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Everything posted by kennychl

  1. Dol+i is a male. Only MBC's wife and the other one forgot the name is female. But I can help Dol+i answer the question. Most of them in "very long holiday" because of the EXTREME word harassed that is made on them. And certainly there are also some word harassed to my guild. But I've talked to him, and they will back soon (hopefully).
  2. You can ask Dol+i when you see him. And ask in proper manner.
  3. kennychl

    Abby Dead !

    And I'm cursing.
  4. kennychl

    Mass Illution

    Zoul, Let's bring it to the suggestion? :P
  5. kennychl

    Abby Dead !

    There's a month (like few months ago only), FW drop 2 ROAM and excaliber. And that month as well, 1 SB drop from frost. Nemesis 3 will be a fruit server, but this is not. Saying there will be 2 nemesis servers going together? Assuming that this server stay, and 1 new server come?
  6. kennychl

    Server Is Dead

    Yeah couldn't agree more. Stop posting such threads, and stop making negative news/rumors. Let's just close and delete.
  7. kennychl

    Server Is Dead

    A few ares back to nemesis from hb world/wateva server. The reason is "Other servers are too easy, things too easily get" So be positive. Like I said, they went for summer holidays/summer work.
  8. kennychl

    Mass Illution

    Me too, it would be a bit nicer. If you actually land it, it's EXTREMELY useful. Ya like yesterday i was in ml and fought half asia violence guild, and i was thinkin during the fight, "a MI would be sweet here" since i was alone vs like 8-9 :P, it would really have confused em'. But i didnt have the time or wish to take the risk of throwing away 1 opportunity to cast, so i used mim insted :S Ya i thought it had that spiralthing on top of the head when when it hits. OMG i would love confuse language on some ppl! Imagine ur own personal mute hahaha /Zoul LOL! And teammates will be like cursing "Why the heck are you not telling us the timed,??!" or "GIVE ME THE AMP U DEAF?!" LOL!!
  9. kennychl

    Mass Illution

    Yeah, what's confuse language actually does?
  10. kennychl

    Please Bring Back The Ettin Pit!

    I always see noob at there lvling in "Peace".
  11. kennychl

    Server Is Dead

    Players around the world having summer holidays :-P So it's not dead, some players are on holiday, temporary.
  12. kennychl

    Mass Illution

    I always tried this, but never ever know whether it's a success or not. LOL. Wish it can have some symbol on top like ????
  13. kennychl

    Crusade Bug!

    Sade bug?!?!
  14. kennychl

    Please Bring Back The Ettin Pit!

    I can see next people will be asking for mountain giant pit, because ettin pit is hard or dangerous. Then we ask for liche pit. DUDE!
  15. kennychl

    No More Gms

    probably there isn't any gm that is available to provide major events during Asia countries' play time? As we all can clearly see that, almost every major events had a bad time (2am - 7am) for Asia countries such as for players from Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, and Hong Kong. We always been told that "You guys can stay late or wake up earlier for the event, not a big deal" But, why not the other party to wake up earlier or stay late a bit? Let's be honest, is that fair to people from Europe if almost every major event are held at the time where they are having a good sleep for the next day's work.
  16. kennychl

    Lag In A Week

    hi silvergold what is that ?? just a spam post or ? :) It's actually a 'server' that reduce your lag.
  17. kennychl

    Im A

    Sigh, you speak my heart. Hachis IS a nice guild, never had a bad impression on that, like others :-) Geez, I don't have your ek ss...
  18. kennychl

    1 Thing

    I think Juno means, if a player has 2 xelima act + 2 ice sword, he can then activate 4 times, if it's a weapon cool down instead of char cool down.
  19. kennychl

    Lag In A Week

    Same goes to me, and almost everyone from my guild, who are from Malaysia mainly, and japanese, and hong kong, and even Eos from Brazil facing the same thing. People stop connecting to game coz they got frustrated with the lag. And being trash talked by those players who doesnt understand us with the mass lag we having. Kinda pissed us all off.
  20. kennychl

    Lag In A Week

    Same goes to me, and almost everyone from my guild, who are from Malaysia mainly, and japanese, and hong kong, and even Eos from Brazil facing the same thing. People stop connecting to game coz they got frustrated with the lag. And being trash talked by those players who doesnt understand us with the mass lag we having. Kinda pissed us all off.
  21. kennychl

    Lag In A Week

    Same goes to me, and almost everyone from my guild, who are from Malaysia mainly, and japanese, and hong kong, and even Eos from Brazil facing the same thing. People stop connecting to game coz they got frustrated with the lag. And being trash talked by those players who doesnt understand us with the mass lag we having. Kinda pissed us all off.
  22. kennychl

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

    13 hours left!!!!! Everyone make sure you have your zem in your bag!
  23. kennychl


    rares can be found in this thread:
  24. kennychl

    Kill A Gm Event! August 21st!

    No, I'm actually addressing the question to make it clear. You know people might say "Ops I accidentally killed the GM and get the drop" So it's answered, we'll get ban :ph34r:
  25. kennychl

    Dkhelm's Sprite For Next Update

    peanut helm :D