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Everything posted by VR-six^

  1. VR-six^

    So This Is What Happened...

    Lol i love how i posted this pointless thread and now ive got 45+ replies :lol:
  2. VR-six^

    Pl 180?

    I think PL 180 is a great idea, but now if PL goes to 180, make raid time weekends and 1 other day of the week, that way PL is still a PvP area, instead of people slamming every1 that tries to hunt in ML or just noobs trying to train.
  3. VR-six^

    So This Is What Happened...

    Very much so agree.
  4. VR-six^

    Dk Add-on.

    I like the DK Bow idea but after reading all the comments up there im begining to question it aswell. I think the DK bow is a great idea and all too but, maybe the upgradeable option might be too much aswell. It would maybe be best (like the person above me said), only make it upgradeable to +6 or +7. And i also would like to see statted bow drops. Bows use to be very very usefull for stunning mages. But now with the M.Shield and Tower and those 50dex mages, it doesnt stun anything, barely gets through DKSet.
  5. VR-six^

    Christmas Wish List

    hp91 wings ohyeahuehuehue
  6. VR-six^

    Ancer Sold

    cool congrats
  7. VR-six^

    Christmas Event

    Are you really going to sit home and play HB on Christmas? :glare:
  8. VR-six^

    Dk Add-on.

    I really like this idea. DK Bow would be awesome, ESPECIALLY for hunts! Would be a great advantage to have. And also, you will see a few more people trying to get maj++. Got my vote :rolleyes: *Thumbs Up!*
  9. VR-six^

    Making Maj Tradable

    haha that would be fun.
  10. VR-six^

    Int Or Magic Requirement On Msheild

    Lol how will that fix it? It will start again, taking DK out completely as oppose to Lowering PA on DK is the same but worse. Think before u talk lol.
  11. VR-six^

    Please Fix The Pa On The Dk Set.

    This is the stupidest thing i have ever heard.... 1minute para? Wars complain about too much PA on DK and now not long enough Para?.... Wars with DK set + M.shield + Tower is obserd. With this 1 minute para, Wars live without a scratch, mages are dead no matter what. a 1 minute para or 45second para i could chug like 90 pots. Keep para the same :P 15seconds is enough, all u do is complain want more complain want more. The topic of thise was Fix the Pa on DK set not, Fix the PA on DK set + Ashley complains about para timer.
  12. VR-six^

    Please Fix The Pa On The Dk Set.

    Im mostly on my mage and i agree with the whole PA is overpowered on DK but im not complaining :P I think we should MAKE DK SAME DEFENCE AS KNIGHT ARMORS JUST THE SAME ENDURANCE !!!!! :rolleyes:
  13. VR-six^

    Int Or Magic Requirement On Msheild

    I was thinking about that too. Or just lower the pa on dk set, like every1 keeps saying. if they lower it, we will see this all over again just people saying to raise it back to the way it was :P its a never ending process
  14. VR-six^

    Fast Exp And Perm Raid

    I agree. There are a lot of players out there that just like PL better than being level 180 :P Because I was one of them. PL is for PLRaiders not for level 180's that want the map. PL was made for level 140's so i say we keep it that way. Barracks setup we all know is a little messy, I would also like to see barracks level cap of 120 or 130. And D2 should DEFINATELY add more Cyc pits. There are basically 3 cyc pits in d2. If I was a noob Elvine, and i went to my cyc pit(Elvine Cyc pit) and i saw an ares training there i wouldnt bother him, i would just go to the othere cyc pit(Ares Cyc), and usually there are ares in the ares cyc pit, and a lot of players dont know of the 3rd pit. Puttin more pits in D2 would make more players active in D2 and a lot more pits to check for EK's. Everyone is happy :) Case closed.
  15. VR-six^

    Apocalypse Portal And Dk

    Im mostly on my mage and sure i agree about the whole "overpowered" pa on DK armors, but im not complaining... How about we KEEP DEFENCE ON DK ARMORS SAME AS KNIGHT ARMOR JUST KEEP THE SAME ENDURANCE! ! ! ! ! ! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. VR-six^

    Fast Exp And Perm Raid

    I think that would be great, still 4 raiddays and new ppl can actually get some maj in peace, because i am sure that many new players quit because they just can't get any maj or better drops without getting attacked in 20min. I think barracks did what it had to do, but to bring it back like it once was is probably not wise. Max lvl in barracks should be between 110 and 130, this way pits in pl still have some hope. An mg pit would be fun, but not good for the server and I'm all against that. However, why not 1 more cyc pit in d2? This way more terrain for pvpers to check, and more peace and spreading for ppl who want to train. The Cyc pit is a good idea. I agree. You got my vote :)
  17. VR-six^

    Fast Exp And Perm Raid

    Weekend raid time + Wednesday raid only, thus leaving Monday, Tues, + Thurs open for Hunts. Witch all new players to server love.
  18. VR-six^

    New Monster Idea

    Giant Dummie! ! ! ! I think we should make a new monster a giant dummie. it should have about the same health as a Drag or Wyv but it doesnt really have any magic attacks. it should do the spin attack like ice golem does but not magic damage just physical damage. and it should hit just as hard as a drag. this way it we could have a whole new hunting settup and it should have somewhat higher of a drop rate%. that way wars cant just box it like they do to every other drag because of the spin attack, they would need a mage gh each and every war. this is a good idea because we are going to need a lot more players involved in the hunt just to kill 1. for example settup should be set up like this: PS: DUMMIE HAS TO BE HUGE! Like a dragon. :) . = bowers x = tanker o = mage T = giant dummie . . . . . . ooxTxoo . . . . . .
  19. VR-six^

    New Monster Idea

  20. VR-six^

    New Monster Idea

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:
  21. VR-six^


    yeah this is a good idea and i do hope they look into it. I agree with you, and the Full Hero map would be cool too :)
  22. If Barracks stays level cap of 180, I know a lot of people want to do something with PL. And I know we want more players to join this server so I was thinking maybe open PL up to level 180's but with a whole NEW setup. Maybe create new monsters for it? Like Ice Demons, same look as demons but blue with a ice look to them. And instead of using Mass Fire Strike and Bloody Shockwave, they can have Mass Ice Strike and/or Mass Magic Missle. Like mix and match monsters and spells and give them a new look. BUT KEEP THE CG PIT :lol: Just an idea. There are lots of monsters out there that are begging for pits :)
  23. VR-six^


    Very good idea. I like this too... The only reason why I quest is for crafting when i ABSOLUTELY HAVE too. But with quest likes this, it would be much more fun and interesting. I would quest a lot more. :D I like the idea.
  24. VR-six^

    New Wand/weapon Suggestion

    How about a IE Staff xD It does basically the same thing as IE Sword but with a less crit range because its a staff :P, and make it ms10 and ms20 available(No Extra Damage on Magic Damage!)
  25. VR-six^

    If Barracks Stays Level Cap 180....

    Thats because PL PvP was 140... If PL is 180 its going to be the same thing as ML PvP :P that comment made no sence to me tbh, no offence. its something to bring more players in....