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Everything posted by kennychl

  1. kennychl

    What Do Players Want?

    Please consider that the server is not just about players from Arg/US/Europe. There are a big amount of players from Malaysia and Singapore as well. Well, why world of warcraft or other online game can still attract so many players is because they are a lot of choices when it comes to player profession. But in HB it's limited to just 3, warrior mage and bmage. Besides that, each profession can only entitle to use certain skills and weapons, whereas at hb, you can all the skills as long as you have the require stats. I'm not saying we have to be like world of warcraft of whatsoever, but there must be a reason why it's so successful, and bare in mind that many other online game also doing the same where professions comes first, and it works. Narrow down the professions, limit some rares to certain profession, limit some spells and add extra spells on certain profession, and I guess players won't get bored with it. I don't think any more events will help right now. I don't know whether it ca be done or not, but I guess hb needs more new blood. (Wow sounds like a total makeover. Just my 2cents :ph34r: )
  2. kennychl

    Please Assist Me/flame Me

    You have to penalized one in order to show them there are rules to obey. I am absolutely agree with White[GM]... Players should behave on their manner and need to be smart enough on their choice of words. Of coz, no one can be perfect, but at least behave like you are a human, not an animal just because we can speak, LoL. Btw, I also hope that players who bad mouth on other players "racist, or being absolutely rude" can be penalized, even thou those players are so called "pro", but that doesn't mean they can insult others like no body business. it's a game indeed, but play like a good human, not an animal who simply bark and bite. (This goes to those "pro" who always insult others as a noob and pk them) Just my 2 cents :-)