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Everything posted by kennychl

  1. kennychl

    So What's Up

    Make Held that is time friendly for people from Asia (Koreans) and they will back. Claimed by Pinklady.
  2. kennychl

    So What's Up

    Yea most of them in SC2.
  3. kennychl

    I Want To Suggest Something

    I want to suggest new monster!
  4. kennychl

    I Want To Suggest Something

    Office is boring :wacko:
  5. kennychl

    So What's Up

    I thought this topic is cool. I can chill my time during on work. "Well, i didnt play back when elvs dominated the game. And i have got to ask, where the strongest guilds nonactive then? where u outnumbered 5:1 in sades and helds EVERY week? was hunting abby impossible? if the answer is yes... then u know it sux." Man you should have watch how Hwarang box Shop AND the portal (the previous map version) at the same time. People drop their sets and items all the time. We have to like Tripple zem EVERYDAY. Yeah, it was a raid day EVERYDAY in those time. Kinda fun time though :D
  6. kennychl

    So What's Up

    No it's not. Cowbell has Sleep and Putte has Inhibition. Cowbell isn't active. The original post is amusing, seeing as how most rare spell users in the game (besides GoDie) are pretty much inactive or banned. Cowbell and Putte make rather rare appearances (now that Joe and the actives of FNDA are gone). Town balance always shifts, apparently you weren't here for when argenlandia walked all over everyone. Having the superactive argen players and the supermassive hwarang guild in one town was hard to handle. Certainly more so than your current situation. The old days was a disaster for every ares :( Oh sorry i thought inhib and sleep both same user, so sorry. Ares new cancelation were from drop or buy? I only know ares have a new DemonSlayer from drop yesterday :P
  7. kennychl

    So What's Up

    Ares has an active Cancel mage? Who? As far as i know, only AceHigh has Cancelation, and he is inactive. ESW is banned. Sleep + Inhib = same user (Elv also have a slepp user). Hellfire not fully active, he's noob, LOL! Ares were overpowered by elv last time with their 3 StormBringer and 3 Ice sword and 2 Xelima. Not to forget, mass FH players. And I'll make sure High-HB wont have the chance to do a successful guild hunt when I'm online (Provided my line is good) :D
  8. kennychl

    Nite And Day

    Rain will increase the dmg for Fury-of-Thor and reduce any fire spell. LOL
  9. kennychl

    Sade Day!

    +1 And so it will defeat the whole purpose of this special event - Crusade.
  10. kennychl

    Pvp And Pvm Mode

    Conclusion: Can not laaaah
  11. kennychl

    Hunter, Are You Alright?

    Good to see you back bit by bit. Get recovered soon, Great Heal more, Put a nice HP Set with Strength Angel +1000. I'm waiting for your Mass Demon summons beside me during hunt :)
  12. kennychl

    Pvp And Pvm Mode

    what if there are 5 person hit the only one enemy? And he is stubborn enough to come hit one of us?
  13. kennychl

    Farjat, What About Town Balance?

    LoL! Couldn't help, and I understand your feel. Elv time will come when Ares players go for holiday.
  14. kennychl


    any news on this? :(
  15. kennychl

    General Chat

    It's very disadvantage for mage.
  16. kennychl

    General Chat

    For the first time. +1
  17. kennychl

    Farjat, What About Town Balance?

    Aresden was in the bad position before hwarang and arganlandia "holiday break". It happens.
  18. kennychl

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    In that case, WhiteGM, your mass fight in town with HC and TW is not applicable :( We can only tame skeleton at town. HC only at DC/ML. TW only at IB. It is very cool and awesome to see TW and HC, or at least Demons fighting alongside in own town. Maybe something can be work out?
  19. kennychl

    Make Rewards A Choice Plz

    Or, possible to add more prize? like 1 zemstone? :P Or a "random prize" range from gold to exp to stones? :D
  20. kennychl

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    I think a better setup would be that if it's attacked by a "friendly" that it should go back to aggressive, so you don't have to wait. Also make it so that you can only tame monsters that have full hp, otherwise you'll have people running around and taming monsters that other people are fighting, even your own town if you decided to be real kool. you can only tame enemy monsters, not friendly. Keeping the ability to tame any enemy monster with any health will bring new perspectives and new abilities to PvP. We'll see mass fights where one town tames the other towns hc or tw ;) But we can't bring the monster that we tamed to another map, right? Eg. we tamed HC at Middleland/DC, can we bring them back to our Elv/Ares town for raid? or another map?
  21. kennychl

    Facebook Interaction.

    Very evil question. Can farjat "kill" other server? Hack?
  22. kennychl

    What Do U Know About Taming?

    I would love to tame 4 demon and tgt PinkLady. Btw, can we zerk on the monsters we tamed? As the monsters are not summoned from spell instead. Get what i mean? :-/
  23. I would like to know whether or not there is any rule stating that: Aresden and Elv should not work together for a hunt. If found so will be penalized. Or anything like that. Can GM clarify this. Thanks