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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Patrick

    Mobs Modifiers

    So i know is a pretty useless question and it has nothing to do with Nemesis but i've always wondered... what criteria is used to assign modifiers to some mobs and not others? like, why are there Claivorant Orcs or IG's for example but not Claiv Cannibal Plants? or why there's no AP ice golems??? you know what i mean? who decide which creatures get what attributes so to speak?
  2. Patrick

    Algo Mas Aburrido Que

    good call (Y)
  3. Patrick


    tampoco tanta agresividad.. sabes q .. hago 2 contri de frost en 180 y subo 1 mp -.- decime como haces capo pq yo con 2 contri (o sea 44 frost) hago un poco mas de 10% de un mp. O sea a 20k por frost que es lo que dan mas o menos por 22 serian aproximadamente 440K si no me equivoco = poco mas de 10% de un mp :o :o
  4. Patrick


    Tiene MUCHO sentido lo que decis. Porque la verdad jamas me fije en eso y es una boludez hacerlo, de hecho, la exp de recompensa de sade o de castigo al morir si esta multiplicada y eso no! Voy a tratar de meterlo para el proximo update. Es lo mejor que pueden hacer. Asi tendria algun sentido hacer las quest mas que para sacar las hero parts
  5. Patrick

    Escribir En Azul

    alt 126
  6. Patrick


    que feos fps.... :S
  7. Patrick

    Nemesis Int

    Bring fresh blood? You arent listening. If we item wipe the server what is stopping everyine going to Nem Arg? NOTHING. Noone is going to choose to play Nem INT if they have no items with 60 people online if they can go play Nem ARG with no items and 300 people online. Pretty simple. 99% of the time, item wipes signify the death of the server. when nem1 was wiped it was that 1%? lolz I didn't play nem 1 but i guess that at that time there wasn't a good, reliable, 300+ ppl on at all time server to go to... Now there is. It really sucks for ppl who spent money buying chars and/or items, for the rest... is just a game :D:D
  8. Patrick

    Cliente Up -

    esta bueno... una pregunta. En la pantalla principal donde pone la pagina y cuando sale dice no deberia decir
  9. Patrick


  10. Patrick

    Helbreath Nemesis Expansion.

    epa. con que isp es eso? Los que tienen Speed como mi caso tienen peor o el mismo ping que al Int... solo beneficia a los que tienen Fibertel (por lo menos en los casos que probe yo...)
  11. Patrick

    Helbreath Nemesis Expansion.

    Yeah, agree with the general idea. Probably new players will start in arg server, but the ones that are already playing here will stay here. They might create a char there to try it out but that's it. And in fact only a fraction of the arg players get a better ping to the new server: the ones with Fibertel ISP. Those with Speedy ISP get a better ping at Nem Int (a lot better). So yeah... its not gonna be the end of the world... of Helbreath Nemesis Int :P:P
  12. Patrick

    Screen Shots

    Just extract the file and copy the SAVE folder to the directory where u currently have your HB files. That should fix it i reckon...
  13. Patrick

    2 Vs 2 Pvp Event Sunday

    ya, something weird is going on there... maybe she is a "special friend" of 1 of the GM's???? hahahah just kidding ofc. I really hope she's ugly as shit or else life is too unfair for some... :P I actually never saw her in game, fighting or shit... is she good? I mean, does she make good use of those items?? It would suck if she doesn't....
  14. Patrick

    Magic Skill Raising

    If i recall correctly the formula for skill raising (doesn't matter which one) is: To raise a skill between 20% - 50% Current Skill% + 2 To raise a skill between 51% - 100% (Current Skill% + 1)*(Current Skill% + 1) / 10 That means, if u are raising magic skill from 33 to 34 you need to use a magic spell 33+2 = 35 times. Or, if u are rising 80 to 81 you need to use a spell (81*81)/10 = 656 times. And there's really not a "fastest" way to get to 100% other than using ur spells... so i guess MM is the way to go. If u get bored of shooting mm to ur self just go and kill scorps or slimes or whatever u want i guess...
  15. Patrick

    2 Vs 2 Pvp Event Sunday

    OMG!!!! Stop bitching about the damn thing: "no hero set", "no SB", "no shields", "no mshield", "no MIM"... Why dont u just go out there naked and fight just with hand attack? Oh wait... "no hand attack either, that would be unfair for those who doesnt have 100% hand skill" Cmon ppl... just play the damn event and have a little fun
  16. Patrick

    Fps Limit

    1200 FPS are very possible... i know that cause that's what i get sometimes. Anyways, u gotta remember that there's a point where more fps doesn't mean more speed. I don't know the exact value (lot of ppl say is around 200 fps) but having 1400 fps is not gonna make u run twice as fast as some1 with 700 or seven times faster that some1 with 200... that's just ridiculous. I think however that ping have by far a bigger impact on game that fps does. But there's nothing u can do about that. You want a lower ping get a better ISP or move closer to the server.
  17. Patrick

    Fps Limit

    Absolutely no! Like u said HB is an old game (1999) and u can't keep re-writing the code to keep up with the new technology. Btw, Windows XP have support till 2014 so if u are that desperate to play HB u can still get Windows XP and have Microsoft support on it. My opinion is (no offense to any1) if u are so lazy that u cant even install an OS u cant really ask the coders to work their asses off to change something in the game that can be easily fixed on the user side.
  18. Patrick

    Fps Limit

    I think that's not fairness at all, in fact is the exact opposite. Why would u punish ppl who can have high fps by setting up a frame rate limit? If u want more fps get rid of Vista or get a new computer. U cant force everyone to be "equal" when clearly they're not. Otherwise u would also have to set a threshold to the response time from the server so every1 can get a similar ping... no matter if u are on a 1Mb or a 20 Mb connection.... That doesn't make sense neither, does it? We all play with a certain set of limitations and u have to live with it... PD: i have an average of 55 fps and 230 ms ping so this would really benefit me but i still think its wrong.
  19. Patrick

    Random Ideas/suggestions

    you have a hell lot of free time my friend... my advice: use it for something more productive. Probably a lot of this ideas are good (haven't read them all ofc) but that's prob as far as they gonna get... just ideas. Cheers. PD: loved the "Ant slayer" tho... hahahahah that one cracked me up.
  20. Patrick

    Question About Items

    no, not at all
  21. Patrick

    Run/walk Mode

    it's just a silly suggestion really but u know how when u're writing and u press ctrl+R to change the Run/walk mode it doesn't work and it writes a funny char instead? Sometimes this can be really annoying, specially when u have to chase some1 or u are the one been chased... I guess it should pretty easy to intercept the event of that combination of keys been pressed and change the Walk mode regardless if u are writing something at the moment or not... Or maybe im the only one who find this annoying and u shouldn't listen to me, i dont know.... :P