyone :-(


    Btw, maybe can put it in a simple event instead of having it under quest? Whoever got the ek, post the SS at forum. And win a zem or so :-) just simple one to heat up the fight.

  7. Please don't remove safezone. As a very honest person, I need that spot to regen my mana/hp and stay away from maaaaaaaaaas koreans with 3 SB + 2 bow + 2 DK15, and fking sudden xelima + ice activation aiming me all the time every map.


    And imagine how they gonna box the entrance if safezone is removed.