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Everything posted by kennychl

  1. kennychl

    Dagger Vs Fireball Pvp Event!

    Interesting event but it's 6am here! Argh!
  2. kennychl

    Abby Down

    dude u really think u are someone? god this guy never learns, he thinks he is someone in the world cause of HB, and still u suck at it, cheers kid why do you have to be such a child and comment on everything he says let it go lol and yes, abby drops more than 9, this one in particular had.... 12 drops if i'm not mistaken. medic's probably right in saying it's just like a black dragon. it went really smoothly for the most part, those runner TWs were a problem since we didn't have many wars, but we got some good backup, and went from there :) Any good drops from the TWs or FWs ?
  3. kennychl

    Forum Chat Back!

  4. kennychl

    Explain Your Character's Name

    Was pissed at that time from college and relationship especially. This was the whole thing came into my mind.
  5. kennychl

    2 Guildmaster

    all hail nemesis staff ^_^ ps: seems theres still a lot to do, white. is there an aprox release date yet? If White allow me I'll answer for him. We cannot give you a date neither an aproximation. We have a lot of things to do and, as all of you know, we ALWAYS test EVERYTHING that we develop, so we cant give you a release date. 在了内 您有它里面。 cada dia peor las traducciones de google, jajaja 光辉 LOL what chinese you guys talking at here? It's so wrong.
  6. kennychl

    How Bout Crit Pots

    unless it's as rare as getting a SB, otherwise it's just like the other servers out there.
  7. kennychl

    Abby Down

    LoL luckily World Cup stop me n my guild from clearing this week :P But good try Kokkeli my love!
  8. kennychl

    2 Guildmaster

    This is pretty handsome! One question, will this improvement including an easier way to change the guild name? Rather than dismiss it and creating it again? Probably some cont points to do so?
  9. kennychl

    Event Suggestions

    Hunter, there is an event suggestion under the Suggestion: There are a lot of ideas at there. Please don't kill it.
  10. kennychl


    +1 +2
  11. kennychl


    MP cape and chain for starter? That's too much isn't it? :-( USD380 for Sleep ;-)
  12. kennychl

    Ettin Event

    Tuesday as in the one after crusade? or?
  13. kennychl

    Show Party Members On Mini-map

    Yes, getting backup takes some element of skill to pull off and it still would in the case you are calling for backup that are not in your party. It's just really situational. However, I think the benefits of this would outweigh that concern. Hunts would be easier to coordinate, raiding parties could keep better track of each other, etc. The game already has enough "skill" elements (aiming spells, timing multiple targets, breaking casts, etc.) to where the skill gap between the highly skilled players and the low end beginners is pretty huge. +1
  14. kennychl

    Monstr Spawn Indicator On Minimap

    Disagree, players shouldnt take things for granted. Nothing comes easy, just go search for it :-)
  15. kennychl

    A Better Armor Break

    Ah~ XD
  16. kennychl

    A Better Armor Break

    well if that so, maybe an advanced AB in circle10 that is a very rare drop. A 2x2 AOE with lower damage but with higher effect, and of coz a higher mana consumption needed to cast it. And yes it can break through PFM but not AMP and GDS (yea gds).
  17. kennychl

    Talk-> Choose Quest

    Good suggestion, but i don think it's an issue. Maybe in the future
  18. kennychl

    A Better Armor Break

    I think armor break that can penetrate PFM is unfair for warriors, especially on FH sets. 3 mages with that "Upgraded AB" will own every non-AMP warrior. But on other hand, I would like to see some changes or something to be done on Great Defense Shield.
  19. kennychl

    Hf Fixed Dmg

    To Lyth: I mean offensive spell. Yea, let's give more time and see how it goes :-) Thanks.
  20. kennychl

    Hf Fixed Dmg

    Just got back from busy working schedule. I tested it last few days at BI with a friend of mine with full DK armor, standing right on the spot, and his a bbh user. I can tell you that the dmg was reduced ALOT, where receiver will get 200 - 300dmg, with dk15, rogm, ms18, angel 8. However, I've made a 480dmg (which is the highest i can make on that day after the fixed) on the warrior, but it was like ONCE in a 30+times trial. Regarding on the theoretical dmg, WhiteGM, I might need you to clarify this to me, is HF still a 5x5 dmg? or changed to 4x4, because 5th tile is not affected. As for the mana consumption, it's a 151 mana to be used (with ms18), and 250 in safe mode to cast the spell. So honestly, 151mana for a 200-300 dmg, to me is really not worthy. So what i did during the fight on that day (with some koreans I saw, and eventually got chased by their whole nation at the end) was actually just blizz with my friend and HF when I feel the time is correct. And this is how my friend felt. They say the dmg has been reduced too much, and for this, the spell isnt "special" anymore. People won't hunt for special spells anymore. Coz it's not special. They would rather use blizzard with the special freeze effect. It's true that HF no longer a 1 hit KO (ON NOOB GOLDIE, PLEASE MAKE THIS RIGHT) but it's not a "good" spell to go for fight. Why? People will prefer blizzard as it gives the freeze effect. People still prefer ESW as it gives the sp reduction. I know many of you hate koreans, but as from what I've experienced during the fight with them before the fix, I always got chased by them EVERYTIME I LOG IN. And I can tell you that, getting chased by 2 SB, 1 Ice sword, 1 Xelima, 1 DK15 sword, 1 Archer to stunt me all the time, 1 Z wand, 1 DK15 mage, it's NEVER BEEN EASY TO EVEN STOP AND CAST AAAAAAAAA SPELL. I can only rely on my friends to invis me and get my chance to just cast a spell. And guess what, those koreans would rather chase me on the entire ML, than killing a noob mage running behind them. I would like to type more but I'm in hurry for next Commercial shooting. My opinion, HF dmg SHOULD REDUCE, but not this much. And I know White and staff had a long and hard time to think about this issue, which I really really feel that their commitment to nemesis is a worthy server to play. P/S: I hate the way Moha reply.
  21. kennychl


    send a ticket to gm
  22. kennychl

    Server Manteinance + Client Update V5.11

    means u can open alot of helgames at once ( helps transfer etc) choppy: es como cuando tienes muy bajo el fps , q se "traba", pero los fps lso tengo normal , por eso veo algo raro lo voy a testear mas Does that mean people can lame ek easily? Or even giving free reps from their 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th acc? So many bad things can be done
  23. kennychl

    Server Manteinance + Client Update V5.11

    and what is multi client??
  24. kennychl

    ***new Player Hot Tips***

    Promote the forum to the new players everytime players log in. Put it in the Introduction "F1" in game. To new players that often get killed, try pf the enemies name when having guild hunt to prevent from ambush.
  25. kennychl

    Server Manteinance + Client Update V5.11

    What's multi client? Anyway I'm having a very busy schedule currently. Maybe Tuesday's crusade will on (if GMs want to see it)