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Everything posted by kennychl

  1. kennychl

    What Dragon Drop ?

    Black drop Devastater
  2. kennychl

    Halloween Costume Parade Poll

    Omg... Why take the photo of me when I'm in Jail?? That's an insult! I demand compensate! 10zems please!
  3. kennychl

    For The Older Players - How You Can Help Us!

    A lot of new players coming. BUMP ^_^
  4. kennychl

    Halloween Event

    Sory if i cannot meet your expectations for halloween events. Just log ur char and we raid!!! XD
  5. kennychl

    Halloween Event

    Halloween event is about Blooooood~~! Killing spree or getting killed~~!!
  6. kennychl

    Valkyrie Account Sold!

  7. kennychl

    What Dragon Drop ?

    Seen Plate and Hose and Chain and Battle Hammer before.
  8. kennychl

    Game Trivia

    You guys talking about the oooold mIRC ????
  9. kennychl

    Game Trivia

    i dont agree with the hp/mp 21. the svr will be flooded with hp/mp21 then. since the questions will be on and on... everyone will have the hp/mp 21 in no time. no offence. just my point of view. Agree on this lanjiao gia comment.
  10. kennychl

    Arena (maps)

    Any possibility for players to get into some of the Arena (Except from the one at BI) for free? Eg Arena 4, and placing it somewhere at Middleland?
  11. kennychl

    Arena (maps)

    I saw this in the nemesis website regarding on maps. Realized that there are actually [/u]9 Arena maps in nemesis, and only few that I've seen before. Just wondering are those Arena available? There are some that looks really really cool ya know. Also, Arena 1, 2, 3, and 9 are the same. Is there any differences that separates them? You can view it from the link below. (Is this the one used on the marathon event thingy?) Well some players might been there before, but not me, so I'm just very curious to know :P
  12. kennychl

    Hollowen Event

    Halloween is about getting drunk and getting killed. Let's get the partay at 7am server time :D
  13. kennychl

    Arena (maps)

    Why having 4 same arena thought the name is diff? Any purposes? Arena 4 looks cool for 1 vs 1 Event! Arena 8 seems HUGE! Maybe some mass killing at there? Hahaha.
  14. kennychl

    More Admins

    Btw, I thought I saw hunter back to game last month?
  15. kennychl

    Next Patch 5.22 Features

    Muahahaha! We had a TW hunt last night and we get 12 ROW drops! S3XY u miss the fun and i'll be uploading our hunt in our facebook tagging you soon! Topic: Release date for Fury Of Thor and Info? Fix spell on Confuse Language, Mass Confusion?
  16. kennychl

    More Admins

    Juli keep coming to game nowadays to steal piyo from me
  17. kennychl


    Get the following: Hb server files Hg source Client source C++ compiler (msvc 6.0) works well. Getvsome basic c++ prpgramming knowledge, google is good. Learn the lops, operators, and arrays well. Hb code uses all of this. The rest is up to your own luck, and iq, and now that this forum isup, just ask here. I trust our community will respond fairly. Some one just landed a mass confusion spell on me.
  18. kennychl

    Just Asking

    I'll definitely pay visits as I'm curious on it.
  19. kennychl

    Medusa Sword

    Go MSN pls...
  20. kennychl


    Blood wash Elvine event at 930am server time later :D
  21. kennychl

    Medusa Sword

    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;) This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not. The item must cool down from being activated. BEST IDEA EVER! Ye but then you will have people activation IE first, then XR, and then Mplate and then Mshield within 10 mins, to kill and to escape XD that's why this suggestion is here, and that's why it's in staff room. I heard the excellent idea in the staff room to implement the new idea alongside with the existing system of player-cooldown. Such as?? :blink:
  22. kennychl

    Medusa Sword

    I believe merien dagger is our nightmare. Anyway, probably letting Medusa having a longer CD is good + double CD (Item+Player) Other activation remain the same.
  23. kennychl

    Medusa Sword

    Perhaps activations should have an ITEM cooldown instead of a PLAYER cool down ;) This way activation items can only be used once every 20 minutes, no matter if you pass it on or not. The item must cool down from being activated. Which will also mean other activation will be a 20mints CD? Or just medusa?
  24. kennychl

    Medusa Sword

    I can, and I WILL fix it... but that doesn't automaticaly result into the sword being enabled again as a drop ! Probably some huge event item, or donation, or anniversary. But still fixing it is the main issue right? If it's overpowering, what about lowering it's hit prob so not every hit will be a 100% successful? Or lowering the effect time and make the cooling down longer time? Will that be more complicated?
  25. kennychl

    Medusa Sword

    on second thought, recall sword is kinda cool too! LOL!